Various changes across updates 4.1.3-4.1.8. Some of the main ones in 4.1.7 include:
- New extremely useful tool, the “Temporal Transmitter” added - enables you to place up to 64 blocks at a time from your offhand, in four different cube/cuboid sizes. First useful item craftable from the Time Prism (future boss will drop this, currently obtainable from shards dropped by the Spider Infestor).
- Added tormentor-tier multi-tool, the “ABYSS ATOMISER”! Capable of mining six blocks at a time in addition to functioning as combined pickaxe, axe, shovel, hoe, shears, and sword (only the mining and slashing abilities of these tools). Plus includes the full mechanics of the Abyssal Pickaxe in how it can switch between fortune and silk touch. When not crouching, you have the fortune enchantment or can mine 2x3 blocks in the direction you’re looking when using the right click ability. Crouch to use silk touch or mine 6x1 blocks when right click ability is active - more useful for chopping down trees or digging out taller spaces.
- Added some more WIP items (placeholders only) that will be extremely powerful.
- Fixed issue where centipede evictor could not spawn from killing 1/5 larvae variant
- Made the crawling portal able to be activated without any abyssal crystal or scorch charges (just right click the middle block) if you have the “crawling-only” arphex mobs limitatation enabled in config settings.
- Significantly reduced the proximity at which the Spider Moth switches from stalking to attacking (if you get too close it attacks). Before it was around 50 blocks, now it is around 30. So you’re significantly more likely to see it stalking you, rather than just attacking immediately. Added a similar change for the Scorpioid Initial stalking mechanism as well.
- Boosted spawn rate of Spider Moth “pure stalking” and “sky stalker” versions by 4X
- Changing the Abyssal Pickaxe mechanics affected the Abyssal Axe. Reverted changes to the Abyssal Axe, now breaks the block above instead of below.
- Changes to the Tormentor Summon - Added individual texture for it, and gave it damage timing and amount immunities. Sends a hotbar message letting you know why you can’t ride it if you try when it’s less than level 10. Removed melee attack immunity, and made damage deal in a custom format. Additionally, it will now try to avoid staying inside a solid wall when not being ridden.
- Boosted movement speed of centipede stalker
ArPhEx 4.1.2 (1.20.1 only, other versions will get these features in the next update)
- Nerfed Tormentor invincibility frames by 50%. Previously had 5 seconds of invincibility after each time it takes damage, now only has 2.5 seconds (50 ticks) of immunity.
- Fixed issue where Tormentor could get stuck at 5% health unless hit with a vengeful voidseeker hit.
- Tormentor summons can now stay around if spawned by players
- Tormentor target tag now removes from entities when the tormentor is not active, and no tormentor summons are nearby
- Abyss ascendant now will no longer use the flight ability if you’re in creative or spectator mode, preventing interference with their flight modes
- Fixed issue with Tormentor scorpioid being immune to all damage
- Improved Spider Infestor self-burying mechanics and animation, along with fixing some bugs In its ambush sequence.
- The TORMENTOR can now rarely summon Tormented Steve mobs when tormenting players, if ZoNiEx is installed.
- Ant arsonist workers no longer take suffocation damage, so when they’re building and mining things it will be more seamless.
- Fixed crash issue with Draconic Shadow Clone
ArPhEx 4.1
- New miniboss added! The “Spider Infestor”, a monstrous entity based on the real life six eyed sand spider. This miniboss spawns in the Crawling dimension’s Decadent Desert biome, burrowing under the sand in wait of prey to walk too close. Then it springs out and deals brutal damage, with strength beyond that of any other spider in the mod. Drops “Time Prism Shards”, items that will be used in future with one of the upcoming v5.0 post-voidlasher bosses. Additionally comes with an extra slam attack that it uses when low on health. With this attack, it glows purple and jumps into the air on hit, slamming down onto the ground and creating an explosion if mob griefing is enabled.
- Crawling design revamped - now consists primarily of a new block, “crawling compost” (drops edible poisonous chunks, chance to spawn mobs when block broken), and biomes now have their own specific colours! ArPhEx mobs can no longer spawn on crawling barrier blocks, so won’t pile up on those instead of spawning on the real terrain. Webbed wasteland has more airborne webs and decadent deserts have flatter terrain. Bosses now spawn correctly on the lowest layer, making it extremely dangerous (especially given that mobs are amped in the lower crawling layers).
- Added four additional config settings - one to limit the tormentor’s max health to any specific lower value, one to control the tormentor’s damage immunity time, one to allow the random spawn system to work in any dimension, and even one to toggle whether arphex structures generate!
- Added new Armour of Vitality (Vitality Armour). Serves as a “glass cannon” set with low defense/durability and high regenerative abilities, similar to the spectral set but with a different balancing. Helmet provides blindness and nausea immunity, chestplate provides absorption, leggings provide necrosis immunity and regeneration, and boots provide a significant speed boost. Pieces created through smithing gold armour with mantle of vitality items.
- Fixed an issue with the Spider Moth Summon that could lock players out of a server when riding it. This came at the cost of removing the ability triggered with CMD/CTRL. Instead, it now emits particles whenever it has an attack target and gives wither effects on hit instead of when using a special ability.
- Decreased decadent desert generation range, as it was more prevalent than other biomes
- Bosses and their stalking/hallucination variants should now correctly spawn frequently in the bottom crawling layer when a player is down there. Plus added a chance to occasionally show a Tormentor flash popup whenever you’re down there. Extra tension!
- Increased amount of ore generation massively in the crawling
- Added advancements for getting the mantle of vitality and vitality viewfinder
- Improved mantis design by making the wings transparent for all texture variants
- Tormentor pet will no longer be so overly fast, and will not attack entities just for attacking its owner, only attacking entities that the owner attacks (since its so powerful, it might have instantly eviscerated mobs that you want to keep alive despite attacking you). The pet now fully works as intended, staying nearby at a comfortable range.
- If you use the ethereal staff’s teleportation ability to go back to a previous location and you changed dimension since marking that location, you’ll now go back to the previous dimension!
- Scorpioid Bloodluster will now attack blood eagles from my other mod ZoNiEx if installed - wants their blood!
- Fixed issue where the Draconic Voidlasher would sometimes randomly despawn
ArPhEx is now available for Minecraft 1.21.1 Neoforge! Five simultaneous versions!****
4.0.2 changes: Fixed issue where Tormentor would take damage in a wall and ethereal staff would not work. Non-sourced damage immunities readded
4.0.1 changes: Fixed issue where abyssal blade blocking made you invincible from all angles Improved tormentor summon movement Nerfed tormented scorpioid attack damage Summoner items now show health more slowly so it doesn’t cover “let it heal more first before you can spawn” messages
At long last, the ultimate update arrives! All feedback appreciated on the countless new mechanics. I will get to work on updating the wiki and project page, but this may take some time given the update scale.
Enormous changelog:
ArPhEx 4.0
Warning: This update will break existing Crawling Container pockets, because I raised the world height of The Crawling and had to make the pocket dimensions higher along with this. I recommend using structure blocks if you want to preserve a previous pocket room! One more note is that this update does not add any sounds yet. A major sound update is planned for ArPhEx at some point, which will flesh out new sounds for the Tormentor and many other things.
- THE TORMENTOR BOSS. A true eldritch monstrosity, making arphex possibly the first Minecraft horror mod to add a convincing eldritch monster. Potentially the largest, most intimidating entity ever added to any Minecraft mod. Plus an insanely challenging and long boss fight, more akin to an infection mod. This boss is the size of an entire biome, and can follow you across unlimited distances and between dimensions. It has many advanced mechanics, including: force chunkloading around itself, massive particle clouds around it visible for long distances (even if entity is not loaded), hitbox indicator particles, respawning ability if lost, map-wide limit of one spawning at a time unless player-spawned, forced damage cap of up to a billion damage. Ability to torment nearby non-targeted players with plagues and enter full attack mode towards any entities that hit it recently and have not died within the last minute. When in attack mode, it has immensely dangerous and destructive powers. It can fire highly explosive blasts, meteor showers, summon stronger versions of other bosses, throw enormous sun-like spheres at you, deal 10,000 attack damage in close proximity, fire blasts that float midair, then lunge towards you, summon caterpillar-like entities that spiral around it and attack in proximity, summon tormentor larvae, and much more, increasing in intensity as its health lowers and cycling between attack phases. Summoned on the bottom layer of The Crawling by throwing an Abyssal Crystal into a well leading straight down into the void (10 minute intense countdown to spawn, the well becomes inactive afterwards, limiting to only one Tormentor summon per well). Moreover, it has mechanics specifically designed to ensure that the boss will remain challenging, even if you have extremely powerful weapons to use against it. It should remain a skill-based challenge, requiring the strongest gear to survive. If you can’t kill the Tormentor, you can seal it by finding an overworld Crawling portal and throwing a Bane of the Darkness into it. The tormentor’s main follow target must be present for this to work (can switch if they die or leave the game). Finally, note that the Tormentor can spawn naturally in an inert state after killing the three original bosses. If you look straight at one, it will trigger and summon the full tormentor version!
