Version 1.61
- Weaver Temple (Structure that spawns at 0, 1, 0 in the Deep Void. Will spawn even if the world is already generated)
- Mror'dyygothre, The Weaver Of Souls (Boss)
- Blind Prophet
- Sins And Sinners music disc
- Ancient Altar
- The Mask Of The Weaver Of Souls can no longer be crafted
Version 1.61
- Overseeing Titan (Structure)
- Reworked the Grim Scythe
- Grim Scythe is now called Soul Seeker
- Being in light now reduces the Stalker Count by 4 instead of 1, needing to wait 5 seconds instead of 20 seconds
- Killing an entity with the Mask Of The Weaver Of Souls keeps the amount of hearts gained
Version 1.59
- Workshop (structure)
- Void Outpost (structure)
- Mask Of The Weaver Of Souls
- Cinnabar Chain
- Changes to the Cemetary
- Motherly Call now lasts longer and has a bigger range
- Built Overseers that are sitting can now be right clicked with an Eye Of The Deep to keep them in place
- Teleporting in the Deep Void now uses the coordinates of the player
Version 1.58
- Block Of Rotten Bone Pile
- Cult Armor (Low chance from Deepslate Sarcophagi)
- Filled Graveyard
- Cemetary (Structure)
- Motherly Call potion effect
- Mother Call Out keybind (Default X)
- Mother Bone Crawlers will now give speed, strength and regeneration to nearby Bone Crawlers
- Mother Bone Crawlers can now call out to nearby tamed Bone Crawlers
- Players with Voidrium Mark can no longer place blocks