Halloween update! Main updates: New structure - Scary Calvary with a new boss - Smuciel, ability to cancel Eternal Town generation, Skill Stones now give a little skill points.
- Scary Calvary. A new structure appearing in Purgatorium. Is a huge church with a lot of loot and spawners.
- Smuciel. New boss. Spawns in the Scary Calvary. Summons new mobs, Rejected. Shoots an Omega Charge that explodes.
- Rejected. A new mob. They are Smuciel's minion.
- Omega Staff. Drops from Smuciel. Fires an Omega Charge that doesn't destroy territory.
- Forbidden Blades. A new throwing weapon. Drops from Smuciel.
- Unahzaal Pumpkin. Appears if you click on the Pumpkin Stem with Mystic Essence.
- Eternal Town generation can now be canceled on the first run with the mod.
- Journal and Notice Board now shows player's essences, Crimson Tears, and there are now buttons to turn on and off overlays for essences, skills, Arsonist of the Lands, and Otherworldly Eyes.
- Ultimate World. WIP.
- Textures: Maple Leaves, Maple Sapling, Lands of Karvat Planetarium, Lands of Karvat in Interdimensional Creator, Fear effect texture made more transparent, Bloodstone.
- Skill Stones now give a little bit of Skill Points, in addition to the Skill Boost.
- Mucunfectio Crab Banners could not be sold to the Contrabandist, and also Hero and Adventurer versions only dropped once.
- Some errors in item descriptions: Holy Water, Battle Magnifier, Echo Anchor, Quantum Distabilizer, Behold Gun, Arei Hammer, Gold Prism.
This version contains some of the content planned for 1.7, but 1.7 has been delayed for a while.
- Mucunfectio Crab. A new boss that occasionally spawns in the Mucunfectio Biomes.
- Karvat Armadillo. Occasionally spawns in the Lands of Karvat. Attacks Armored Beetles. Tommyknockers attack them. Does not attack the player first.
- Rayana Rockhopper Penguin. Spawns in Rayana Cliffs. Does not have a drop. Sometimes sheds its feathers. Escapes from Tarko who hunt them.
- Mucunfectio Crab Claw. When in the left hand, deals extra damage to mobs around you. The radius and damage depends on the level of the Slaying Skill.
- Mucunfectio Crab Meat, Cooked Crab Meat, Salty Crab Meat.
- Crabsburger.
- Karvat Armadillo Scale.
- Armadillo Armor.
- Armadillo Totem. Inflicts a Resistance effect on the player's tamed mobs.
- Rayana Rockhopper Penguin Feather.
- Penguin Armor. Gives immunity to Freezing, as well as Hypothermia and Slowness effects.
- Museum Showcase. Can be purchased from a Collector. You can place a Sniffer Egg, Dragon Egg, Destroyer's Eye, Ancient Artefact or Nether Star in it to get the Skill Boost effects.
- Guitar Stand. New Decoration. When destroyed with an axe, only the Guitar drops. Otherwise, the Stand itself drops.
- Armored Beetle Nest. New structure where Armored Beetles spawns.
- Comethorn Stable. New structure where Comethorns spawns.
- Jungle variant of Eternal Town.
- Flying Jungle Island.
- Prismatic Ore in stone.
- Button to disable the Glowing effect for Quest NPCs.
- Textures: Caviar, Sand Bricks, Ancient Artefact, Guitar, all Adventurer and Hero Banners, as well as the Infected Kraken and Nyetet Banners.
- Crafts: Drink "Sweetroll".
- Skill Stones models and textures have been completely changed.
- Improved Volcanic Caves Biome.
- Knowledge Seekers now need to be hit more times to pass the first phase of Unahzaal.
- More slots in the Sorcerer's Bag, for all types of runes.
- Archaeology Ruins in Karvat are generated less frequently.
- Runic Stone was not working properly.
- Mushroom and Cold Biomes structures were not being generated correctly.
- Wild Emblem and Immunity Emblem had no durability.
- Sometimes it was possible to get about 200 items of drop from Flower Zombie.
- Some structures were destroying the terrain in the Lands of Karvat.
- Tea Seeds gave skill points when planted.
- Sea Sphere and Prismarine Shard Crafts.
Such a fast new version is due to the fact that a major update is being prepared, and it will probably be released in more than a month. So attached is a small version with hotfixes.
- Two more kinds of flying islands for two biomes, Cherry Grove and Deep Dark. Cherry Grove flying island gets a lot of Suspicious Astral Stone, and the Deep Dark island gets some Suspicious Sculk.
- Suspicious Asteroid Stone now generates on almost all flying islands of the biomes except Mucunfectio and Hyacinthum Island - there Suspicious Mucunfectio Gravel generates.
- Collector House can now be generated on Coarse Dirt.
- Added Plague Fuel to achievement description for oxidizing the Copper Block.