- THE CRAWLING DIMENSION. Nature at its most brutal and apathetic. A dimension of pure survival of the fittest, where arthropods are locked in an eternal war of evolution and lands are ravaged. Despite this, the design has a mixture of beauty and horror, with fully custom world generation, features, structures, mobs, and biomes. The dimension is separated into five layers. Layer 1: 230-256 (36), Layer 2: 120-230 (110), Layer 3: 60-120 (60), and Layer 4: 0-60 (60). All arthropod-type mobs get increasing strength effects in the crawling, especially at lower layers, plus stronger mob types become more prevalent with lower layers. Generated features also vary between layers, adding variety to the terrain, with darker lower levels.
- Access the Crawling by finding a giant underground castle structure in the overworld, spawning in any biomes. Inside this structure there is a hollow sphere. Inside the hollow sphere, there are four pillars. Lighting each on fire with scorch charges and right clicking the central “crawling barrier” block with an Abyssal Crystal activates the portal without consuming the item. Leaving the Crawling is different. You can find portals scattered on the top layer. Some point to the overworld, some point to the nether, and some point to the end (indicated by stone/netherrack/endstone blocks. Therefore, entering the Crawling is dangerous in this way too, even leaving can be a challenge. You can locate the overworld castle structure with the new "Crawling Compass" craftable item, and this item also enables you to find dungeons that bypass crawling layer barriers!
- Added FIVE biomes for the Crawling! Crawling Canopy (a beautiful biome with lush foliage hanging from the ceiling, along with decorations like brambles and large bushes - All manner of arthropods spawn there). Decadent Desert (biome focuses on scorpions and solifuges, with flatter grounds and small floating islands scattered about). Tormented Tunnels (a tighter, darker biome with many additional dangers to watch for, yet valuable rewards to be found in the form of precious ores (including the new “Exquisite Ore”). Webbed Wasteland (a biome filled to the brim with cobwebs and spiders, very difficult to traverse without flight). And finally, Cryptic Complex (the most mysterious biome, appearing to have constructed monuments and buildings or generators for unknown purposes. Three major dungeons also exist for bypassing layers of the crawling, featuring tons of brutal enemies and mechanics to prevent easily bypassing layers.
- The new dungeons have special loot tables of various tiers containing arphex items, including some special new items only obtainable through dungeon chests, like the "Prowler Parachute" (item giving slow falling when held and upwards boosts on right click).
- Added brand new blocks for The Crawling: Crawling Clay (decoration block), Decadent Dust (dark sand block for the Decadent Desert biome), Exquisite Ore (rainbow ore found rarely in the Tormented Tunnels, drops Abyssal, Fire Opal, or Void Geode shards), and finally, improved Crawling Barrier blocks that segment off the layers from each other and deal heavy armour-piercing damage on contact (to non-arthropods).
- Mantis Mutilator mobs! A new regular mob, and the first Crawling-Exclusive mob! These large, strong mantises can stalk their prey (small flying mobs and players), always preferring to attack from behind. They will happily attack you too if you look away, dealing devastating damage with their surprise attacks (attacks are stronger if their target is looking away). 1 in 5 will be a special Orchid variant (idea credit to Neery), or stick mantis variant (idea credit to Electro) for even more stealthiness. Tameable with iridescent scarabs and rideable! Drops a "mantis machete" on death, a melee weapon dealing heavy armour-piercing damage if the attack lands on an enemy from behind.
- Three new entities based on existing bosses, but stronger and specifically designed to complement the Tormentor as its summoning minions (occasionally summons them upon taking damage). Tormented Spider Moth lunges at you repeatedly, charging in a straight line and changing direction only once every few seconds (devastating damage if it grabs you). Tormented Scorpioid Bloodluster attempts to attack you and steal health in doing so, then runs over to the Tormentor to give it health (also sometimes activating a forcefield during combat). And finally, the Tormented Draconic Voidlasher alternates between two attack phases, one where it fires continuous supercharged void spears at you, and the other where it spawns orbs that start following you rapidly after a few moments. Without an Abyss Ascendant, Vortex Devastator, or other powerful tool, you won’t be able to escape these attacks. These bosses can also fly straight through walls like the Tormentor, and their attacks have no limit to their damage depending on the target’s health.
- Added various new Tormentor-exclusive particles for smoke variants and the core of eternal suffering.
- The most powerful material items now have flashing animations.
- Added configuration spawning setting to be able to limit all mob spawns to the Crawling if desired. Accessing the Crawling will be very difficult this way, however.
- The Abyss Ascendant is finally now obtainable in the way I wanted. Crafted from an umbral ingot surrounded by two abyssal blades, two ascendant staffs, and four scorch charges. Thereby, you can craft it purely from materials dropped by the first three bosses and regular early-game mobs. It is the strongest pre-crawling item, but now has a new system where it will not activate fully until you defeat a Tormentor, except for when a Tormentor is in close proximity. When it is not fully active, its name changes and it will not have full flight abilities or ability to freeze nearby mobs in place. However, it is still extremely strong with 30 attack damage, very long-range attacks, damage blocking, and hovering/rapid movement powers. It is the best weapon for fighting the Tormentor, though more comparable pre-tormentor weapons are planned.
- Added “Ascended Cube” ultimate item crafted from four cores of eternal suffering. This block provides the player who placed it with resistance 2 in a wide range. It also completely repels the tormentor and its summons/projectiles in a wide area, and resists being broken by players who are not its “owner”, giving them mining fatigue 2 to slow them down. Deals heavy damage on contact.
- Tormentor is available in a small summon (pet) version that gets bigger and stronger the more times you kill the main Tormentor. Scales all the way to 200 Tormentor kills. At this point, it would be able to 2-shot regular bosses. Item crafts from Tormentor drops: A core of eternal suffering and eight hedonic gems (crafted from another single core of suffering). Summon is also rideable if you have 10+ Tormentor kills and can fly straight through walls (suffocation immunity while riding). You can change your registered amount of tormentor kills with cheats by crouching and right clicking a tormentor summon while you have a “debug effect” potion (/effect give @p arphex:debug_effect) - while you have that effect, extra information is displayed about the Tormentor mechanism while active, for error debugging purposes.
- Crawling Container now only cools down momentarily if you’re using it in creative or spectator mode.
- The effect given by Vortex Devastator and Voidlasher homing projectiles now gives more vortex-like particles. Plus increased the length of effect given by the Vortex Devastator. Also buffed Vortex Devastator damage massively - approximately double!
- Brand new “Chitin armour” has three tiers of power, serving as an alternative to the other sets that can be accessed in the earlier game. Its special abilities include: Showing particle lines that only you can see, directing to all nearby mobs and indicating whether they are friendly or hostile (when crouching) with higher radius based on tier. Resistance and strength effects given to all nearby tamed mobs (higher for higher tier sets). Immunity to webbed effects. A double jump ability improving with tier. And set bonus of flat 10. 20. or 40% damage reduction from behind depending on tier.
- Added an early/mid-game bow item: Black Widow Bow - alternative to the regular bow, but not needing enchantments to reach a high level of power. Unlimited ammunition and durability, plus deals necrosis, fire, and webbed effects on arrow hit.
- Spider larvae size+hitbox increased, and face grab damage slowed to account for modpacks that may remove the damage speed limit.
- Tiny spider larvae no longer spawn with regular ones, so now only come from Spider Broods.
- Significantly improved the designs of all armour types.
- The Core of Eternal Suffering dropped by the Tormentor boss can now craft into eight “Hedonic Gem” items, used for crafting eternal armour. After killing a tormentor, the core item emits particles and lets you know it is nearby.
- Buffed arthropod antenna range
- Force gauntlet left click ability now deals strong damage.
- All spider mobs are now fully immune to cobwebs.
- Buffed Vitality Viewfinder to add a “lens mode” where it works without being held directly. Toggled on left click.
- Spider larvae, long legs, and tiny variants now have less forward movement when midair
- Nerfed Spider Flat attack damage by more than half
- Increased random spawn system rates significantly.
- Vengeful Voidseeker zoom now works any time you sneak, not just when cooling down, and fixed an issue where it had to be used in lock on mode before being able to be used in manual-control mode. Also increased its range and speed/damage.
- Termite Tunneler queen now drops a new item on death, the "Tectonic Tunneler". This pickaxe can break two blocks at a time like the Abyssal Pickaxe, enabling fast tunnelling. It is also now required in crafting the Abyssal Pickaxe, instead of a netherite pickaxe.
- Ethereal staff now gives true suffocation damage immunity when in a wall.
- Decreased issue where Scorpioids and Reapers sometimes spawn with their second-stage textures.
- Upgraded void protection effect to work if death wasn’t caused by an entity
- Buffed umbral armour to have the same protection as infernal
- Improved butterfly flight animation cutoff, improved flaws in model, and made it so that sneaking up to them doesn’t make them fly off immediately.
- Buffed arthropod antenna range
- Fixed many server/client animation sync issues, including a very long-standing one where the Spider Moth would look the wrong way when flying sometimes
- Umbral armour set bonus (shared by Eternal) no longer shows the circling purple orb unless you are actively being targeted for attack. It already only damaged mobs that were attacking.
- Crab Constrictor can no longer hit downwards, should prevent it from destroying you through the ground
- ArPhEx armours are now truly unbreakable, rather than just resetting durability to 0.
- Fixed issue where crab larvae could float in the air while grabbing
- Renamed Chaos Targeted to Chao Lock to differentiate.
