Version Release 1.1.0 (1.19.4, 1.19.2 Forge)
Major Update!
• Added vertical stairs for all stair variants in vanilla + Excessive Building, do expect mod compat in the future aswell!
• Added crafting table variants for each wood type
• Added smooth stone tiles
• Added nether tiles for all nether brick variants
• Fiery crystals clusters will spawn less frequently
• Removed cobbled blocks from the natural blocks creative tab
Bug Fixes
• Cobbled granite, diorite, and andesite stairs, slabs, and walls can no longer be used as "stone crafting materials" (this allowed them to have the properties of normal cobblestone blocks, ex: stone age advancement,
repairing/crafting stone tools, and other stuff)
• Piglins will now like golden brick block variants (stairs, slabs, walls, and the new vertical stairs)
• [IMPORTANT] This will be the last major update to support 1.19.4 and 1.18.2, these versions will still be updated but only on occasion (possibly never at all)
• Changed Excessive Building logo
• Source code, issue tracker, and wiki have now been set up!
• This will be the last major content update for some time, will be porting to 1.20 whenever a stable release of Forge is out, as for Fabric I may be working on that in the future but for now I wanna
start working on some other projects/other mods :) will still make more updates in the future for sure though!
Excessive Building - 1.0.0 (1.19.2)
Released on: 5/11/23
• Added a creative mode tab for Excessive Building items (this will also display items in JEI)
Bug Fixes
• Fixed a major crash when paired with other mods on multiplayer
• This mod will still be updated in the future with new content and ports to other versions (especially fabric)
You can suggest new features and changes you would like to see in the comments :)!
Excessive Building - 1.0.0 (1.19.4)
Released on: 5/11/23
Bug Fixes
• Fixed a major crash when paired with other mods on multiplayer
• This mod will still be updated in the future with new content and ports to other versions (especially fabric)
You can suggest new features and changes you would like to see in the comments :)!
Excessive Building - 0.1.5 (1.19.2)
• Added polished granite, andesite, and diorite bricks
• Added cobbled granite, andesite, and diorite (can be used for cobbled recipes)
• Added crimson/warped mossy blackstone bricks
• Added crimson/warped mossy polished blackstone bricks
• Added smooth stone bricks
• Added smooth bricks
• Added lapis bricks
• Added a recipe to craft brimstone (can still be found naturally in the world)
• ↸╎∷ℸ ̣ ᓵᔑリ リ𝙹∴ ʖᒷ !¡⚍ℸ ̣ ╎リ ᔑ ∷𝙹∴ ᔑℸ ̣ ℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷ ʖ𝙹ℸ ̣ ℸ ̣ 𝙹ᒲ 𝙹⎓ ᔑ crafting ℸ ̣ ᔑʖꖎᒷ
• Granite, andesite, and diorite now drop their cobbled variants without silk touch
• Golden bricks now have the same hardness as gold blocks
• Golden bricks can now be used to power beacons
• Golden bricks now attract piglins
• Slightly tweaked construction worker texture
• Tweaked and added some trades to construction workers
• Updated logo to be to date with current textures and increase resolution quality
Bug Fixes
• Fixed missing texture issue for zombie construction worker villagers
You can suggest new features and changes you would like to see in my Discord Server :)!
Excessive Building - 0.1.5 (1.19.4)
• Added polished granite, andesite, and diorite bricks
• Added cobbled granite, andesite, and diorite (can be used for cobbled recipes)
• Added crimson/warped mossy blackstone bricks
• Added crimson/warped mossy polished blackstone bricks
• Added smooth stone bricks
• Added smooth bricks
• Added lapis bricks
• Added a recipe to craft brimstone (can still be found naturally in the world)
• ↸╎∷ℸ ̣ ᓵᔑリ リ𝙹∴ ʖᒷ !¡⚍ℸ ̣ ╎リ ᔑ ∷𝙹∴ ᔑℸ ̣ ℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷ ʖ𝙹ℸ ̣ ℸ ̣ 𝙹ᒲ 𝙹⎓ ᔑ crafting ℸ ̣ ᔑʖꖎᒷ
• Granite, andesite, and diorite now drop their cobbled variants without silk touch
• Golden bricks now have the same hardness as gold blocks
• Golden bricks can now be used to power beacons
• Golden bricks now attract piglins
• Slightly tweaked construction worker texture
• Tweaked and added some trades to construction workers
• Updated logo to be to date with current textures and increase resolution quality
Bug Fixes
• Fixed missing texture issue for zombie construction worker villagers
You can suggest new features and changes you would like to see in my Discord Server :)!