- Changed the texture and model of the Terrible Tree and the Christmas Tree.
- Ice Spikes can now be destroyed.
- Journal can now be placed in Chiseled Bookshelf.
- An error in the description of the achievement for obtaining the Warlock Armor.
- Miguel did not have an inner back texture.
Main Features: New NPC Collector, Broken Artifats, easter egg for future update in main menu.
- Collector. A new NPC who buys Blueprints for Ancient Coins, sells Archaeology Potion, and can repair Broken Artifacts. His house spawns in the Swamp, Mangrove Swamp, Wooded Badlands, Dark Forest, and Flower Forest biomes.
- Broken Artifacts. Can be restored by a Collector for 3 Ancient Coins. Drops rarely when excavating a Suspicious Asteroid Stone.
- Ancient Coin. New currency for trading with the Collector. Drops out when excavating a Suspicious Asteroid Stone.
- Ancient Spiral Block, Ancient Sea Spiral Block, Ancient Beast Block. New Decorative Blocks. Drop off when excavating the Suspicious Asteroid Stone.
- Atimitas' Crossbow. New Crossbow. Deals additional damage equal to the number of armor points of the enemy. Can be restored by the Collector.
- Mixcohuatl's Weapon. New gun with 40 damage. Can only fire once. Can be restored by the Collector.
- Archaeology Potion. Increases Archaeology Luck by 1 level.
- Totem Base. New item. Can be restored by the Collector. All Archaeology Totems except Ceramic now have it in crafting.
- Cross-Bow. New crossbow. Casts fire on all undead and spirits of Eden when it hits an enemy.
- Moss, Nylium, Blazing Nylium, Bleeding Nylium, Blazing Nylium and Myacinthum Nylium Path.
- Achievements for: Excavating the Suspicious Block from the mod, Destroying the Blueprint in Shredder, obtaining the Atimitas' Crossbow, Mixcohuatl's Weapon, any Archaeology Totem, any Blueprint, Ancient Coin.
- Crafts of all Archaeology Totems except the Ceramic Totem.
- The name of the achievement "Start Up!" has been renamed to "Gift Chest!".
- Some Paths can be created by clicking on dirt.
- Flower Zombie, Cold Overseer, and Unahzaal models were not displaying correctly.
New version of the mod ported to 1.20.1!
CurseForge: Modrinth:
Main additions: new Archaeology Skill, Item Blueprints, different variations of Eternal Town for different biomes.
- New Skill - Archaeology. It is increases for excavating Mod's Suspicious Blocks with Venetium or Truadamantite Brush. Allows you to mine Blueprints.
- Suspicious Asteroid Stone, Mucunfectio Gravel, Sculk, Comets Sand, Purgatorium Stone, Karvat Dirt, Euca Dirt, Arkemer Dirt.
- New Trail Ruins in: Flying Islands, Mucunfectio Biomes, Deep Dark, Nether, End, Comets, Purgatorium, Lands of Karvat, Unhzaal.
- Ceramic, Petrified, Extraterrestrial, Obsidian, Dark, Cosmic, Royal and Cursed Totem. Imposes an Archaeology Luck effect that increases the chance of obtaining a Blueprint when excavating.
- Shredder. Allows you to destroy Blueprints and get Archaeology Skill Points for them.
- Printer. Allows you to duplicate Blueprints.
- Blueprints of Archangel's Wings, Corossion Staff, Ritual Activator: Fault, Ritual Activator: Luck, Blue Frisbee, Hyacinthum Corossion Staff, Cephalopod's Slayer, Echo Anchor, Calamity Ring, Elphic Prism, Ammit Staff, Arei Hammer, Great Gem of Badoneti, Khonshu Staff, Ritual Activator: Arei Spirit Summoning, Gold Prism, Arei Wings, Harpy Ring, Watching Sphere, Ring of Crimson Tears, Ritual Activator: Starfall, The First Prism, Extraterrestrial Gem, Starrift Staff, Bloody Anchor.
- Variations of Eternal Town for different biomes: Desert, Badlands, Mucunfectio, Mangrove Swamp, Snowy Biomes, Cherry Grove.
- Tooltips have been added to the GUI and can be turned on and off on the Notice Board.
- Usual Bait is no longer suitable for Nether Fishing Net, it needs to be improved with Basalt Fiber. Firefly - Lavafly, Bee - Basalt Bee, Orange Dragonfly - Nether Ghastfly, Moth - Melting Moth, Ravrite - Basaltite, Ravrite Queen - Nether Queen, Starlight Beetle - Sunflame Beetle.
- Arkemer Dirt, Grass Block, and Path are new blocks for structures in Unahzaal.
- Order of the Universe. Drops from Vivid. When you click on the Notice Board, it adds a new tab with the Dimension Crystals crafts.
- Glow Torchflower. Created by clicking on the Torchflower with Glow Dye.
