Patch 1.0.2:
- Added c:wood_sticks tag to all recipes using sticks
- Fixed compatibility issues with enchantment mods such as Majrusz Library and Zenith mods
- Fixed Skofnung Stone compatibility issues, will properly remove all harmful effects, even from other mods
- Withered Wabbajack can now apply any effect in the game, including from other mods based on the three effect category types: beneficial, neutral and bad
- Added Growing Fireball entity to Withered Wabbajack’s projectile pool with luck type “neutral”
- Added tooltips for guns
Patch 1.0.1:
- Fixed crash by using Genesis Fracture and sumoning Flame Pillars
- Fixed Night Prowler issues where she was empowered during daytime instead of nighttime, and would give the player water breathing instead of blindness
- Silver Bullets needs gunpowder to craft and deals 4 bonus damage against undead
- Silver Bullets recipe is removed if gun recipes are disabled
- Changed recipe for Silver Bullets. Using silver ingots from any mod will produce 10 bullets, while using iron will only produce 3.
- Added Frostmourne, a soul harvesting long-sword that applies Permafrost post hit and can summon either Frost Giants or Rime Spectre while having over 5 souls based on randomness
- Added Frost Giants, slow, hard hitting giants that attack with an AOE smash, are immune to Permafrost effect and take double damage from fire sources. Can be summoned with Frostmourne
- Added Rime Spectre, a ghost like creature that passes through walls and affects all nearby targets with Permafrost, and can shoot large snow beams that affect targets with a stronger Permafrost effect
- Made Dragon Staff summon a giant sphere-ish zone based on attack enchant level instead of a flat field
- Hallowed Dragon Mist buff no longer damages tamed entities that are owned by players
- Fixed bug that crashed the game due to another mod conflicting with Dragon Staff Projectiles, Chaos Skulls and Withered Wabbajack Projectiles' renderer
- Added more creatures to Withered Wabbajack Projectile
- Added custom damage sources back into version 1.19.4
- Made certain weapons need a keybind to use some abilities which is LEFT_ALT by default, this includes:
- Nightfall: Unbreakable ability (grant shield)
- Heap of Raw Iron: Rage ability (grant Bloodthirsty effect and Strength)
- Draupnir Spear: Draupnir's Wail ability (detonate all spears)
- Added Parrying ability to shields, press RIGHT_ALT to attempt a parry while a shield item is in the off-hand, if successful, it will apply Posture Break to the target. The keybind can be changed in controls and parrying in its entirety can be disabled or edited in config
- Fixed an issue where Soul Harvesting weapons could infinitely gain souls by harvesting the Soulmass' Familiar Ghost summons
- Soulmass can no longer summon it's own Familiar Ghosts if some of it's previous summons are alive
- Changing boss health in config now properly goes over the previous 1024 max hp cap up to thousands
- Added Sphere of Warmth, stationary and immovable fireballs that shoot fireballs at the target and buffs allies
- Added Sunlight Projectiles, fire versions of Moonlight Projectiles
- Added Growing Fireballs, a new fireball entity that grows in size until reaching criticality. If it hasn't been sent to a target in time, it will explode. This projectile can be parried and sent back in the direction it came from if timed correctly!
- Added the Day Stalker, one of the two sisters of the new duo boss fight!
- Changed other regular items to have crafting table recipes instead of smithing table ones
- Translucent Double-Edged Greatsword now counts as a Twin Blade with Better Combat
- Updated Russian and Chinese translation partially (still missing translations for this updates’ new additions, help with any translation is always appreciated)
- Frenzied Shade now emerges from the ground and stays above ground when having no targets
- Added the Master Sword from Legend of Zelda series, when at full health it can be used to shoot more powerful moonlight projectiles compared to the Moonlight Greatsword. Additionally, it has the Righteous effect, making it deal more damage to undead.