- Made centipede evictor larvae bigger
- Fixed potential crash on spider moth kill if no player is nearby
- Major performance improvements, tons of redundant or slow older code removed
- Many bugfixes and some potential crash fixes
- New improved logo based on the Tormentor
- Many new advancements added
- Much more that I never got round to adding to the changelog
At long last, the ultimate update arrives! All feedback appreciated on the countless new mechanics. I will get to work on updating the wiki and project page, but this may take some time given the update scale.
Enormous changelog:
ArPhEx 4.0
Warning: This update will break existing Crawling Container pockets, because I raised the world height of The Crawling and had to make the pocket dimensions higher along with this. I recommend using structure blocks if you want to preserve a previous pocket room! One more note is that this update does not add any sounds yet. A major sound update is planned for ArPhEx at some point, which will flesh out new sounds for the Tormentor and many other things.
- THE TORMENTOR BOSS. A true eldritch monstrosity, making arphex possibly the first Minecraft horror mod to add a convincing eldritch monster. Potentially the largest, most intimidating entity ever added to any Minecraft mod. Plus an insanely challenging and long boss fight, more akin to an infection mod. This boss is the size of an entire biome, and can follow you across unlimited distances and between dimensions. It has many advanced mechanics, including: force chunkloading around itself, massive particle clouds around it visible for long distances (even if entity is not loaded), hitbox indicator particles, respawning ability if lost, map-wide limit of one spawning at a time unless player-spawned, forced damage cap of up to a billion damage. Ability to torment nearby non-targeted players with plagues and enter full attack mode towards any entities that hit it recently and have not died within the last minute. When in attack mode, it has immensely dangerous and destructive powers. It can fire highly explosive blasts, meteor showers, summon stronger versions of other bosses, throw enormous sun-like spheres at you, deal 10,000 attack damage in close proximity, fire blasts that float midair, then lunge towards you, summon caterpillar-like entities that spiral around it and attack in proximity, summon tormentor larvae, and much more, increasing in intensity as its health lowers and cycling between attack phases. Summoned on the bottom layer of The Crawling by throwing an Abyssal Crystal into a well leading straight down into the void (10 minute intense countdown to spawn, the well becomes inactive afterwards, limiting to only one Tormentor summon per well). Moreover, it has mechanics specifically designed to ensure that the boss will remain challenging, even if you have extremely powerful weapons to use against it. It should remain a skill-based challenge, requiring the strongest gear to survive. If you can’t kill the Tormentor, you can seal it by finding an overworld Crawling portal and throwing a Bane of the Darkness into it. The tormentor’s main follow target must be present for this to work (can switch if they die or leave the game). Finally, note that the Tormentor can spawn naturally in an inert state after killing the three original bosses. If you look straight at one, it will trigger and summon the full tormentor version!
- THE CRAWLING DIMENSION. Nature at its most brutal and apathetic. A dimension of pure survival of the fittest, where arthropods are locked in an eternal war of evolution and lands are ravaged. Despite this, the design has a mixture of beauty and horror, with fully custom world generation, features, structures, mobs, and biomes. The dimension is separated into five layers. Layer 1: 230-256 (36), Layer 2: 120-230 (110), Layer 3: 60-120 (60), and Layer 4: 0-60 (60). All arthropod-type mobs get increasing strength effects in the crawling, especially at lower layers, plus stronger mob types become more prevalent with lower layers. Generated features also vary between layers, adding variety to the terrain, with darker lower levels.
- Access the Crawling by finding a giant underground castle structure in the overworld, spawning in any biomes. Inside this structure there is a hollow sphere. Inside the hollow sphere, there are four pillars. Lighting each on fire with scorch charges and right clicking the central “crawling barrier” block with an Abyssal Crystal activates the portal without consuming the item. Leaving the Crawling is different. You can find portals scattered on the top layer. Some point to the overworld, some point to the nether, and some point to the end (indicated by stone/netherrack/endstone blocks. Therefore, entering the Crawling is dangerous in this way too, even leaving can be a challenge. You can locate the overworld castle structure with the new "Crawling Compass" craftable item, and this item also enables you to find dungeons that bypass crawling layer barriers!
- Added FIVE biomes for the Crawling! Crawling Canopy (a beautiful biome with lush foliage hanging from the ceiling, along with decorations like brambles and large bushes - All manner of arthropods spawn there). Decadent Desert (biome focuses on scorpions and solifuges, with flatter grounds and small floating islands scattered about). Tormented Tunnels (a tighter, darker biome with many additional dangers to watch for, yet valuable rewards to be found in the form of precious ores (including the new “Exquisite Ore”). Webbed Wasteland (a biome filled to the brim with cobwebs and spiders, very difficult to traverse without flight). And finally, Cryptic Complex (the most mysterious biome, appearing to have constructed monuments and buildings or generators for unknown purposes. Three major dungeons also exist for bypassing layers of the crawling, featuring tons of brutal enemies and mechanics to prevent easily bypassing layers.
- The new dungeons have special loot tables of various tiers containing arphex items, including some special new items only obtainable through dungeon chests, like the "Prowler Parachute" (item giving slow falling when held and upwards boosts on right click).
- Added brand new blocks for The Crawling: Crawling Clay (decoration block), Decadent Dust (dark sand block for the Decadent Desert biome), Exquisite Ore (rainbow ore found rarely in the Tormented Tunnels, drops Abyssal, Fire Opal, or Void Geode shards), and finally, improved Crawling Barrier blocks that segment off the layers from each other and deal heavy armour-piercing damage on contact (to non-arthropods).
- Mantis Mutilator mobs! A new regular mob, and the first Crawling-Exclusive mob! These large, strong mantises can stalk their prey (small flying mobs and players), always preferring to attack from behind. They will happily attack you too if you look away, dealing devastating damage with their surprise attacks (attacks are stronger if their target is looking away). 1 in 5 will be a special Orchid variant (idea credit to Neery), or stick mantis variant (idea credit to Electro) for even more stealthiness. Tameable with iridescent scarabs and rideable! Drops a "mantis machete" on death, a melee weapon dealing heavy armour-piercing damage if the attack lands on an enemy from behind.
- Three new entities based on existing bosses, but stronger and specifically designed to complement the Tormentor as its summoning minions (occasionally summons them upon taking damage). Tormented Spider Moth lunges at you repeatedly, charging in a straight line and changing direction only once every few seconds (devastating damage if it grabs you). Tormented Scorpioid Bloodluster attempts to attack you and steal health in doing so, then runs over to the Tormentor to give it health (also sometimes activating a forcefield during combat). And finally, the Tormented Draconic Voidlasher alternates between two attack phases, one where it fires continuous supercharged void spears at you, and the other where it spawns orbs that start following you rapidly after a few moments. Without an Abyss Ascendant, Vortex Devastator, or other powerful tool, you won’t be able to escape these attacks. These bosses can also fly straight through walls like the Tormentor, and their attacks have no limit to their damage depending on the target’s health.
- Added various new Tormentor-exclusive particles for smoke variants and the core of eternal suffering.
- The most powerful material items now have flashing animations.
- Added configuration spawning setting to be able to limit all mob spawns to the Crawling if desired. Accessing the Crawling will be very difficult this way, however.
- The Abyss Ascendant is finally now obtainable in the way I wanted. Crafted from an umbral ingot surrounded by two abyssal blades, two ascendant staffs, and four scorch charges. Thereby, you can craft it purely from materials dropped by the first three bosses and regular early-game mobs. It is the strongest pre-crawling item, but now has a new system where it will not activate fully until you defeat a Tormentor, except for when a Tormentor is in close proximity. When it is not fully active, its name changes and it will not have full flight abilities or ability to freeze nearby mobs in place. However, it is still extremely strong with 30 attack damage, very long-range attacks, damage blocking, and hovering/rapid movement powers. It is the best weapon for fighting the Tormentor, though more comparable pre-tormentor weapons are planned.
- Added “Ascended Cube” ultimate item crafted from four cores of eternal suffering. This block provides the player who placed it with resistance 2 in a wide range. It also completely repels the tormentor and its summons/projectiles in a wide area, and resists being broken by players who are not its “owner”, giving them mining fatigue 2 to slow them down. Deals heavy damage on contact.
- Tormentor is available in a small summon (pet) version that gets bigger and stronger the more times you kill the main Tormentor. Scales all the way to 200 Tormentor kills. At this point, it would be able to 2-shot regular bosses. Item crafts from Tormentor drops: A core of eternal suffering and eight hedonic gems (crafted from another single core of suffering). Summon is also rideable if you have 10+ Tormentor kills and can fly straight through walls (suffocation immunity while riding). You can change your registered amount of tormentor kills with cheats by crouching and right clicking a tormentor summon while you have a “debug effect” potion (/effect give @p arphex:debug_effect) - while you have that effect, extra information is displayed about the Tormentor mechanism while active, for error debugging purposes.
- Crawling Container now only cools down momentarily if you’re using it in creative or spectator mode.
- The effect given by Vortex Devastator and Voidlasher homing projectiles now gives more vortex-like particles. Plus increased the length of effect given by the Vortex Devastator. Also buffed Vortex Devastator damage massively - approximately double!
- Brand new “Chitin armour” has three tiers of power, serving as an alternative to the other sets that can be accessed in the earlier game. Its special abilities include: Showing particle lines that only you can see, directing to all nearby mobs and indicating whether they are friendly or hostile (when crouching) with higher radius based on tier. Resistance and strength effects given to all nearby tamed mobs (higher for higher tier sets). Immunity to webbed effects. A double jump ability improving with tier. And set bonus of flat 10. 20. or 40% damage reduction from behind depending on tier.
