What's new in Keepers of the Stones II version
- Content from Energium Extra mod has been moved to Keepers of the Stones II
- Updated the mechanics of the technobarrier
- The Sand Master's burial ability has been changed
- Slightly increased repulsion by the air flow
- [API] Colorful Powers API has been updated to version 9
- [API] Added support for custom boosters for stones
- [API] Added garter for client side activation stone for add-ons
- [Bugfix] Fixed a crash caused by using abilities on projectiles
- [Bugfix] Fixed a bug that caused the energium core to not drop out of the golem
- [Bugfix] Fixed a bug where the player could use abilities in spectator mode
- [Bugfix] Fixed a bug that caused the first air ability to not push players away
- [Bugfix] Fixed a bug that caused the third earth ability to not work
- [Bugfix] Fixed a bug that caused sand to be duplicated when using the burial ability on a sand master
- [Bugfix] Fixed a bug that caused the black hole to attract all entities including projectiles, etc.
What's new in Keepers of the Stones II version
- Full migration to NeoForge 1.20.4
- Added the ability to switch from Keepers of the Stones to Keepers of the Stones II (Some items may disappear during the transition)
- Player animations returned when activating and deactivating stones
- PlayerAnimator mod is again required for the mod to work
- One key now opens one vault
- The number of keys after defeating bosses is now equal to the number of vaults in the structures
- [Bugfix] Fixed a bug that caused the mod's game rules to not work
What's new in Keepers of the Stones II version
- Added new music disc - Ancient Mood
- Added new game rules - limit on the number of stones and limit on getting stones for one player
- The generation of the cursed forest biome has been temporarily removed, as the location is not in use and needs to be improved
- The batteries have been moved to a separate creative mode tab
- Added sounds when charging the battery in the battery charger
- Added sounds for the elemental power generator from the beacon
- Cursed and energy vaults are no longer restored after taking loot from them
- Some textures have been updated
- Added missing craft for raw copyrium
- Changed the crafting of the cursed lantern and cursed lamp
- [Bugfix] Fixed the id and name of the music disc
- [Bugfix] Fixed a bug where the earthquake ability could destroy items
What's new in Keepers of the Stones II version
- Added new element - mushrooms
- Added new biome - cursed forest (You need a full set of energium armor to not die in it)
- Added new record - call of the past (It can be found in the vaults of the energium temple)
- Added some new achievements
- The magnet's abilities have been redesigned
- The core of the energium golem can now destroy blocks
- Levitation effect increased by 1 level when using flight-related abilities
- [Bugfix] Fixed a bug that caused entities to react to a pool of poison
- [Bugfix] Fixed a bug where the sand master could use burial on all entities
- [Bugfix] Fixed the star regeneration potion
Forgotten version
What's new in Keepers of the Stones version II
#WARNING! Some features may not be displayed correctly on clients due to poor synchronization.
- Backported to 1.19.2 Forge
- Star potion now has a glow
- Improved generation of energium ore
- The third ability of the element of metal has been redesigned
- [Bugfix] Fixed particles when using the third ability of the element of light
- [Bugfix] Fixed damage to the elements of metal and earth
- [Bugfix] Fixed a bug that made shadows practically invulnerable
- [Bugfix] Fixed a bug with mixed textures of energium armor
- [Bugfix] Fixed a bug where the source of damage from elemental abilities was not determined
What's new in Keepers of the Stones II version
- Added new element - magnet
- Added energium vault and energium key
- Added cursed ladder and cursed lamp
- Added new argument for pw command - debug
- Removed the slow-motion drop when using the third speed ability
- Amplifer blocks now emit some light
- The elemental power generator has been updated
- Copyrium ore now appears in snowy biomes
- The structure of the Energium Temple has been updated
- Now the star regeneration effect level doubles the recovery rate of star points
- Changed the weapon for the teleportation master
- [Bugfix] Fixed a bug that incorrectly displayed the cause of death from an Energium Golem
- [Bugfix] Fixed a bug where the Amber Master's poison abilities were replaced with speed abilities
- [Bugfix] Fixed display of rain bow in second hand
What's new in Keepers of the Stones II version
- Added new element - mist, sand, speed and poison
- Added cursed stone and more blocks from it
- Added cursed lantern
- Added cursed vault and cursed key (Many thanks to Hrumer for the help)
- Added copyrium ore
- Elemental power generator can save powers and distribute for another players (players can save elemental energy for 2.5 minutes)
- Added a new option for the fake_element argument - timer
- Added particles for Blood master abilities
- Added new achievements
- A full set of Energy Armor now gives a power lock effect to entities in a 3 block radius
- The Energium golem now throws up during a close-range attack
- The radius along the X and Y axes has been increased and the offset along the Y axis by 0.25 for the shot from the core of the Energium Golem
- Reduced the hitbox of the energium golem
- Added a recipe for an amplifier ring
- The amplifier ring now completely resets the recharge of the stone
- Visualization for the third ability of amber and ice has been returned
- Epic Fight support has been removed due to conflicts with other mods
- [Bugfix] Fixed a bug that caused a destruction stone to be given out when selecting a destruction stone from a casket.