- The ability for bosses to break surrounding blocks (such as Returning Knight or Fallen Icon) can be disabled in the config (excluding explosions)
- The mods structures now use minecraft’s biome tags:
- The Decaying Kingdom now spawns in every single nether biome (“is_nether” tag)
- The Champion’s Graves spawns in the “is_taiga” tag, meaning Taiga, Snowy Taiga, Old Growth Pine Taiga and Old Growth Spruce Taiga
- The Cathedral of Resurrection spawns in “is_hill” tag, meaning Windswept Hills, Windswept Forest and Windswept Gravelly Hills
- Withered Demons spawn everywhere in the Nether if on a Crimson Nylium block
- Replaced the iron block in the recipe of Old Moon Altar with the new item Iron Skull that must also be crafted
- Fixed an issue where the text on the controls menu would overflow it if using a certain UI size with small monitor
- Fixed buggy interaction between Spell Engine and this mod’s weapons making them not able to use their right click ability if they have one
- Fixed a bug where any item would trigger the “Lord Soul” advancement
- Reworked Galeforce, press the ability keybind to launch in a direction, shooting a powerful arrow towards your last attacked target (or right ahead if you’re not in combat with anything) that deals 1% more damage per 1% of their missing health, meaning it can reach 50% more damage if the target is at 50% hp
- Tried to fix an issue with Remnants and other summons bugging out when targeting an entity
- Added a Dark Star particle and a Black Flame particle
- Added the Night Skull projectile, a more powerful Wither Skull that when destroyed, leaves behind a dark, spherical cloud of particles that affect everything inside with Decay and Wither
- Added Fog projectile that blinds anything it touches
- Added Blackflame Snake entity that seeks out it’s target and detonates when either touching it or running out of time
- Added Edges of Night, giant swords that emerge from the ground like evoker fangs and deals more damage
- Added Night Wave projectiles that simply deal damage when passing through anything
- Added the Night Prowler, the other sister of Day Stalker and the second boss in their duo boss fight
- Added Blight effect, damage taken will be increased by a percentage based on the target’s armor amount
- Added Veil of Fire effect, continuously apply fire damage and set nearby enemies on fire
- Added Night’s Edge, a greatsword that can only be crafted with the soul of the Night Prowler. Can be used to either summon a line of Edges of Night or a circle of them around you that ripple outwards (just like one of Night Prowler’s attacks), and will apply Blight effect on targets post hit, with Decay if the effect level was bigger than 10
- Added Genesis Fracture, an empowered version of Dawnbreaker that can only be crafted with the soul of the Day Stalker. Use to summon random Fire Pillars around, or press ability keybind to unleash Meridia's Retribution and apply Veil of Fire to yourself
- Decay no longer applies Wither effect to non-player entities
- Monarch of Chaos and still applies Wither effect to non-player entities close to him if he has Decay effect himself, and is immune to Wither himself
- Chaos Robes applies Wither effect to non-player entities nearby every 2 seconds
- Changed recipe for Skofnung Stone and it now removes all harmful effects upon use
- Added Tainted Ambrosia, potions that apply Cursed Wounds on targets for given time, created by brewing Oleander with Awkward Potions
- Reworked Stagger enchantment and added Posture Loss system. Post hit, apply a certain amount of Posture Loss, which is displayed on the hud for players. At max Posture Loss, the entity is Posture Broken (max posture loss can be changed in config)
- Reworked Silver Bullets and Cannonballs, now applies Posture Loss instead of random Posture Break.
- Reworked Posture Breaker enchantment for Guns, now no longer has any effect on bows and cannot be acquired from the enchantment table for bows either, only guns this mod adds. Silver Bullets naturally apply a Posture Loss amount and with this enchant, the amount will be increased.
- Fast Hands have been renamed to Quick Reload (in translation), cannot be enchanted on bows through the enchantment table and will only reduce the cooldown of Gun items.
- Reworked Gatling Gun, now shoots for a set time based on Fast Hands enchant, then goes on cooldown. The stack damage is set to 5 and applied when the user is finished using it.
- Boss xp drops can be changed in config
- Armor points can be changed in config
- Fallen Icon no longer drops the Arkenstone
- Added the Kraken Slayer projectile that deals bonus true damage, halved against players (can be changed in controls)
- Added the Kraken Slayer, a weapon with only 10 ticks in draw time (half of the normal amount for bows), and every third shot fires a Kraken Slayer projectile that deals bonus true damage
- Made Galeforce and future bows this mod adds fireproof
- Fixed hitboxes for custom arrows this mod adds
- Added Moonlight Arrows, arrows infused with moonlight that deal magic damage
- Added Arrow Storm cloud entity, a cloud that drops down a barrage of moonlight arrows each tick
- Added Darkmoon Longbow, a bow that has 5 ticks longer draw time, but shoots purely Moonlight Arrows that have piercing 4 and deal magic damage. Press the ability keybind to shoot out an Arrow Storm cloud.
- Added a new Hydrangea texture
- Removed the old Lord Soul recipe that was made with a nether star and lost souls
- Added functionality to Chaos Orb, use it to summon the Day Stalker and Night Prowler boss fight
- Reworked the lore
- Updated Moonstone Ring and Lunar Herald effect. While having the effect, press H to shoot a projectile. While having the effect, you can choose to attack with the Moonlight Shortsword to drastically increase the frequency at which the projectiles fire out of the sword.