- Added an early/mid-game bow item: Black Widow Bow - alternative to the regular bow, but not needing enchantments to reach a high level of power. Unlimited ammunition and durability, plus deals necrosis, fire, and webbed effects on arrow hit.
- Spider larvae size+hitbox increased, and face grab damage slowed to account for modpacks that may remove the damage speed limit.
- Tiny spider larvae no longer spawn with regular ones, so now only come from Spider Broods.
- Significantly improved the designs of all armour types.
- The Core of Eternal Suffering dropped by the Tormentor boss can now craft into eight “Hedonic Gem” items, used for crafting eternal armour. After killing a tormentor, the core item emits particles and lets you know it is nearby.
- Buffed arthropod antenna range
- Force gauntlet left click ability now deals strong damage.
- All spider mobs are now fully immune to cobwebs.
- Buffed Vitality Viewfinder to add a “lens mode” where it works without being held directly. Toggled on left click.
- Spider larvae, long legs, and tiny variants now have less forward movement when midair
- Nerfed Spider Flat attack damage by more than half
- Increased random spawn system rates significantly.
- Vengeful Voidseeker zoom now works any time you sneak, not just when cooling down, and fixed an issue where it had to be used in lock on mode before being able to be used in manual-control mode. Also increased its range and speed/damage.
- Termite Tunneler queen now drops a new item on death, the "Tectonic Tunneler". This pickaxe can break two blocks at a time like the Abyssal Pickaxe, enabling fast tunnelling. It is also now required in crafting the Abyssal Pickaxe, instead of a netherite pickaxe.
- Ethereal staff now gives true suffocation damage immunity when in a wall.
- Decreased issue where Scorpioids and Reapers sometimes spawn with their second-stage textures.
- Upgraded void protection effect to work if death wasn’t caused by an entity
- Buffed umbral armour to have the same protection as infernal
- Improved butterfly flight animation cutoff, improved flaws in model, and made it so that sneaking up to them doesn’t make them fly off immediately.
- Buffed arthropod antenna range
- Fixed many server/client animation sync issues, including a very long-standing one where the Spider Moth would look the wrong way when flying sometimes
- Umbral armour set bonus (shared by Eternal) no longer shows the circling purple orb unless you are actively being targeted for attack. It already only damaged mobs that were attacking.
- Crab Constrictor can no longer hit downwards, should prevent it from destroying you through the ground
- ArPhEx armours are now truly unbreakable, rather than just resetting durability to 0.
- Fixed issue where crab larvae could float in the air while grabbing
- Renamed Chaos Targeted to Chao Lock to differentiate.
- Made centipede evictor larvae bigger
- Fixed potential crash on spider moth kill if no player is nearby
- Major performance improvements, tons of redundant or slow older code removed
- Many bugfixes and some potential crash fixes
- New improved logo based on the Tormentor
- Many new advancements added
- Much more that I never got round to adding to the changelog
ArPhEx 3.2.4
- Added brand new WIP endgame item that gives you your own pocket dimension! (A room above the crawling ceiling). Fully working and includes invite functions to bring mobs or players to your pocket dimension. See item description for more details. Another crazy item that will be accessible after warding or killing the Tormentor.
- Major upgrade to the Abyssal Dagger. New custom model and special right click ability where each time you hit an enemy while it is cooling down, you get more and more speed boost and strength. Cools down for shorter periods each time you level up in speed, making it harder to maintain and creating a combo effect!
- Hornets and dragonflies nerfed (shorter wither effect for hornets, less damage for dragonflies). Also reduced dragonfly spawn biomes to just jungles and rivers.
- Added epic value to fire opal shard.
- Fixed Silk Slinger name from old one, “Sling Web”. New mod coming very soon (happy halloween): Progressive Mob Wave Activations!
b version fixes another potential crash with ant soldiers.
ArPhEx 3.2.3
- Added another ability for ant workers. In addition to planting seeds on farmland, they can now toggle to other kinds of plants for placing on farmland, including tree saplings. Thereby, you can now get closer to fully automatic tree farms where they break trees and place saplings. To make them switch from seeds to saplings, simply right click the queen with any kind of vanilla sapling or seed you want the worker ants to use on farmland. Or right click the queen with a stick to disable farmland planting mode.
- Added lifesteal as an extra bonus ability of the Abyssal Axe critical hit power
- Added ProjectE mod support - all non-vanilla arphex materials now automatically add EMC values (requires reloading world to fully apply).
- Added an expensive recipe using only vanilla items for the crawling compass item. It will serve in future as a new way to find the crawling dimension portal, even if you don’t have ArPhEx mobs enabled anywhere else - new upcoming option for people who want ArPhEx to be limited to the Crawling only. No point in crafting it yet, it only points to the nearest jungle temple. It will be cheaper to craft from ArPhEx mob drops.
- Fixed major particle issue where using the Abyssal Blade, Abyss Ascendant, Umbral Armour, or Eternal Armour would cause every player on the server to get the circling particle effects. No one has ever mentioned it, surprisingly
- Added uncrafting recipes to abyssal crystal, fire opal, and void geode blocks
- Added placeholder EXTREMELY expensive recipe for the Core of Eternal Suffering, requiring three blocks of Abyssal Crystal, three blocks of Fire Opal, and three blocks of Void Geode. Technically, this means the Spider Moth Summon and Abyss Ascendant are now obtainable legitimately. I will retain this recipe for people who don’t want to enable bosses in config, so they will have a way to get post-tormentor items.
- Ants with resistance effects will now spawn tiny white particles, like glints to let you know they’re upgraded
- Spider Moth hasn’t been performing the “grow attack” for many updates. Fixed in this update, now it has the ability again to grow massive and become more powerful and immune to damage. Also made it more likely to disable the hovering mode if attacked during it.
- Added messages notifying players if their ant queen has been killed, or if they just killed another player’s ant queen (destroying the colony).
- Fixed rare Spider Moth Larvae crash issue.
- Reduced speed of Bloodluster forcefield particle generation for enhanced performance
- Ant workers and soldiers can now eat melons as well as regular apples
- Increased effect range of Abyssal Crystal Block from 20 blocks to 30.
- Removed hornet spawns in the nether (too dangerous with lava)
- Fixed centipede stalker and millipede marauder sometimes wandering without walking animations, now slightly faster so it triggers
- Added safeguards against random Scorpioid Bloodluster despawning
- Fixed issue where the Spider Prowler and Reaper mobs would swing back and forwards while hanging on a 1 block thick ceiling. Also improved the hitbox of the Reaper when on the ceiling.
- Increased Beetle Bulwark spawn weight from 6 to 8
- Halved hornet, butterfly bewitcher, and tiny ant arsonist spawn rates
- Added further safeguards against the voidlasher knocking items away (including its drop)
- Further bugfixes
ArPhEx 3.2.3
- Added another ability for ant workers. In addition to planting seeds on farmland, they can now toggle to other kinds of plants for placing on farmland, including tree saplings. Thereby, you can now get closer to fully automatic tree farms where they break trees and place saplings. To make them switch from seeds to saplings, simply right click the queen with any kind of vanilla sapling or seed you want the worker ants to use on farmland. Or right click the queen with a stick to disable farmland planting mode.
- Added lifesteal as an extra bonus ability of the Abyssal Axe critical hit power
- Added ProjectE mod support - all non-vanilla arphex materials now automatically add EMC values (requires reloading world to fully apply).
- Added an expensive recipe using only vanilla items for the crawling compass item. It will serve in future as a new way to find the crawling dimension portal, even if you don’t have ArPhEx mobs enabled anywhere else - new upcoming option for people who want ArPhEx to be limited to the Crawling only. No point in crafting it yet, it only points to the nearest jungle temple. It will be cheaper to craft from ArPhEx mob drops.
- Fixed major particle issue where using the Abyssal Blade, Abyss Ascendant, Umbral Armour, or Eternal Armour would cause every player on the server to get the circling particle effects. No one has ever mentioned it, surprisingly
- Added uncrafting recipes to abyssal crystal, fire opal, and void geode blocks
- Added placeholder EXTREMELY expensive recipe for the Core of Eternal Suffering, requiring three blocks of Abyssal Crystal, three blocks of Fire Opal, and three blocks of Void Geode. Technically, this means the Spider Moth Summon and Abyss Ascendant are now obtainable legitimately. I will retain this recipe for people who don’t want to enable bosses in config, so they will have a way to get post-tormentor items.
- Ants with resistance effects will now spawn tiny white particles, like glints to let you know they’re upgraded
- Spider Moth hasn’t been performing the “grow attack” for many updates. Fixed in this update, now it has the ability again to grow massive and become more powerful and immune to damage. Also made it more likely to disable the hovering mode if attacked during it.
- Added messages notifying players if their ant queen has been killed, or if they just killed another player’s ant queen (destroying the colony).
- Fixed rare Spider Moth Larvae crash issue.
- Reduced speed of Bloodluster forcefield particle generation for enhanced performance
- Ant workers and soldiers can now eat melons as well as regular apples
- Increased effect range of Abyssal Crystal Block from 20 blocks to 30.