- Tar Dew. Allows you to duplicate Torchflower Seed and Pitcher Pod. Can be obtained by excavating Suspicious Asteroid Stone.
- Contrabandist now trades Sacred Jug.
- Hanging Signs have been added to the common Eternal Town.
- Arey Spirit and William are now resistant to the effects of potions to not teleport.
- If Miguel is more than 16 blocks away from his spawn point, he goes backwards. If he can't get home for more than 3 minutes, he gets teleported.
- Watching Sphere description.
- Biome Sword craft.
- Necromancer can now buy Piglin Head.
- Vases Sounds.
- Textures: Jasper, Jade, Apatite and blocks of them, Return Ticket, Fallen Rune and its parts.
- Incorrect color of the description of Starlight Bug.
- Armor Trims could not be applied to Pyroxenite Warrior Armor.
- Godslayer's and Phantasy Flasks didn't drop from Unahzaal.
- Kdmia Rune droped biomes.
- Textures of Kraken Bait and Emblem of Vision were not replaced in the GUIs.
- Crafts of Adamantite, Tungsten and Venetium Ingot.
- Grand Emblem Fly Activation key was reseted from 6 to Numpad 3 to not conflictiong with 6 hotbar slot selection key.
- There's buttons for increasing Catching and Slaying Skill on Notice Board even if player has no Level Skill Points.
- Fishmage Net catch bait on 7 Slaying Skill Level instead of Catching Skill Level.
- /et_skill_nullification command didn't nullificate Slaying and Catching Skills.
Main features: Slaying and Catching Skill, new Villagers, changes in Gardener's Pot and Fishing Net work, Fishing Luck.
- Slaying Skill. It is increasing for killing mobs. The number of skill points you get is equal to the amount of mob's maximal HP divided by 20. Slaying Skill allows you to use Emblems.
- Catching Skill. Allows you to catch bait bugs with the Bug Net.
- Drinks for the Slaying Skill Boost: Squire's Flask, Soldier's Flask, Warrior's Flask, Killer's Flask, Bounty Hunter's Flask, Godslayer's Flask.
- Catching Skill Boost Drinks: Childish Flask, Kidding Flask, Playful Flask, Frivolous Flask, Dreamer's Flask, Fantasy Flask.
- Catching Skill Stones. Appear in the Overworld, Nether, Lands of Karvat, and Kingdom of Amber.
- Slaying Skill Stones. Appear in all worlds.
- Pyronzite Warrior Armor. Gives Fire Resistance and Resistance.
- Basalt Palm, a new type of tree in Volcanech and blocks made from it.
- Explosive and Sulfur Barrel. Can be both blocks and throwing weapons. Can be set on fire as dynamite. The barrels will explode instantly.
- Flecheresha Eternal Dawn, Ekatebrina, Luciden and Noxifer.
- New villager professions: Necromancer, Arctic Villager and Gardener.
- Necromancer buys various drops from mobs and sells pumpkin items. At the last level, sells Halloween Spirit.
- Arctic Villger sells various things related to the Ice Tower, Cold and Ice Shards and Ekatebrina's Core at the last level.
- Gardener sells various items for the Growing Skill and buys grown plants.
- New section in the Journal/Notice Board with statistics of bosses kills.
- Skulk Pills. Removes the effect of Darkness.
- Bubblefish. A new fish that restores oxygen underwater when eaten.
- Glowing Candle. A Candle analog painted with Glowing Dye.
- Structures with Infern, Butcher and Smelter Spawners in Nether.
- Karvat Ruins. New decorative structures.
- Eden Dark Island. An island where more mobs can spawn, as there are no glowing plants there.
- Basalt Fiber and Reinforced Basalt Fiber.
- Charged Fotium Ingot. Crafted from 8 Fotium Ingots and 1 Crystal of Eternity.
- Tinted Glass Panel.
- Achievement for passing Flecheresha trial.
- Craft of Purple Dye when smelting Glowlichen.
- All types of Volcanech stones can be generated as ore in Volcanech.
- Textures: Dark Runic Stone, Cash Machine, Truadamantite Tools, Basalt Ingot, Ravrite Queen, Kraken Bait, Trading Core, Ageagoria, Throwing Barrel, Miguel, Aeter, Flight Effect, Growing Skill.
- Crafts: Ancienzyte Armor, Raccoon Wool Blocks, Supernova Emblem, Nether Fishing Net.
- Black Books now add skill points, rather than adding level and nullifing points.
- Emblems now require a Slaying Skill level.
- Changed how Gardener's Pots work.
- Plants now require more than 5 fertilizer and liquid to grow in place of 50.
- Fertilizer and liquid can be poured without the plant on top.
- Changed how Fishing Net work.
- The drop of rare fish now depends on the level of the Fishing Luck Bait.
- Any bait can now be used on Nether Fishing Net.
- Chance of drop of Swordfish has been increased to 18%
- Bait no longer drops from the Fishing Box.
