- Added Mauler (The Great Hunger)
- Added new "It Bites" advancement
- Improved copper golem/glare animations
- Improved illusioner/iceologer spawning logic
- Improved glare compatibility as tameable mob(for example with Domestication Innovation)
- Fixed crash related to non-existing beekeepers beehive
- Fixed all errors/warnings related to the mixins/data fixers
- Added it_it translations (thanks to https://github.com/Zano1999)
- Iceologer cabin can now generate only in Y coordinate of 100 and more
- Illusioner shack can now generate only in Y coordinate of 80 and more
- Added Glare
- Added config (friendsandfoes.json)
- Added new "MooBoom!" and "Grumpy and Cute" advancements
- Fixed copper button/copper golem related advancements
- Fixed gravity for fully oxidized Copper Golem
- Fixed Beekeeper Area village structure generation
- Refactored a lot of code for better readability and performance