- Removed hornet spawns in the nether (too dangerous with lava)
- Fixed centipede stalker and millipede marauder sometimes wandering without walking animations, now slightly faster so it triggers
- Added safeguards against random Scorpioid Bloodluster despawning
- Fixed issue where the Spider Prowler and Reaper mobs would swing back and forwards while hanging on a 1 block thick ceiling. Also improved the hitbox of the Reaper when on the ceiling.
- Increased Beetle Bulwark spawn weight from 6 to 8
- Halved hornet, butterfly bewitcher, and tiny ant arsonist spawn rates
- Added further safeguards against the voidlasher knocking items away (including its drop)
- Further bugfixes
Version 3.2.1 fixes
Fixed issues with tamed Termite King where it would be unable to switch following mode, and where it could rarely cause crashes when attacking entities. Also gave it passive regeneration. Fixed potential division by zero error with termite workers. Fixed potential tick crash with Ant Soldiers Decreased millipede rarity. Added climbing animation for termite workers. In addition to the major 3.2 update released the other day:
ArPhEx version 3.2
The colony update!
- Tameable ant colonies and antagonistic termite colonies added! Extremely intricate, intuitive, and fun mechanics - ants can mine, build, and defend for you. FOUR new variants: Worker ants, soldier ants, drone ants, and alate ants that turn into queens - all included.
- Huge Termite Tunneler mounds now generate naturally in taigas, old growth pine taigas, and savannas. They contain FIVE new termite mob variants: Worker termites, soldier termites, alate termites, king termites, and a queen termite. Killing the queen spawns an egg that will tame to the nearest player and turns into a king termite a minute later. Strongest pet so far, miniboss tier with 250HP. Moreover, it can toggle between following or not, and is rideable.
- Upgraded crusher claw to be able to execute strong sweep attacks dealing AoE damage, like swords.
- Massively improved anthill generation.
- Holding powerful mineral items in either hand will consistently give the strength effect now.
- Anthills now generate instantly and avoid creating large blocks of dirt for the tunnels underneath. The tunnels will go through whatever kind of blocks are beneath.
- Fixed an issue where picking up pets could remove stacks of spider jars. It will only remove one now.
- Improvements to WIP items: Abyss Ascendant now no longer gives swirling particles every time you get the slow falling effect while it is in your inventory. Now only if provided by the tool directly. Eternal Armour (WIP) now has a custom model (subject to change) and additional powers to block all attacks that deal 2.5 hearts or less in damage. New “Eternal Evasion” effect added as a set bonus for eternal armour. While you have eternal evasion, you will be able to dodge attacks, like Ultra Instinct, by crouching briefly before the attack hits (rechargeable).
- Fixed an issue that could cause the Voidlasher to rarely destroy items.
- Fixed an issue where tamed tarantulas would look repeatedly to the side if they had an attack target while you hold the jump key.
- Improved performance for nearly all arphex mobs.
- Modified Ethereal Staff to be unable to teleport mobs and players into blocks (unless the hitbox of the teleported entity is bigger than 1x2x1).
- Small butterfly bewitchers now fly away if a player gets close.Additionally, the wall-walking is much better now, actually disabling physics for a short period..
- Added a one-time warning upon attacking a stronger centipede larvae. Hints that killing it may spawn the miniboss.
- Teleport ghosts and Scorpioid bloodlusters should no longer make damage hit sounds when passing through walls.inside walls.lRemoved
- Modified infernal armour (boots) to now give slow falling when you crouch, instead of when you sprint.
- Found a fix for a long-standing issue where the spider moth would sometimes look the wrong way while flying.
- Fixed another long-standing issue with teleporter ghosts getting hurt repeatedly while going through walls.
- Improved creative tab ordering.
Full guide to ant and termite colonies!:
Ants should be seen as replaceable, not as accumulating pets. If you have more than 20 ants in your colony, the furthest loaded one will despawn until you have 20. This number is fully configurable, including to zero as a means of disabling tamed colony mechanics if desired.
Naturally generated anthills (generating in non-snowy taiga biomes) can now spawn worker ants (1 in ~2 chance), drone ants (1 in 10), regular tiny ants (1 in ~3), and alate ants (1 in 20). Since the blocks that spawn the ants turn to regular dirt after doing so, there are only finite chances to get an alate from each nest.
Ant alates spawn rarely from anthills (1 in 20 ). They are tameable with golden apples, turning into a queen 5 minutes after being tamed, following you until this change happens. 1 in 5 chance to tame per golden apple, or guaranteed to tame from an enchanted golden apple. Ant queens take continuous damage if they can see the sky. They need to be under cover once they’re queens. You need to make a nest/den for them of any sort. Only requirements are space for them to grow (visual and hitbox sizes increase with tiers!), and a roof. Once they’ve turned into a queen, their wings disappear and they get a gold emblem on their back. Queens grow naturally over time, but you can accelerate the process with golden apples. Otherwise, they take 30 ingame days to reach full size. A regular golden apple gives 1200XP, equivalent to a day of waiting. An enchanted golden apple gives 9600XP, equivalent to 8 days of waiting. Golden apples also heal the queen. To heal regular ants, you can feed them regular apples.
When an ant spawns naturally away from a tamed queen, it will get a tag that prevents it from taming. If a queen is tamed, then it will repeatedly attempt to tame untamed nearby ants that don’t have this tag to its own owner. The queen will only spawn ants if the owner is nearby within 100-ish blocks.
When tamed ants are present, the mod checks how many are currently loaded for each given owner. If more than 20 are loaded that are all tamed by one player, then the furthest one from the owner will despawn. This prevents colonies from getting out of control. Soldier ants count as 3 ants!
Any queen will follow you if you hold a golden apple. When tamed and in alate form, it follows without this requirement. Right click the queen with anything other than a golden apple for information about its health and levelling XP. <1200 = Tier 1 1200XP = Tier 2 (queen gets strength) 12000XP = Tier 3 (queen gets strength + resistance) 36000XP = Tier 4 (queen gets strength 2 + resistance 2)
Initial queen can spawn one ant per day. Cannot spawn soldiers at this tier, only workers. Tier 2 queen can spawn an ant every ten minutes. Tier 3 queen can spawn an ant every six minutes, giving resistance to soldiers Tier 4 queen can spawn an ant every two minutes, and gives resistance, regeneration, and strength effects to both workers and soldiers The max ant limit is the same regardless of the queen tier, it just affects replacement speed.
Soldier ants with the resistance effect gain the additional ability to spawn drones (male flying ants that can’t turn into queens) as temporary minions that assist them in combat. Any drone will despawn after a minute. They fly and attack enemies in a similar way to hornets and mosquitos. Drones do not count towards the maximum total ant count, given how temporary they are and that they don’t tame to the player.
Tamed ants generally patrol near to the queen by default (within 50 blocks), but you can right click any soldier ant to ride it into battle, or right click any worker ant to activate a mode where they will follow you and serve like a wolf (that can build quick temporary structures for you). Right click them again to deactivate the mode, and they will return to the patrolling mode if the queen is near enough for them to detect, else they’ll wander around until despawning. Occasionally, ants will travel back to their queen to check on them, if they can do so without it being obstructed. This is a mechanism that keeps them from wandering too far away, as they will travel back to the queen if it is not near enough.
“Ant Commander” staff has one ability that interacts with any nearby worker ants, and three other functions that interact with the queen from a distance, giving it commands to send out to your worker ants. The item is craftable with a golden apple, copper rod, antenna, and two burning glands. Right click with the staff and nearby worker ants will build a temporary defensive structure at your position (can use anywhere). Queen proximity functions: Left click a block type to mark it for breaking (stone or logs+leaves, hitting any other block disables breaking). Crouch+Right click to prioritize your current area (needs to be near the queen) for patrolling, planting, or block breaking (for ants not following you). Crouch+Left click ground to remove area designation and reset proximity tasks.
Ants within a prioritised area will give off golden particles, indicating that they are able to break blocks within that area and patrol it.
Having multiple tamed queens in one area will further increase the rate at which you can accumulate ants, but does not increase the cap on how many you can have tamed at a time. They will despawn faster as well as spawning faster. However, if they are spread far apart, then the despawning will not happen much as it is localised within 200 blocks. You could spread queens apart for a wider area of being able to use special queen functions for worker ants, or as backups in case one queen is eliminated.
Huge Termite Tunneler mounds now generate naturally in taigas, old growth pine taigas, and savannas. The two shared biomes can lead to wars between ant colonies and nearby termite mounds. Approaching these mounds is extremely dangerous. Late-game weapons/armour recommended to deal with them. As you approach, the queen will give you mining fatigue, discouraging players from just digging to the final room at the bottom - entrance is at the top. Termites are aggressive, attacking any players and ants they come across. They pose a threat to your colony anywhere, not just near termite mounds, especially if they can reach the queen (via workers tunnelling!).
Worker termites can tunnel through blocks. This doesn’t break or change the blocks in the process, so it shouldn’t become too annoying. They especially do this to attack nearby ant queens and players. They slowly move through the blocks, similar to the existing scorpioid bloodluster mechanics, but requiring being in the ground and limited in that they avoid passing through blocks with 5+ hardness (iron bars, obsidian, etc - a defensive option for the ant queen). Arthropod antenna item is useful to see them coming.
Soldier termites are stronger and can track over longer ranges.
Alate termites alternate between attacking on the ground and attacking from the air. A fully hybrid ground/air mob.