- Chthonic, Chthonic Orichalcum, and Great Unahzaal Armor are now repaired with Charged Fotium instead of Crystal of Eternity.
- Flechesha Arei Spirit now spawns Arei Fairies.
- Full Cold and Ice Crystals now fall from Ekatebrina, in place of their shards.
- A Cold Overseer now drops a Cold Shard if killed by another Cold Overseer.
- Mystic Essence and Mystic Flames now drops from Unahzaal.
- Aqua Emblem now drops from the Infected Kraken.
- Traveler Emblem now drops from Khogachi.
- Fear Skill is now grayed out unless Eternal Darkness Mode is activated.
- Eternal Town has been slightly rebuilt.
- Unahzaal Decorative Bookshelf can be used as a vanilla Bookshelf.
- Moths can be breeded by Geobstractsite Bushes and Tubes.
- Amber Blocks from the Kogachi Nest have been removed.
- Description of Hyacinthum Panacea.
- Bronze Coins now burn in lava.
- Increased the spawn rate of Armored Beetles.
- Reduced the number of dungeons in the Overworld.
- Beds, Wool, and Carpets of any color can now be repainted with Glowing Dye.
- Starlight Bugs were not working on the Fishing Net.
- Ruby Buddy was not being summoned.
- Unahzaal was not casting an effect.
- Many of Unahzaal's dialog phrases were missing the first line.
- Unahzaal's dialogue phrases had the wrong colors for the phrase "You: No!"
- Eternity Crystals were not being generated in Unahzaal world.
- Slowed down the Cutting Abstract projectile, as it was causing the game to freeze.
- Misspelled the word "quadrillionth" in Unahzaal's phrase.
- Grave phrase was not working.
- Gathering of the Small Ancient Chorus didn't work if you broke it.
- Elemental Stone now always protects from Radiation.
- Error in the description of Digging Box.
- Luciden did not disappear when Eternal Darkness Mode was turned off.
- Killing Noxifer gave Luciden kill points, as well as Luciden Adventurer and Heroic Banner.
- The Flower Zombie model was flashing.
- The Cold Overseer model's head was not displaying correctly.
- Heveline was not picking up flowers in the Ambulance Quest.
- Mistake in the name of the Fotium Block.
- Some spawners in the Ice Tower were not working.
- Crafting of the Traveler Emblem and Raccoon Flag.
Main features: New types of flying islands and rebuilding the island with the Comets Portal, a complete remake of all Emblems, change in the spread of Hyacinthum Infection.
- New types of flying islands: -- Ore: Iron, Gold, Copper, Chlorine, Skylite (Comets), Silver (End). -- Geodes: Ruby, Amethyst. -- Biomes: Mushroom, Brimstone, Mangrove Swamp, Desert, Wasteland, Mucunfectio, Snow. -- Others: Snowflake (Comets), Hyacinthum (appears in the Overworld after killing an Infected Kraken)
- Lenot. New easter mob.
- Raccoons can now be tamed with cookies.
- Achievement for obtaining The Great Emblem.
- Completely redesigned Comets Portal Island.
- Completely redesigned all Emblems. Changed descriptions and tiers for some. Renamed: Spider-Man - Warrior, Invisible Lady - Trickster, Star-Lord - Inferno, Batman - Bat, Aquaman - Aqua, Green Arrow - Miner, Loki - Liar, Wild Dog - Wild, Iron Man - Steel, Hulk - Fist, Torch Man - Torch, Vibe - Ender, Scarlet Witch - Plasma, Black Lightning - Immunity, Rocket - Thief, Thor - Lightning, Drax - Soldier, Deadpool - Undead, Flash - Fast, Stargirl - Star, Black Widow - Fighter, Dex Starr - Blood, Green Lantern - Fantastic, Guardians of the Galaxy - Cosmos, Reverse Flash - Speed, Black Panther - Ninja, Captain Marvel - Wonder, Superman - Inhuman, Lanterns - Light, Zoom - Super Speed, Shang-Chi - Lord, Avengers - Team, Justice League - League, Silver Surfer - Traveler, Savitar - Lightspeed, Starfox - Raccoon, Starly - Supernova, Black Silver Surfer - Black Hole, Ikaris - Ikar, DC - Divine.
- Textures: Coins, Coin Blocks, Chlorine Ore, Miguel.
- Hyacinthum Infection now spreads differently, infecting one block at a time at random from itself.
- All planks, logs, and leaves can now be infected with Hyacinthum.
- The description of the Hyacinthum Grass Block is now red, so people read it already.
- Changed the spawn conditions of some Overworld mobs, now they can spawn in any biome on the Grass Block.
- Remodeled and retextured the Rainbow and Raccoon Flag.
- Miguel had the Forester GUI open in place of the Infected Kraken quest.
- Hyacinthum Grass renamed to Hyacinthum Grass Block.