- [Bugfix] Fixed a crash when an item is rendered on the battery charger
- [Bugfix] Fixed a bug where the amplifier ring was spent just like that
- [Bugfix] Fixed a bug that caused star points to decrease to negative values when using the first amber ability
- [Bugfix] Fixed a bug with items disappearing from inventory after death from a blow from the hands of an energium golem
What's new in Keepers of the Stones II version
- Added new element - amber
- Added a new argument for the pw command - fake_element
- All arguments to the pw command can now use multiple targets for application
- The pw command now displays a message in chat when executed
- Removed the star potions with the addition of star points
- Added star regeneration potion
- Added amplifer ring
- The amplifer Ring removes 30 sec of recharge from the stone when used in a second hand
- Nuclear rocket's blast radius has been reduced
- The reloading time of the teleportation gun has been reduced
- The explosion power of the master of the sun has been reduced
- Battery charging particles in the battery charger have been updated
- The batteries are now visually displayed on the battery charger
- [Bugfix] Fixed a bug that caused players to lose items from their inventory when they died from a shot from the core of an energium golem
- [Bugfix] Fixed a bug with combining stones with an air stone
- [Bugfix] Fixed explosion resistance for some blocks
What's new in Keepers of the Stones II version
- Added new element - explosion
- Added new achievements
- Changed the sound of the Ice Master's first attack
- Increased the speed and height of projectiles for abilities that strike at a radius
- [API] Colorful Powers API has been updated to version 7
- [Bugfix] Fixed a bug that caused the teleportation cannon to not fire in survival
- [Bugfix] Fixed a bug that caused the Blood Stone to not recharge in survival
- [Bugfix] Fixed a bug that caused some amplifier blocks to be generated in the world
What's new in Keepers of the Stones II version
- Added new elements - technology and teleportation
- The loot in the energium temple has been changed again
- Now the enchantment of Revenge works on all tools
- Improved the melee attack of the energium golem
- The particles of the energium golem's core have been changed to match the color of the core
- Minor improvements in the system for receiving updates
- [Bugfix] Fixed the second ability of the Creation master
What's new in Keepers of the Stones II version
- The loot in the Energium Temple has been changed
- Removed the energium smithing template from the ancient city
- The radius of the near special abilities has been slightly increased
- [Bugfix] Fixed damage to energium tools
- [Bugfix] Fixed the second ability of the Creation master
- [Bugfix] Fixed bugs related to the appearance of the energy temple
- [Bugfix] The Blood Master's abilities no longer work for players in creative modes
What's new in Keepers of the Stones II version
- Added new element - blood
- Added 3 achievements
- Added new boss - energium golem
- Added new structure - energium temple
- Added raw blocks for amplifier and energium
- The ability to throw an amplifier drop has been removed
- The overlay with power points has been moved to the left corner so that it is not covered by effects
- The star points overlay texture has been updated
- Mod updates are now checked from the Environment Update Center repository
- The pw command has been completely redesigned
- [API] Colorful Powers API has been updated to version 6
- [Bugfix] Fixed a bug that could cause black holes to appear in the world
- [Bugfix] Fixed a bug where the second ability of the creation wizard might not work
- [Bugfix] Fixed a bug where the player's time did not stop completely
- [Bugfix] The black hole no longer attracts players who are in creative modes
- [Bugfix] Fixed a bug with ether master particles
- [Bugfix] Fixed weapon damage to match the balance
What's new in Keepers of the Stones II version
- Mod ported to NeoForge 1.20.4
- Added new elements - Creation and Destruction
- Added amplifier block
- Amplifier ore is now generated under all oceans
- The amplifier drop can now be thrown
- When an amplifier drop hits a player, the player can get from 0 to 20 power points
- The buttons of the keeper's box interface have been improved
- Removed automatic issuing of stones to new players when they log into a world or server
- Kleiders Custom Renderer API is no longer a necessary dependency
- [API] Colorful Powers API has been updated to version 5
- [Bugfix] Added missing crafts for amplifier
- [Bugfix] Fixed a bug that caused a crash when selecting a stone from the keeper's box
- [Bugfix] Fixed a bug where stopping time did not affect movement when player jumping
What's new in Keepers of the Stones II version
- Added new elements - Creation and Destruction
- Added amplifier block
- Amplifier ore is now generated under all oceans
- The amplifier drop can now be thrown
- When an amplifier drop hits a player, the player can get from 0 to 20 power points
- The buttons of the keeper's box interface have been improved
- Removed automatic issuing of stones to new players when they log into a world or server
- Kleiders Custom Renderer API is no longer a necessary dependency
- [API] Colorful Powers API has been updated to version 5
- [Bugfix] Added missing crafts for amplifier
- [Bugfix] Fixed a bug that caused a crash when selecting a stone from the keeper's box
- [Bugfix] Fixed a bug where stopping time did not affect movement when player jumping
What's new in Keepers of the Stones II version
- The message about the current version has been deleted (because it does not make sense)
- [Bugfix] Fixed a bug with the ability to set the time and its minor revision
- [Bugfix] Fixed a bug where the lava stone could not be put into the battery charger
- [Bugfix] Fixed a bug that caused the battery to be charged with the element of light from the energy stone