King termites are particularly strong, posing a final threat when approaching the queen.
Termite queen gives mining fatigue with a pop up animation to nearby players, encouraging exploration through the mound rather than trying to dig straight to the queen. However, the mound is extremely dangerous. If you kill the termite tunneller queen, it will spawn a large egg at its location. The egg should show a nametag letting you know it is tamed to you. After a minute, it will turn into a termite tunneler king, remaining tamed. These large termite kings are the most powerful tameable entities yet, rideable and able to toggle between following and staying put on right click (while crouching). Feed it any kind of logs to restore its health. Their only flaws are their hitbox size and lack of extra jumping/climbing mobility.
King termites are particularly strong, approaching miniboss territory for the first time in a potential pet.
C version improves the Voidlasher wing texture, modifies a few mechanics with Beetle Bulwarks, and fixes an issue where the highest scarab you have in your inventory would always spawn whenever a probability occurs to make any scarab spawn from the ones you have sealed. E.g. If you had 10 brown sealed scarabs and 1 gold sealed scarab, a gold one would spawn every time if it is not cooling down. Now it will spawn the brown ones and the gold one will correctly have a truly separate 1 in 10 chance. Beetle Bulwarks will also be less likely to fly immediately after spawning near a player.
B version is a hotfix for the Arthropod Antenna recipe, plus adds some variation to the Beetle Bulwark strengths depending on variant.
Beetle Rhino renamed to Beetle Bulwark - Now has many variants, of which the rhino beetle is just one. It can now be a ladybird, a rhino beetle, a stag beetle, or a scarab. There are six different colours of scarab, varying in rarity. Here’s all the beetle probabilities: Beetle Probability 1 in x Chance scarab brown 50% 1 in 2 ladybird 25% 1 in 4 rhino beetle 12.5% 1 in 8 stag beetle 8.33% 1 in 12 scarab green 5.56% 1 in 18 scarab green/gold 2.78% 1 in 36 scarab iridescent 1.39% 1 in 72 scarab purple gem 0.93% 1 in 108 scarab gold gem 0.46% 1 in 216 You can pick up any scarab beetles by killing them, storing them in your inventory to be able to place down again at any time. Size and colour is preserved. However, the real functional element is a new ability to “Seal” scarabs using a new “Scarab Seal” item crafted from a Chitin and four ectoplasm. Craft a Scarab Seal with any picked up scarab to create a sealed version. When the sealed version is in your inventory, it has a 1 in 10 chance to appear every time you take a hit from any mob. Each time it appears, it stays for a while before disappearing, following you around and attacking mobs that target you (the scarab is stronger if it is a rarer type, with the gold version also slowing enemies that it attacks). Scarabs also “absorb” damage for you while they are present, but disappear in the process - A bit like the beetle armour from Terraria. Again, the rarer the scarab type, the higher level of damage resistance they will give you while present. They cooldown after use, and you can have one at a time of each colour. The 1 in 10 chance to spawn per hit can amplify if you have more of the same type of sealed scarab, from 1 in 10 to a 10 in 10 chance (if you have 10) so that they will spawn every time, unless on cooldown. The gold scarab gives you resistance level 4 until you’ve taken a hit, making it a powerful ally. Rarer scarab summons fly faster and have more attack damage too. If somehow you can obtain 10 of each sealed beetle type, then six will spawn around you each time you get hit, unless cooling down.
Neutral wall-climbing mobs like ants and Spider Flats can now randomly decide to stop climbing the wall, rather than staying there indefinitely unless they despawn. This includes ant arsonists, spider flats, spider jumps, long legs variants, silverfish spectres, and roach riverspawns. For hostile mobs, the mechanic works wall already because they lurk there until a player comes nearby, then jump off to attack. The new probability of dropping down equates to a 1 in 5000 chance per tick, so approximately once every 4 minutes.
All items ordered more logically in creative slots. Increased silverfish spectre biome-specific spawn rate.
Locust sounds are now more localised, rather than spreading out over wide distances. Fixed potential localisation issues for all other sounds.
Voidlasher can no longer destroy items with its black spiralling shield.
Added config option to disable the initial welcome message upon first creating a world.
Added new temporary method for accessing the upcoming Crawling dimension. Requires sacrificing an abyssal crystal, a fire opal, and a Void Geode. Simply right click a block of bedrock with at least one of each of these items in your inventory, and they will be consumed to place a “Crawling barrier” block there. Right clicking this crawling barrier teleports you to the dimension. To leave the dimension, right click the same block while there (widespread at Y=50)
Added additional checks to hopefully ensure that Crab Constrictors don’t spawn anywhere near each other, while also removing a mechanism that could potentially cause server issues.
Fixed some remaining issues with the Goliath and Prowler animations
Many improvements to the upcoming Crawling dimension. Still a major work in progress, and will be for the next few months.
Various other improvements and fixes.
V3.1.6b changelog
New superweapon added - The Vortex Devastator. Like the recent “Judgement Blaster”, this superweapon makes for a combination of multiple weaker weapons. Two force gauntlets combine with a Spectral ingot to produce the Vortex Devastator. A weapon enabling you to make huge leaps in any direction (forwards, sideways, backwards), or fire vortex blasts that deal devastating damage. Moreover, with the weapon you can crouch to activate a vortex shield that recharges for a few seconds each time it blocks an attack.
All Spider Moth boss stalking variants can now spawn through the randomised spawning system, meaning you can be stalked absolutely anywhere in the overworld. However, other bosses will only naturally spawn in vanilla nether and end dimensions.
New Draconic Voidlasher stalking variant added that flies after you, teleporting around randomly, and comes with a new unique animation.
Changed umbral shard recipe to include a Chitin instead of a Scorch Charge like the infernal shard.
Added abilities of all sets to upcoming Eternal Armour set that will be necessary to fight an ultimate boss.
Fixed Scorch Charge name.
Added new dimension "The Crawling". Currently in very early beta stages. In the 1.19.2 version, you can access it by holding a scorch charge in each hand and right clicking a block of ancient debris. These blocks also spawn in The Crawling for now, enabling you to get back. Or in any other Minecraft version of the mod, there’s a specific portal block you can get with /give or /fill. This will be transitioned to the same method as the 1.19.2 version in the next update.
Various other improvements - b version fixes an issue with Voidlasher spawning and adds an extra alternative recipe for the Judgement Blaster (instead of needing two hypnotic hellblasters, you can alternatively use a one hypnotic hellblaster and one vengeful voidseeker in the recipe
3.1.2 reduces the Crab Constrictor spawning chances by 4x and limits its spawns further from the player.
3.1.1 fixes missing Spectral Shard/ingot and adjusts the Spectral Shard recipe to include an abyssal crystal.
In addition to yesterday’s massive 3.1 update:
Biggest change is a brand new additional randomised spawning system that supports all biomes and dimensions where any arthropods spawn. New special spawn egg added that spawns a completely random ArPhEx mob, with the exclusion of the spider sea+centipede evictor+upcoming/non-spawning entities like the “crab constrictor”, since they use their own spawning systems. It is less likely to spawn mobs that spawn less commonly, such as the minibosses and butterfly giant. These special spawns can now occur naturally whenever an arthropod of ANY KIND spawns! So now, whenever any arthropod mob from any mod (or vanilla arthropod) spawns, there is a 1/50 chance (configurable) to spawn one of these randomisers, and you will get a random ArPhEx mob as well. However, randomisers will only spawn if there is enough space for their largest included mobs (Spider Prowler + Spider Widow, now called Snatcher), or for bosses it checks that the dimension and configuration condition (and space) is suitable as well (still dimension-limited unless spawned directly). Therefore, you can easily prevent them from clogging up mob farms by simply not allowing enough room for these large miniboss arthropods to spawn. With the configuration options, you can tweak this however you want, disabling the additional spawn system entirely if desired (choose a zero or negative value).
Another major miniboss implemented, the new strongest miniboss of all!, bridging the gap between minibosses and bosses, while providing a major element of thalassophobia. The enormous “Crab Constrictor” can appear in oceans, spawning near fish when there is enough space. Based on a giant Japanese spider crab, it possesses very long arms that it can use to reach out and grab you from a distance, then pull you down into the depths of the ocean where it can then finish you off. This monstrous creature is difficult to kill, since it has a long attack range and ranged weapons would be useless in water. The best option is to lure it onto the surface somehow if you want to kill it and take the new “Crushing Claw” item as a reward. This new item provides an ability to grab a nearby enemy and hold them in place, dealing continuous damage simultaneously: Like a short range force gauntlet that deals continuous damage and works on one mob at a time. The new Solifuge Skulker is another brand new highly formidable miniboss, but it is weaker than the other minibosses. It has multiple unique attributes, like searching for darker areas and staying in them, getting faster and faster as it gets lower on health, and attacking various enemies like Scorpion Strikers and sheep. This one has a truly realistic and creepy design, dropping void geode shards on death (9 required for a full void geode)! Renamed Spider Widow to Spider Snatcher for consistency, and finally split the Sun Scorpion into two mobs. The previous mob is now the “Scorpion Striker”, with a tweaked design that looks more like a regular scorpion, plus improved creepy eyes.