- Waxed Hyacinthum Grass renamed to Waxed Hyacinthum Grass Block.
- The attainment "This * is crazy" has been renamed to "This is * crazy".
- Waxed Hyacinthum Grass Block sound.
- Crafting the Rainbow Flag to make it a unique loot.
- Elly Mils, Eric Myval, Jay Woo.
- Pure Wood and a set of blocks made from it. When using Infectodeus Panacea, Hyacinthum Log now turns into Pure Log.
- Ability to put books from the mod into the Chiseled Bookshelf.
- Ability for Sniffer to search for seeds in blocks from the mod.
- Crafting of Khagris Roots.
- Unahzaal Smithing Template. Cannot be found in creative inventory, only given out with commands. Currently does not work.
- The number of Sorcery Skill level for worlds crystals crafting. It is now as follows: Rayana - 8, Lands of Karvat - 8, Volcanech - 10, Kingdom of Amber - 13, Unahzaal - 16.
- You can now add Armopr Trims on Straw Hat, Nightingale Helmet, Crystal Crown, Hellish Mask, Deer Helmet, Bear Helmet, and Coonskip Caps. Previously could not, because they have 3D models.
- Changed the Straw Hat and Coonskip Caps models so that the trim on them is not flashing.
- Textures of all Sunfurry clothing sets in inventory.
- Armor Trims could be added on Armored Chitin Block.
- Straw Hat was flashing.
- Chainsaw could break Blue Comet Grass Block.
- Hammers no longer breaks Bedrock, Command Block, End Portal Frame, End Portal, Structure Block, Jigsaw Block, Dragon Edd, Barrier, Reinforced Deepslate, End Gateway.
- Infectodeus Panacea. Crears Hyacinthum Infection in 64 blocks radius.
- Sunflower Spider speed.
- Prismatic Ore description.
- Removed Ruby Blocks from Vivid's Labyrinth. And some ore blocks replaces with raw ore blocks.
- Changed the way of drop for some ores.
- forge:iter_controllable Tag.
Version 1.6.3 will not be released because it had one serious bug, which was fixed in 1.6.4.
The main new features are: two new quests; a new NPC Bartender and a mini Casino game; a new Soul Snatcher flower, which can be used to get a Soul Fragment; a new multitool, Hammer of Eternity.
1.6.3 changelog: Added:
- Two new quests: Ambulance and Desertion.
- Ambulance quest: Bring 5 Leviathan Blossoms to Heveline to heal her brother. Dimension: Purgatorium. Reward: Mortal Remains. -Desertion quest: Steal 5 Blueprints by breaking Spawners in Volcanech with a special tool. World: Volcanech. Reward: Blueprints.
- Mortal Remains. New ingredient for Enchanted Remains Potion.
- Enchanted Remains Potion. Imposes complete invulnerability for 30 seconds, recharges 5 minutes.
- Quantum Distabilizer, Battle Torch of Death, Hoz De Muerte, Pyromagica and Ignis Blueprints.
- New quest NPCs: Heveline, Heveroon, Sunfurry Scout.
- Bartender. New NPC to play casino with. Put any 6-58 coins into his inventory and press the button. You will randomly add and subtract coins to or from your inventory.
- Bar. A new structure in the Overworld with the Bartender.
- Dice Block. Drops with a 10% chance if you win at the casino. May be converted to an Blank Dice Block on the Stonecutter.
- Gold Dice Block. Drops with a 1% chance if you win in the casino if you have already received a regular Dice Block.
- Dice Sword. Deals 1-6 damage to target or player. Drops with a 0,5% chance if you win in the casino if you have already received a Gold Dice Block.
- Soul Snatcher. A new plant in the Soul Sand Valley that attacks the player and charges when he dies. A Soul Fragment drops from a charged Soul Snatcher.
- Ranged attack of the Cutting Abstract by Right Click.
- Craft of Black Books to summon Unahzaal.
- Added description of the Caramel Sword and Purgatorium Cudgel.
- Adventure banners drop for every tenth boss kill, and Hero banners drop for every hundred kills.
- Turquoise Ore spawns from -64 to height 10.
- Hirots's Power is renamed to Hirots' Power.
- Netherskull Sword is crafted in the Smithing Table.
- Pyromancer Bell is dropped from the Volcanic Golem.
- Particles once again come from the Black Books.
- The Ultimate One no longer burns in Fire and Lava.
1.6.4 changelog: Added:
- Hammer of Eternity. A new multi-tool that is an amalgamation of other tools. Can be activated by Right Click. When activated, can cut down an entire tree at once or dig 3x3x3.
- End Runic Stone.
- Player minions have been added to the forge:iter_controllable tag for use in a future update of the IterRPG mod.
- Textures: Turquoise Katana, Topaz Katana, Corundum Sword, Garnet Sword, Tools of Eternity.