- Added the Chungus Monolith. Moderately sized chunguses will only spawn in forests if these blocks are present within a radius of 32 blocks.
- Updated the Cathedral of Resurrection a tiny bit
- Added new weapons to the "Master At Work" advancement
- Added an advancement for transforming the Darkin Scythe
- Added an advancement for acquiring a trick weapon
- Added Sting, a weapon crafted with Verglas that has increased damage against Arthropods and will light up when enemies are nearby
- Added Featherlight, a heavy greatsword that has runes making it naturally light, giving it high attack speed while also granting the benefits of being a heavy weapon
- Added the Crucible Sword, a sword with tons of attack damage for the first swing before going on cooldown
- Added the Darkin Scythe, a weapon that collects souls and distinguishes them between Blue and Red based on whether they're ranged, hostile or non-hostile. When reaching 100% soul count, the weapon transforms into either the prime Darkin Scythe or the Shadow Assassin Scythe. The prime Darkin Scythe has the Omnivamp ability, making it heal the user post hit or on ability hit as long as it is not on cooldown. The Shadow Assassin Scythe gains the Shadow Step ability, granting the user bonus damage and movement speed post hit for a few seconds before going on cooldown. Both scythes have the Umbral Trespass ability, right click with the weapon to enter their soul, being invincible from any source of damage. On dismount, the target is dealt heavy damage. With the prime Darkin Scythe, that damage is based on the targets max health, while for the Shadow Assassin Scythe, the base damage is flat and increased.
- Added Verglas Block
- Added particles on Old Moon Altar
- Added Trick Weapons, press B while they're in hand to transform the weapon into another
- Added Silver Sword, a trick weapon that deals more damage against undead
- Added Kirkhammer, a heavy trick weapon that can change into the light Silver Sword
- Added Ludwig's Holy Blade, a greatsword trick weapon that deals more damage against the undead and can change into the Silver Sword
- Added knockback to Moonlight Projectiles and fixed issue where arrows would be stuck on the target when hit by them
- Fixed issue regarding Freyr Sword where it would keep following the user even when the connection between them has been severed (by quitting the game or going to other dimensions)
- Freyr Sword can no longer enter and transfer between dimensions
- Fixed bug where enchants on Freyr Sword were lost
- Reduced tickrate of Moonstone Compass
- Added Draupnir Spear, a spear that can be thrown infinitely and by pressing a keybind, all previously thrown spears will explode
- Added the Holy Moonlight Sword, a trick weapon that deals increased damage against undead and stores charge with each hit. It can transform into the Holy Moonlight Greatsword, a greatsword that can consume all the charges to unleash a wave of ruptures down a path.
- Added the built-in 2D Weapon Models resource pack
- Reworked the Old Champion's Remains and Frenzied Shade boss fight. The Old Champion gains more and more resistant against the player if the player is using the same weapon. When the damage is being reduced, the hurt sound will change to hitting something metal like. (Trick Weapons work great here to swiftly change between weapons to refresh the damage reduction!). The boss will still switch between having his guard with the shield up or down, granting increased resistance if the shield is up. The Old Champion has also a lot of new moves based on if he was shielding or not, and it will be even more aggressive if the player decides to heal through drinking or eating mid-battle. All the new attacks will be listed on the wiki. The Frenzied Shade also has new unique attacks instead of flying at the player mindlessly. At half health, it will split in 5, summoning 4 new decoys that have 1/4 the health of the original and less damage. It's new moveset will also be listed on the wiki.
- Added recipes to the recipe book
- Updated Russian translation
- Reduced return speed of returning weapons
- Fixed bug where Shadow Orbs would not hit targets
- Freyr Sword will be picked up in main hand or inventory on death or on key press "return to player" (R) instead of simply dropping on the ground. It will only drop on ground if the inventory is full.
- Forlorn can also sneak
- Fixed a bug where Bloodthirster didn't overheal
- Fixed a bug where Decaying King's slam attack would crash the game
New stuff:
Added Potions of Magical Warding, granting Magic Resistance, brewed with Oleander or Hydrangea
Added Moonstone tools, crafted with Moonstone and a single piece of Verglas,has slightly better mining speed than diamonds, but netherite is still superior.
Some bosses can now be re-summoned based on item used on altars, listed at Boss Changes.