A third new armour set added, taking advantage of both the Abyssal Crystal and Void Geode. Updated the designs of both existing pairs of armour, plus changed the recipe for the Umbral Shard to include Chitin instead of a Scorch Shard
With this comes a new “Spectral Shard” and “Spectral Ingot”. The new Spectral Shard uses a new “Ectoplasm” item for crafting, dropped by Silverfish Spectres. Ectoplasm also now needed to craft the Thunder Sensor, now renamed to Weather Sensor and given a right-click ability to toggle between thunder and rain-only detection.
Umbral helmet now gives the crouch-triggered levitation immunity instead of the leggings, along with immunity to poison - the new Spectral Helmet takes the blindness and nausea immunity instead. Spectral Chestplate gives you an absorption effect every 10 seconds, providing you with two extra hearts that can regenerate even without food! Spectral Leggings provide a powerful sneak-triggered rechargeable ability to give all nearby entities strong slowness while gaining a burst of invisibility yourself. Spectral Boots give you a spectral walking ability - you can walk on liquids and non-solid objects (unless crouching). Set bonuses include lifesteal abilities (the more damage you deal to enemies, the more your health will regenerate), plus total immunity to weak attacks like the other two armour sets. Still planning one more ultimate armour set that will combine the abilities of all three existing ones, plus give a chance to take no damage from any given attack.
Added a splash text that appears when you first start a world, providing a link to the brand new ArPhEx wiki for convenience.
Ascendant Staff now fires levitation projectiles on left click. Ethereal Staff mob-hit ability changed. Now instead of knocking mobs down into the floor, it teleports mobs to a portal if you have one summoned by previously hitting a block.
Abyssal Blade and Abyss Ascendant can now do sweep attacks like other swords. The Abyssal Pickaxe can now only mine a second block at a time if the block is the same kind of block as the main one you mined, thus preventing situations where you mine a block of stone and the obsidian above it breaks instantly.
Spider Larvae can now place new “Small Web” entities between blocks. These webs can despawn, so they won’t clutter up the world, but otherwise act like regular webs and can trap flying mobs for larvae to eat.
Fixed issues with Voidlasher animation sequencing by allowing them to play at all times (worthy tradeoff).
Balance changes to Scorpioid and Voidlasher. Both now easier to defeat, but the Voidlasher’s black barrier is buffed.
Spider Lurkers (sea spiders) are now much slower out of water
Added another kind of spider web entities similar to the giant web. These small ones are just like the vanilla cobweb blocks, but they are temporary and can despawn. Placed occasionally by Spider Larvae mobs when they’re on a wall.
Improved Centipede Evictor hitbox, managed to make it work without being a cube.
New second black texture variant added for the Fly Festerer
New rare dancing peacock variant added to the Spider Jump (realistic)
Fixed major issue with potentially being unable to load worlds twice in one session after encountering certain mobs.
Fixed potential crash issue with the ethereal staff.
Significant stability and performance improvements
Flamethrowers can no longer be used for long periods underwater. Now if you’re underwater they can only be used for shorter bursts, but do the same non-fire damage still. The voidseeker homing projectiles now aim slightly higher to prevent hitting the floor so often. Many other improvements
Added missing Chaos Gauntlet and Block of Void Geode recipes. Fixed Fly Flesh block name and added descriptions to scorpion flesh + fly flesh blocks.
In addition to today’s earlier major update:
ArPhEx 3.0 update - Now available for 1.20.4 NeoForge!
NO DIMENSION IS SAFE - This major new update includes the next full dweller boss, plus five crazy tools that could each be full mods in themselves! A new armour set, plus existing items received further refinements. And one dangerous new regular mob, the Dragonfly Dreadnought.
DRACONIC VOIDLASHER The final standard dweller boss has arrived to torment the end dimension (one more wither-storm-like boss coming next). A monstrous hybrid between a whip scorpion and a dragonfly, it stalks you across the end dimension with teleportation abilities making it even harder to escape. Summonable with a new “block of fly flesh”, using materials now dropped by Long Legs Fly, Dragonfly Dreadnought, and Moth Moonchaser mobs. It won’t spawn near the ender-dragon, so it shouldn’t be a problem until you have beaten that boss fight, in addition to warding off the Spider Moth a few times. It may sound similar to the existing Scorpioid, but they are very different. The Voidlasher has an intricate system for teleporting in different situations. The lower its health is during the fight, the more frequently it teleports to nearby locations that enable it to be on the ground and do not obstruct its hotbox. When it is stalking you, it will teleport closer, somewhere around the midpoint between you and it. Therefore, if you stayed in the same place, it would teleport closer each time until it is close enough to trigger the full attack sequence, where it teleports around you. It can also teleport idly when not being attacked, mimicking enderman mobs. It has a multi-stage boss fight where it can alternate between five modes, along with using multiple continuous powers. Mode 1: Firing homing projectiles that make you vulnerable to its telekinesis. They follow you slowly, and if you let them hit you, then you are vulnerable for 9 seconds, and it will either throw you high into the air or thrash you around randomly, dealing kinetic damage. Mode 2: Cloning itself into five copies, switching place with them randomly every few seconds so you don’t know which one is the real one (fakes disappear when hit) - plus, all of them can siphon life from a distance and give it to the real one. Mode 3: Chaos control mode where it randomly adds temporary chaos control and chaos target effects to nearby entities, causing them to fight each other. If multiple are attacking the voidlasher, it causes them to temporarily turn on each other instead. Mode 4: Force pull mode sucks in all nearby entities, lifting them into the air towards the voidlasher, while it also levitates itself. If you don’t escape, it can give wither effects to entities that get close. Mode 5: Throws deadly “void spears” at enemies that deal heavy damage, cutting through armour and even projectile immunity.
Continuous powers: Dangerous swirling black energy repels/damages, slows, and blinds attackers. Plus, even if you get past its telekinetic powers to attack it, it can still use its deadly whips to attack you directly, or repulse you back. Total immunity to ranged attacks, freezing projectiles midair and slowing all nearby mobs significantly except for the one it is targeting for attack. It teleports around occasionally, similar to an enderman. When it gets low in health, its movement speed increases, along with its rate of teleportation. Like the Spider Moth, this boss and its stalking mechanism all comes in a single entity version. Like both other stalker bosses, it also has some creepy giant variants that can stalk you across the end dimension. Drops “Void Geode” item on death, used to craft extremely powerful and useful items.
Brand new dangerous Dragonfly Dreadnought mob added, approximately serving as an airborne equivalent of the Spider Goliath - dropping Fly Flesh blocks. In upcoming updates, I am planning to add giant scorpion and giant spider crab minibosses.
Fly Appendages now dropped by Long Legs Fly and Moth Moonchaser mobs, craftable into blocks of mangled fly flesh (used for the Voidlasher’s summoning structure).
Now, the five new major items all available to craft ingame!:
- Force Gauntlet (a new primary item from the draconic voidlasher’s Void Geode, providing numerous powerful telekinesis/force abilities. These abilities work more effectively on weaker mobs, requiring less frequent cooldowns.
- Chaos Gauntlet (the second new primary Void Geode item, providing (temporary) abilities to force mobs to fight each other instead of attacking you.
- Vengeful Voidseeker (a new void-upgraded version of the formic fireblaster that fires homing void projectiles, or manually controllable if crouching)
- Vitality Viewfinder (enables you to scan nearby mobs or players to get their current health percentage and maximum health points, plus if you hit an entity with it in either hand slot, it will tell you the damage of your weapon.
- Block of Void Geode (acts like a totem of undying for nearby players, teleporting you away from any attack that would have killed you, with cooldown) Plus an armour-set!: Brand new Umbral Armour implemented as an alternative to the Infernal set!: Armour capable of repelling the endless void. Boots provide Immunity from falling into the void, instead levitating out to any safe location. Leggings provide jump boost, especially when sneaking, plus levitation immunity when sneaking. Chestplate provides a 50% chance to teleport away from attacks that would have otherwise killed you (with cooldown). Helmet provides immunity to blindness and nausea (infernal helmet now instead provides immunity to weakness and slowness). Set bonuses: Void shield - an automatic form of protection that harms and repels attacking mobs. Plus complete immunity to weak attacks like the infernal set, unbreakable and enchantable.
Spider Brood abdomen model significantly improved, with more realistic baby spiders. Millipede animations and textures improved.
Fixed issue where Moth Moonchaser and Butterfly Bewitchers were spawning excessively and unaffected by config settings. Fixed issue where Spider Moth could rarely spawn in the nether, and reduced the amount of my mobs that can spawn in the nether in general for enhanced performance.
Renamed Sling Web to Silk Slinger for consistency.
New advancements added for the new items/objectives.
Tons of other improvements.
ArPhEx 2.4.5
Maggots renamed to Maggot Larvae for consistency. Water Roaches renamed to Roach Riverspawn for consistency. Improved running animation and textures. In future I plan to split Sun Scorpions into scorpions and sun spiders, rather than having a hybrid, so I’ll keep the name for now. Bloodworms will have a unique name format to represent them not actually being arthropods.
Millipede Marauder now targets various other creatures (as its name suggests), but not the player unless attacked.
Giant butterflies can now regenerate health slowly.
Fixed Abyssal Crystal Block name
Along with previous recent updates:
Fixes to butterfly animations.
Hotfix, placeholder entity for upcoming Draconic Voidlasher was spawning in the end - now won’t happen. Butterfly Bewitcher regular version now has just 15 health, instead of 50 like the giant version. Advancement fixes
Arphex 2.4
Brand new “Moth Moonchaser” entities added! They follow light (moving to higher light level areas or following players holding torches/lanterns). They eat carpets, both as a taming ingredient and randomly if they touch a carpet block. Tameable with carpets, plus capable of reproducing on their own to increase their population. Finally non-spider moths!