- Corundum Katana and Garnet Katana renamed to Swords.
- Increased chance of Soul Spark drop from Broken Soul.
- Model of Dead Amberian.
- Portal to Amber appears in the Amber Castle.
- Bloody Anchor Description.
- All Blueprints are now fireproof.
- Bug from 1.6.3: Adventurer and Hero Banners dropped from the first boss killed.
- Bug from 1.6.3: Enchanted Remains Potion drank with food sounds.
- Description of the Hellish Clock.
- Acid Rain during combat with the Infected Kraken. Now in Eternal Darkness mode the player takes damage if he is too close to the Infected Kraken when it rains.
- Great Gem of Badoneti. Adds Levitation when the player is in the void. Requires 100 of each essence to activate, then slowly absorbs it. Deactivates on Right Click.
- Salted Venison, Elephant Meat, and Endacea Meat.
- End Sand. Can be melted into glass.
- Furnace can be crafted by more types of stone.
- Steel Bug Net. Has more durability.
- Fishmage Net. Turns bait into Starlight Bugs. Increases the amount of bait depending on the Sorcery Skill level.
- Starlight Bug. New bait that can only be acquired with a Fishmage net.
- Starlight Bug Bott;e.
- Banners of Ender Dragon, Wither, Elder Guardian and Warden.
- Button to cancel a quest in the Journal and Notice Board.
- Bosses regenerate in Eternal Darkness mode.
- Decorative rock structures in Mucunfectio biomes.
- Flying lanterns in the Comets.
- Particles of ash in Volcanech.
- Vegetation of Brimstone Biome can grow on the hats of giant mushrooms.
- Achievement for petting a Raccoon.
- Bone Meal can be crafted from Bone Shard.
- Textures: Tea, Flameblossom Seeds, Rocket Emblem.
- Generation of Celestial Spheres. Increased appearance height to 80.
- Spirit spawn conditions.
- Description of Infected Shrimp, Nether Chronicles, Tommyknokker Root.
- Comets Portal Structure.
- Increased Infern spawn.
- Armored Beetle spawn.
- Chance of Hellish Key drop increased to 20%.
- Soil is no longer removed in the Extraterrestrial Gardener's Pot.
- Monster Blindness spawns in the Purgatorium Taiga.
- Reduced the chance of dropping a Pyro Volcanite Shard from a Flame Sphere.
- Sun Light in Gardener's Pots now looks different.
- Suspicious Mushroom spawns Brimstone Agaric with a 100% chance.
- Executioner and Volc spawn in Ash Valley in Volcanech.
- Additional damage of the Fallen King Sword is now 1-20%.
- Amber Portal Generation.
- Some Guitar sounds were of different volume.
- Venison and Endacea meat could not be eaten by dogs.
- The Electricity effect was applied to Rock-Blaze, not the player during combat.
- Hellish Keys fell from all mobs.
- No Vital Soup was spent on a quest.
- Arei Fairies walked, not flew.
- The active quest button was not working.
- Some trades at Contrabandist consumed the wrong amount of Warrior Coins.
- Gorilla Blowman did not attack the player.
- Firefly and Lepterinae particles are now always visible.
- Banners now drop regardless of tool.
- Textures of Rocket Emblem and Guardians of the Galaxy Emblem.
- Kingdom of Amber portals generation.
- Soil don't removes from Extraterrestrial Gardener's Pot.
- Executioner and Volc spawns in Ash Dunes.
- Firefly and Lepterinae particles always shows.
- Tommyknocker Root description.
- Some villagers trades.
- Dimension Crystals no more removes in Unahzaal Crystal Craft.
- Electricity effect adds on Rock-Blaze instead of player.
- Gorilla Blowman doesn't attack the player.
- Profaned Forest. New Nether biome. Melters and Profaned Cows spawn there more often than in other biomes.
- Small Ancient Chorus Fruit can be planted in the Extraterrestrial Gardener's Pot and grown. Also now eating it removes the effect of Portal Disease.
- Celestial Sphere. Can be activated and binded to a location in Comet or Gardens of Eden. This sphere can then teleport you to coordinates 100000 70 100000 and create a structure to keep you from falling into the void, as well as teleport you back to the bound location. You can unbind the sphere by re-crafting it into a normal sphere.
- Watching Sphere. Removes Blindness and Darkness in the worlds of Purgatorium and Unahzaal in the Eternal Darkness Mode.
- Bard. A new NPC that can play a random soundtrack from the mod if you give him a coin.
- Guitar. Drops from the Bard. Initially, the player can't play it normally, but the longer you play it, the better the chance of learning to play it.
- Wild Flameblossom. Grows in the Blazing Wastes. Can be crafted to Seeds.
- End Glowstone.
- Arei Fairy. Summoned by the Arei Spirit during fight.
- Arei Finger. Upgrade of the Sky Finger. Has a 5% chance to drop an Experience Booster from any mob.
