--- 3 more mineshafts and 1.20 Update ---
♦ 1.20 support ♦ Added bamboo mineshaft ♦ Added cherry mineshaft ♦ Added mud mineshaft ♦ Added 'Who built this' advancement (when you find one random mineshaft) ♦ Added 'Mineshafter' (when you find all the 12 types of mineshafts) good luck on this one, you will be rewarded with lots of xp :D ♦ Some mineshaft mobs now use armor trims in them (will add more variations in the future) ♦ Updated some mineshaft pieces in the pool, this is still in development but I decided to give you guys a sneak peak;) ♦ Mineshafts now will spawn deeper, at deepslate levels ♦ Mineshafts will generate a little weird (again) this change is really minimal but it will gain more performance on servers
--- Quality of Changes and Performance --- ♦ Generation is twice faster (i promise) ♦ Added 13 new rooms (farms, music, potions, stews, copper and more) each one with his own unique loot ♦ Powered rails are now activated, makes explore mineshafts more faster and fun. ♦ Added new fun structures like an ascensor, and some hidden rooms, and make generation of this ones more consistent ♦ Mobs now spawn in more strategic places ♦ Mineshafts are more easily to find ♦ Improve the generation of rooms, making exploring more rewarding ♦ Now you can see some pieces of the mineshaft coming to the surface ♦ Biomesoplenty compatibility
--- The "Minecart" Update --- ♦ Fix "Hanging entity at invalid position" line, spamming on logs ♦ Added new paths ♦ Added minecart exploration! these include new loots, some lore, and teach you some sculk mechanics ♦ Added Compatibility with "William Wythers' Overhauled" Worldgen ♦ Improve performance of generation