Brand new “Butterfly Bewitcher” entities added! These come in two size variants and 10 texture variants, some rarer than others. The uncommon giant butterflies are tameable and rideable! Additionally, these butterflies “bewitch” nearby entities, giving slowness. Tamed giant butterflies only give the effect when being ridden, and not to their owner.
Brand new “Millipede Marauder” added! They are neutral mobs with a special realistic ability to gain a strong resistance effect when not moving (curled into a ball). On death they drop Chitin, now a requirement in the Formic Fireblaster recipe. Plus, Rhino Beetles now drop Chitin instead of redstone.
Spider Moth Larvae now despawns upon killing a player. It was already supposed to do so.
Scorpioid now has a shadow clone form like the Spider Moth, haunting the nether. Unlike the Spider Moth, these do not stand still. They move towards you slowly.
Fire Ant glands are now edible for 10 seconds of fire resistance, like they’re supposed to be.
Ethereal Staff can now pull you downwards if you crouch while using it.
Ascendant Staff now has a new model, while the Ethereal Staff still uses the previous one, differentiating them further.
Various major improvements to both upcoming gauntlets. Upcoming Chaos Gauntlet item now also has its own unique model/texture.
Removed Dweller from Spider Moth name, just Spider Moth now for consistency.
Improved Spider Goliath and Spider Funnel attack animations and made the aggressive poses activate separately, borrowing mechanics from the new Spider Prowler.
Attack animations added for Beetle Rhino, Spider Goliath, Spider Funnel, Ant Arsonist, Centipede Stalker, and Bloodworm, with some also getting improved walking animations.
Improved some locust mechanics.
Various item names and descriptions fixed.
ArPhEx update 2.3.3
Spider Brood now acts more like the Widow, avoiding you while it attacks from a distance. Slightly buffed health too.
Significantly improved the upcoming Chaos Gauntlet, but it is still not ready and lacks its own design.
Previous major updates from the last few days:
Bucket of locusts added. You can feed buckets of locusts to spider Goliaths, and spiderflat/spiderjump pets will now also eat individual locusts you feed them. Buckets of locusts could be used for biological warfare, destroying your enemies’ farms.
Spawn biomes refined. Silverfish spectres and sky stalking moth variant now biome-limited like all other mobs.
Sun scorpions and centipede stalkers can no longer appear in dungeon spawners (too powerful).
Added upcoming Chaos Gauntlet item - You can try it out now! Gives you the power to force one mob to target another mob for a set period of time. Affects stronger mobs less.
Various other small improvements on top of yesterday’s enormous update:
Another major update, adding tons of improvements that I’ve been wanting to implement for a while:
At long last, I have implemented a spawnrate config control for all non-boss mobs, including minibosses! (stalker bosses already have one) Now you can set them all to spawn up to sixteen times more frequently than before, or go in the other direction to make them as rare as you want. Additionally, they are all twice as common now by default!
New difficulty config option added that affects ALL living mobs from this mod, including the bosses, minibosses, and regular arthropods. Default option 0 stays as it is now, -1 gives them all a permanent weakness effect, or +1 gives them all a permanent strength effect. Ranged attacks will be affected too. Higher positive or negative values increase the level of strength or weakness. No more complaints about difficulty needed!
Tameable “Spider Jump” jumping spiders added! Intelligent friendly spiders, tameable and storable in the same way as the Spider Flat. As expected, they jump while attacking opponents, disorienting them. They can jump off the ground, or jump off walls.
New “Fly Fester” mobs added - regular flies (bluebottles) that simply fly around chaotically, occasionally landing. They can spawn naturally or maggots can turn into them randomly. Like maggots, they give poison on contact. 50% chance to completely dodge any attack.
Major improvements to the Spider Moth fight - Added additional flying mode to the Spider Moth, where it hovers in the air above, waiting to strike at any moment. This actually gives you a period of respite to regenerate health, but the larvae and ghosts will still pose a problem. Fixed small animation issues with the main fly/run animations.
Also improved the Scorpioid Bloodluster fight, giving it a new ability to keep away at a close distance to use ranged attacks for short periods of time. Additionally, it should now crawl through walls more reliably.
Spider Prowler can now spawn in lush caves in addition to jungles. If it can’t see the sky on spawn, it will jump up and cling onto the ceiling! Jumps down if you come near. Spider Prowler will now trigger if you get too close when it’s in a defensive posture.
You can now fly unlimited distances by holding the Ascendant Staff in one hand and the Ethereal Staff in the other.
Spider Widow can now attack villagers, and leaves cocoons around as another variation of the giant webs. Killing a giant web/cocoon now spawns a bunch of larvae. Significantly improved the web mechanics, e.g. spiders no longer affected.
Started work on the third (end) dweller boss (whip scorpion dragonfly hybrid), producing a “Force Gauntlet” item that will be obtainable, crafted with a “Void Geode”. You can try it out now! It gives you telekinetic powers, inspired by Star Wars and demon/poltergeist characters with similar abilities. Simply look at any living entity or item and hold right click with it to pick them up and control them. If you crouch while holding them, it pulls them towards you. Hit a block to create a repulsion shockwave, pushing all nearby entities back - again, the more max health the entity has, the less it pushes them. The ultimate tool for transporting mobs… or throwing them into orbit! The other void-geode-based item may give you the ability to literally force mobs to fight for you, turning them on each other. Enemies become friends. With the Force Gauntlet, the more max health the entity has, the less time you will be able to control them in one go before having to cooldown (unless you’re in creative mode). With the other item, the more max health the entity has, the less time it will be forced to fight for you.
Fixed issue with Spider Prowler animation flickering while posturing aggressively. Improved animations/texture further.
Ethereal Staff melee ability nerfed. Now only knocks mobs down into the ground if they have less than 100 max health.
Locusts now give you the hunger effect if you’re nearby, and should now be significantly less likely to cause lag thanks to other improvements.
Fixed issue with Spider Brood leg texture
Fixed rare issue where flamethrowers could activate spontaneously.
Fixed outdated item descriptions.
Many more improvements.
Changed the flamethrower functions, switching out the animations for more server compatibility.
New addition: Block of Abyssal Crystal. Gives you Strength 2 when standing nearby.
Buffed the mining speed of the Abyssal Pickaxe
Added attack animation for LongLegsFly
If widow spider projectile attack deals no damage, it will no longer give the webbed effect. This prevents the widow from continuously targeting with projectiles if you are immune to projectiles (blocking or otherwise). Fixed small issue with the missing legs low health texture.
Opal block tag updated
A major 2.0 version update for the mod, finally introducing another main stalker boss!
MAJOR UPDATE INTRODUCES A WHOLE NEW “DWELLER” BOSS - SCORPIOID BLOODLUSTER - A NETHER-EXCLUSIVE SCORPION-MOSQUITO HYBRID (Spider Moth is now overworld-exclusive, and the final upcoming boss will be end-exclusive)\
…It is extremely formidable - comparable to the Spider Moth!
Countless other changes and improvements.
Like the Spider Moth, this new demonic entity aims for maximum creepiness, using a wide range of mechanics to terrorise you until you run away back to the overworld. It can traverse through walls like the Spider Moth, but doesn’t even need minions to do so. It slowly crawls through the wall. It flies by default, unlike the Spider Moth, but can also crawl on the ground. When stalking you, it can suddenly teleport nearer.
Since overworld weather timing is preserved while in the nether, I used them to control the spawning of this new entity. It can spawn in any vanilla nether biome during rain and thunderstorm cycles.
The Spider Moth screen flash is no longer global for the server, so it will only show to nearby players. Scorpioid has its own too, working the same way.
New “Fire Opal” item drops from the scorpioid on death, used to craft three new items: “Ascendant Staff”, “Ethereal Staff”, and “Block of Fire Opal”. Ascendant Staff provides levitation abilities and attacks, Ethereal Staff enables walking through walls and suffocating enemies in the ground, and Block of Fire Opal gives you saturation when near to it, meaning you won’t need to eat. Sun Scorpions can rarely drop an Fire Opal Shard on death. Four of these craft into a full Fire Opal.
Significant balance changes
Sun Scorpion has revamped walking animation and major texture improvements. Larvae versions now match with the variant of the nearest full size Sun Scorpion. Centipede Stalker has faster walking animations.
Centipede Stalkers and Sun Scorpions buffed substantially (plus both are now larger in size), and both drop a new “Venomous Appendage” item required for crafting the “Dagger of Dissolution”. Sun Scorpions are rarer now, and give the necrosis effect on hit.
Fixed an issue where the “pure_stalking” and “rush_scare” entities can spawn in any dimensions/biomes, now limited to overworld.
Both the Venomous Appendage and Necrotic Fang items can now be used to brew potions of necrosis. All forms of the potion are possible now, along with arrows of necrosis.
Hornet Harbinger Giant significantly buffed.
Spider Goliath has a slightly longer attack range now.
Block of Mangled Scorpion Flesh added, crafted with four venomous appendages. Summoning structure added for Scorpioid. The same as the Spider Moth one, but use the mangled scorpion flesh block instead of spider flesh.
Many more improvements.