- Phantom Spawner. New structure in the End where you can farm Phantom Membranes. Added because with the mod it's very hard to wait for Phantoms.
- Ancient Planks Set. Made from Ancient Chorus.
- Rayana Emerald Ore.
- Large stones in the Desert of Rayana.
- Interdimensional Unahzaal Structure.
- Textures: Comet Cabbage, Flameblossom, Spider-Man Emblem, all salty food, Infected Meat, The Ultimate One.
- Cabbage Seeds replaced with Comet Pod.
- Portals of the Gardens of Eden and the Kingdom of Amber Particles, all Pharos particles.
- Amber Robber no longer moves.
- Bloody and Blazing Nylium can be used as soil for the Nether Gardener's Pot.
- The Interdimensional Structures of the Lands of Karvat, Volcanech and the Kingdom of Amber are slightly changed.
- Sky Finger Description.
- Topaz Ore now appears from 50 high to 319.
- Xaxxas XIX now can't be summoned if there's already this boss nearby.
- The Ultimate One now has a Watching Sphere in the craft and also uses its abilities.
- Changed Forester House and Bank.
- Craft of Sweet Rabbit.
- Dimension Crystals moved up in creative inventory.
- Staff of Flame Circle was creating an uneven circle.
- Solar Flame particles were using the wrong texture.
- Plants were giving points to the Growing skill if just planted.
- Some blocks were incorrectly placed in the Gardens of Eden Interdimensional Structure.
- Ritual Stones Dupe.
- Comet Bricks and Comet Glowstone renamed to Comets Bricks and Comets Glowstone.
- Rune Kdmia drops in any biome.
- Quests. New mechanics. You can pass them and get rewards. The list of quests will be below.
- Notice Board. New block. Can be crafted or found in the Eternal Town. Shows the player's skills, allows you to level them up for skill points. Shows information about all skills.
- Journal. Opens the Notice Board interface.
- Player Level. New mechanic. When increasing any skill, the player is given a level points, equal to the level of the increased skill. When leveling up, the player gets one skill point, which can be used to increase any skill on the Notice Board by one level. When entering the new version with the old world, if the player has already been increased any skills, the level will be recalculated automatically.
- New skill - Speech. It's increasing for trading with any traders. The higher the level, the greater the discount on some trades.
- Cash Box. Is dropped starting with level 10 of Speech Skill. This box gives you money.
- Speech Skill Stone and its structure.
- New Drinks - Glowshroom Juice, Comet Juice, Paradise Juice, Tropical Juice, Sulfur Juice, and Amberian Juice. Gives an effect of Speech Skill Boost.
- NPC Phrases.
- Returned Skill Overlay. Opens on Numpad 0 by default.
- Skill Stones structures now appear in all worlds where you can increase this skill.
- Swordfish. The first donater's item. It attacks harder when the player is in the water. Comes out when fishing with a Fishing Net in Mucunfection Biomes and if the player has 5 or higher Fishing Skill Level. The higher the Fishing Skill level, the higher the chance of catching it.
- Sorcerer Bag. You can put Runes in it.
- Unahzaal Rune Stone and Unahzaal Rune.
- Glowing Karpit and Blackstone Bricks.
- The Ultimate One. Crafted from all the accessories of the mod and 3 Eternity Crystal Blocks. Gives all accessories effects for less essences.
- Bleeding Caverns. New biome in Nether. In it appear deltas with blood, flesh block, bleeding trees, as well as increased chance to spawn Butchers.
- Blazing Wastes. New biome from Crystalized Glowstone. Blazes and Hell Overseers are spawned in it.
- Unahzaal Tentacle. New Weapon. Drops from Unahzaal.
- Xaxxas Sword. Deals a lot of damage, imposes slowness because it's too heavy.
- Piece of Cake. Cake is a lie.
- Fish Oil. Causes the Oiliness effect.
- Oiliness. New Effect. Pushes the player out of the water.
- Lightsword. Upgrade of Sword of the Empty Sky.
- Vivid Kettle. New Rare Structure.
- White Gold Armor. Crafted from gold and silver.
- Hyacinthum Infection. When the player is attacked by Mucunfectio mobs in Eternal Darkness mode, he gets the Infection effect, which kills him when it ends.
- Crystalized Glowstone Sword. Applies the Glowing effect.
- Glow-Bow. Arrow creates a stream of light.
- Serum Syringe. Removes Infection.
- Sour Milk. Milk can go sour if it don't want to remove the effect you've been given.
- Sorcery Books of Oiliness and Infection.
- Cheesecake of the Nether. Frops from Bleeding Leaves with 1% chance. Imposes Strength and Slowness.
- Crystalized Cheesecake. Adds Strength and Glowing.
- Block, Lamp and Glass of Eternity Crystals.
- Unahzaal Glass.
- Aralium Path.
- Spectral Arrow craft from Crystalized Glowstone.