Excessive Building - (1.19.4)
• The Excessive Building tab now displays the logo rather than an alchemist shelf
Bug Fixes
• Fixed Excessive Building tab not translating when changing language
• Fixed a common crash that occurred when running the mod on a server
Upcoming News
• A full Fabric port of the mod is in progress and should be released in the coming week(s), this port is based off of this version (beta and will include 100% of all content up to this version, I plan on updating it aswell, haven't had time to say it anywhere else but thanks for downloading the mod, glad to see people enjoy it <3, see yall next update!
You can suggest new features and changes you would like to see in the comments :)!
Excessive Building - 0.1.4 (1.19.4)
• Added new chiseled variants to all wood types
• Added obsidian bricks and tiles
• Added recipe groups for mosaic, mosaic stairs, mosaic slabs, and chiseled planks
• Added support for Mexican Spanish, more translations are in the works however do not expect all translations to be 100% correct!
• Tweaked faces of construction table
• Removed bamboo mosaic from language files
• Construction worker villagers now sell chiseled planks
• Construction worker villagers no longer buy blackstone bricks
• Construction worker villagers now buy fiery crystals
• Tweaked description of the mod in-game
Extra Note:
Currently recipe book does not grant recipes when the materials required for an Excessive recipe is picked up, this will be fixed in (most likely) next update... frfr this time <3
Extra Extra Note: Do expect in the coming weeks a possible 1.18.2 release of the mod :) as for Fabric that is now in the works :)
You can suggest new features and changes you would like to see in the comments :)!
Excessive Building - 0.1.3 (1.19.4)
• Added soul sandstone blockset (their double slabs don't create soul fire intentionally, normal blocks do however)
• Added blue nether brick blockset
• Added brimstone, a new stone type that can be found generating in netherrack
• Added brimstone blockset
• Added fiery crystal which is used to craft new light blocks
• Added fiery crystal blocks that can be found generating in the Basalt Deltas
• Added construction table that can be used for villagers to work at
• Added construction worker villager who sell building blocks to the player (more trades will be added in the future, a special village house will also be added in a coming update dedicated for the villager profession)
• Added asphalt which when walked on increases movement speed by +20% (does not stack with swiftness), these can be purchased at master level trades from construction workers
• Desaturated greens on mossy deepslate blocks
• Updated Forge version to at least 45.0.43 for 1.19.4
• Reorganized Excessive Building creative tab to better match the Building Blocks tab
Bug Fixes
• Fixed an issue causing sandstone and red sandstone brick slabs to be uncraftable at a crafting table
• Fixed an issue causing blocks that requires a tool to mine to be dropped even when mined by hand
Extra Note:
Currently recipe book does not grant recipes when the materials required for an Excessive recipe is picked up, this will be fixed in (most likely) next update... fr this time <3
Extra Extra Note: Do expect in the coming weeks a possible 1.18.2 release of the mod :) as for Fabric that will be released once the mod reaches version 1.0 (aka out of Beta)
You can suggest new features and changes you would like to see in the comments :)!
• Added mosaic cherry wood (only obtainable if 1.20 features are enabled)
• Added mossy cobbled bricks (excluding blackstone... for now)
• Added mossy deepslate bricks
• Added sandstone and red sandstone bricks
• Added stairs and slabs for golden bricks
Bug Fixes
• Fixed mosaic woods being uncraftable (can now be crafted using plank slabs)
• Fixed wall blocks dropping slabs
Extra Note: Currently recipe book does not grant recipes when the materials required for an Excessive recipe is picked up, this will be fixed in (hopefully) next update
You can suggest new features and changes you would like to see in the comments :)!
• Added mosaic wood and cobbled bricks/golden bricks to "Building Blocks" creative tab
• Added shelf variants to "Functional Blocks" creative tab
• Added "Nether Wood" sounds to nether mosaic woods
• Changed version to 1.19.4
• Changed "Potion Shelf" texture to better match new potion colors
• Changed "Alchemist Shelf" texture to better match new potion colors
• Removed bamboo wood (this is due to the ability to enable them with experimental settings)