on Jun 7, 2023Fix lang files over reloading.
Fixed url opening on linux
Fix recipe actions applying on other recipes
move to a MIT license!
fixed null in arrays
more zengetters on iingredient
on Jun 7, 2023Fixed JEI server crash
on Jun 7, 2023Fixed shapeless recipe removal
fixed tooltip clearing
fixed JEI crash on servers
new event before and after scripts are fired
Added JEI recipe removal
Fixed NBT checking not checking partial nbt
on Jun 7, 2023updated ZS head
Some missing IIngredient#getInternal implementations
recipes.replaceAllOccurences now supports an optional parameter that specifies recipes for which outputs shoudl be changed (uses IngredientAny in case no output was provided)
Loaders now can be delayed/frozen until the mod that froze them calls the frozen alias. This should allow for mods to prevent a loader from being loaded to early by other mods. They now need to subscribe to the load_finished event, if they want to get the post-finished loader stage though.
Added blockstate handling
Fixed NBT matching (again!)
on Jun 7, 2023Fixed JEI hide overriding item additions
Added a new loglevel called default.
-People can use that logger, and packdevs can disable its outputs entirely.
-All the other loggers wont be affected if the pack dev choses to disable
-that logger.
Added INVALIDATED loader stage
Added LoaderSkip info and AfterMerge info to default loader
on Jun 7, 2023fixed biome names on servers, close #526
update wiki command to point to the new docs
fixed forge complaining about duplicate ASM
fixed legacy oredict code close #541
ZSLint!!! Run /ct zslint and open visual studio on the script folder!
on Jun 7, 2023fixed loadup crash
on Jun 7, 2023Added Command manager wrapperAdding recipes.replaceAllOccurences(IIngredient,IIngredient) as a new zenscript command.
Changed how names are set for replacement recipes
Implemented events.onPlayerBonemeal
Added DamageSource Bracket handler and static methods to get damagesources
Added Nullcheck to getIngredient
Fixed Typo in IMod
on Jun 7, 2023# Changes since the last release:
## Crafttweaker:
### Additions/Changes:
- IIngredients now have a `commandString` getter
- ICraftingRecipes now have more getters like output, shaped, hidden, ingredients2d etc.
- Added #ikwid preprocessor which will disable ingame error notifications for all files.
- JEI Fluid hiding.
- Modloaded Preprocessor now also allows for negations using !modid
on Jun 7, 2023Fixed Ingredient Lists for shaped Recipes
Added tabLabel to AT list. Stopped using reflection to get tab names
Removed crafttweaker/util/pair since that's now in ZS/util
changed getRemainingItems implementation to prevent false event calls
Readded IItemTransformer, now going two-pronged with transformers for now
Some methods to fix IItemTransformers and IIngredient#reuse
on Jun 7, 2023Fixed player spam on login
Fixed removeByRegex
on Jun 7, 2023Made BracketHandler Priority work
Made fuel value retrieval more accurate
Fixed crashes due to Access Transformers
Fixed String escaping (Close #447)
Fixed log spam
Fixed liquid matching (close #449)
on Jun 7, 2023Fixed oredict matching
on Jun 7, 2023Fixed SymbolScriptReference
Changed again how the scriptReference works, now uses the "scripts" keyword
Fixed CME error with removebyname
Fixed shaped recipe being removed
Now all string methods should work, except for those with chars as they are not in ZS!
fixed block hardness (#431)
Fixed ct hand outputting the wrong nbt
simple Generic (functional) Interfaces
OreDict#add now accepts a Vararg
Some missing or new annotations
Stopped Bracket Handlers from being registered Twice
on Jun 7, 2023Fixed oredict issues
on Jun 7, 2023added recipe name to /ct recipes handAdded pow for Math.pow
Made transformerRecipes public
Improve performance of ActionRemoveRecipesNoIngredients (#384)
Entity API refactor (#354)
Global variables and Brewing Recipe Addition (#383)
added recipe name to /ct recipes hand
on Jun 7, 2023Fixed The seed registry being edited before being filled.
Added @ZenMethod to IData's and IItemStack's casters
Added @ZenMethod annotation to some ZenMemberGetters/Setters\
Fixed Map Index Setter
Fixed(?) Boolean inversion
on Jun 7, 2023updated CTGUI to be more author friendly
Fixed the JEI plugin from crashing on startup
Added support for outputting to different files(CTGUI)
stopped using deprecated method in favour of new forge method
made action errors log to the log file
fixed damaged items transforming to undamaged items
on Jun 7, 2023Exposed IBiome to ZS
Added a way to get player's position
sideonly preprocessor
revamped dumpzs
fixed tooltips in ctgui
removed console spam on world load