- Hellish Clock. Rewinds time for the night, consuming all essences.
- Crystal Crown.
- Ancient Chorus. New Plant. Dead Ancient Chorus Flower can be revived by the Vital Dew or the Vital Soup.
- Ancient Chorus Fruit. Teleports the player to the End. Can be turned into Ancient Chorus Flower and planted.
- Vital Soup. Can revive Dead Ancient Chorus Flowers.
- Comets Flea Egg. Summons Comet Flea upon contact.
- Comets Flea. New Quest Mob.
- Comets Runners. Adds Jump Boost.
- Eternal Dawn. New quest boss.
- Drink of the Sun. Inflicts the effect of Sacred Flames.
- Sacred Flames. New effect, setting all the undead and evil spirits of Eden on fire.
- Hellish Gates, Hellish Keyhole. Opened with the Hellish Key.
- Altar of the Sun. Lets you restore the Drink of the Sun and summon Eternal Dawn.
- Chiseled Edenzyte. Decorative Block.
- New quest NPCs: Strange Banshee, D'Kudja, Ancient Enderman, Amber Robber.
- Particles of fire when a mob is under the effect of Solar Fire.
- Skill Boxes now drop at level 10 of a Skill.
- Miguel now tells about all bosses.
- Contrabandist (Trophy Trader) now has all the summon items. He also buys all banners.
- Trophy Trader renamed to Contrabandist.
- Speech of Unahzaal and Xaxas XIX before dying is now shown to all players nearby, not just the one who killed them.
- Changed textures: All boxes and Skill Boxes, Infected Kraken Banner, Worlds Bricks, Karpit Bricks, Gardens of Eden and Karvat Portal, Infectodeus Forge, Guardians of the Galaxy Emblem for the third part of the movie, Hellish Bricks, Banshees, Overworld Planetarium, Cups and drinks in it, Sword of Empty Sky, Hyacinthum Dirt, all paths, Hardened and Dried Blood, Archangel Wings, Arei Wings, Ambrea, Caviar, Caviar Sandwich, Fish Sandwich.
- Purgatorium Phantom now shoots with more delay.
- Ryusuke's Sword is renamed to Nightingale Sword.
- Sword of the Empty Sky deals more damage to Werewolves.
- Black Books increases any of the Skills, including Fear in Eternal Darkness mode.
- Skill Stones appear more often.
- Changed button textures.
- Description of Echo Anchor and Bloody Anchor changed from Sorcery Artefact to Sorcery Weapon.
- Eternity Banner can be walked through.
- More drink types are dropped from Xaxas XIX, Unahzaal and Flecheresha Unahzaal .
- Holy Water and Hallowed Cross also work on Eden Evil Spirits.
- Rune Stone renamed to Runic Stone.
- Caviar Crate has been replaced by the Caviar Block.
- When in contact with water, Blood now turns into a block of Hardened Blood, and with lava into Dried Blood.
- Blood imposes Strength and Slowness.
- Crafts of Sword of Empty Sky, Fish Sandwich, Caviar.
- Death Flame now burns forever on Netherrack and Magma Block.
- Added description of Purple Chromakey.
- Redstone Lamp gives a redstone signal.
- Arrows can be made using all feathers of the mod.
- Astral Enchancer renamed to Astral Enchanter.
- Khonshu Staff required level 100 of Sorcery Skill.
- Achievement for walking on the Ravrite Honey Block was not granted.
- Echo Rune could not be recycled.
- A typo in the Infectodeus Forge GUI.
- Removed a piece of carpet in Miguel's house. It sometimes caused vanilla villagers to get hung up.
- Ignis absorbed 1 Isaris in place of 50.
- Extraterrestrial Crystal was giving the wrong amount of Sorcery skill points.
- Snower and Heater gave a redstone signal.
- Shadow from Ice Bricks, Nether Fishing Web, and Gold-Framed Ruby Glass.
- Pathes disappear if a block is on top.
Quests (possible spoilers):
Musicians Town. Bring Aeter the Jukebox. Reward: Quest Bag.
Piglin's Clocktower. Open the Piglin's Clocktower with four Hellish Keys, which can be knocked out of the Hell Overseers. Reward: Hellish Clock.
Ancient Chorus. Bring Vital Soup to the Ancient Enderman to revive the Ancient Chorus. Reward: 5 Ancient Chorus Fruits and 5 Small Ancient Chorus Fruits.
Insect Control. Sweep the cave of the Comets Fleas. Reward: Comets Runners.
Drink of the Sun. Release the Altar of the Sun from the Eternal Dawn. Reward: Drink of the Sun.
Bloody Cult. Defeat Pterion. Reward: Rayanna Quest Bag.
Divine Power. Defeat Enicrich and the four gods. Reward: Gulibeg Bag.
Royal Secret. Learn the secret of the King of Amber and defeat him.