Added the Fallen Icon, the true knight. Can be summoned by using Essence of Eventide on the Moonstone Altar. By returning the true heir back to it's empty shell instead of a lost, unimportant soul, the Fallen Icon is resurrected back to it's true form,having an empowered first phase, and a greater threat of a second phase.
Added Arkenplate, can be crafted by combining Arkenstone and Netherite Chestplate. Will grant the user Resistance II if it is below 50% health.
Added Helm of Chaos, can be crafted by combining Crown of Chaos with Netherite Helmet.Grants the same effects as Crown of Chaos.
Added Soul Lamps, can be permanently turned on by fueling it with Lost Souls
Added Soulfire Stain Block, a blue version of Magma Block
Replaced the Corrupt Altar structure with Cathedral of Resurrection structure that will naturally spawn Dark Sorcerers
All item cooldowns can be changed in config
Whirligig Sawblade now properly stops after use time runs out
Decay status effect no longer damages Cape of Chaos if worn and no longer damages Bosses
Weapons that normally are repaired with Moonstone can now also be repaired with Verglas,and vice-versa- Soul weapons, such as the Translucent Sword, can now also be repaired by both Soul Ingots and Lost Souls
Changed Lich Bane, bonus magic damage is changed to true magic damage, now properly doing additional damage through armor, but only when the target is above 33% Health. Attack speed changed from 1.4 to 1.6, damage reduced by 2 for the bonus magic damage.Now also displays the damage bonus based on Fire Aspect, with the scaling changed from (level * 2) to being (level) alone. Max bonus true magic damage is therefore 4.
Posture Break deals less damage to entities compared to monsters and you can now disable Posture Break being applied by projectiles in the config.
Nerfed Hunter Cannon, now needs 10 silver bullets and damages the weapon by 10 instead of 5
Fixed a bug where arrows shot from Dispensers would crash the game
Fixed an issue where weapons would not display particles server side. Mattered for:
Darkin Blade
Comet Spear
Dragonslayer Swordspear
Soul Reaper
Nerfed spawnrate of Moonstone ores
Smite now properly works on Withered Demons
Dragonslayer Swordspear now has 1.8 attack speed and 1 increased attack damage if it is raining
Added tooltip to Guinsoos Rageblade
Altar Block can now be properly rotated, just like a furnace or stair
Fixed an issue where Moonstone Altar didn't display any particles
Added tooltip about Permafrost on Leviathan Axe
Removed explosion on Galeforce projectiles and the arrows can now be picked up
Reduced particle amount produced from small Moonlight Projectiles from 4 to 1 per tick
Draugr can now be crafted by combining an Iron Sword with Essence of Eventide in Smithing Table
Dragon Staff has an additional ability; if used while crouching, it will shoot a continuous stream of concentrated dragon mist that will damage and apply Purified Dragon Mist effect to mobs
Buffed damage of certian items, abilities and projectiles:
Comet Spear Projectile 5 -> 8
Dragonslayer Swordspear Projectile 4 -> 7
Leviathana Axe Projectile 5 -> 7
Mjolnir Projectile 6 -> 7
Small Moonlight Projectile 2 -> 3
Big Moonlight Projectile 7 -> 8
Whirligig Sawblade Ability 2 -> 5, range 4 -> 5, base damage increased 7 -> 8
Soul Reaper 9 -> 11
Forlorn Scythe 9 -> 11
Nightfall Ability Aoe 10 -> 15, base damage 10 -> 11
Darkin Blade Ability Aoe 7 -> 12, base damage 10 -> 11
Comet Spear Ability Aoe 5 -> 10 - Heap of Raw Iron 9 -> 10
Dragon Staff 7 -> 8
Pure Moonlight Greatsword 10 -> 12
Withered Wabbajack 7 -> 8
Lich Bane 6 -> 7
Changed scaling from Sharpness alone to also include Smite and and Bane of Arthropods on listed weapons, this means the power is weaker with Sharpness, but stronger with the other enchants based on target hit:
Comet Spear Projectiles
Dragonslayer Swordspear Projectiles, scaling on cooldown reduction on ability changed to Unbreaking
Whirligig Sawblade, now also applies Bleed on entities hit
Mjolnir Projectile
Bloodthirster heal
Darkin Blade ability and heal
Comet Spear ability and cooldowns
Nightfall abilities, cooldown scaling changed to Unbreaking from Sharpness
Leviathan Axe
Mjolnir ability aoe and projectile speed scales, lightning strikes from smash is now circular
Moonstone Ring scales bonus damage off of Unbreaking level
Moonlight Projectiles, big and small
Skofnung ability duration
Boss Changes:
Changed boss bars
Bosses can no longer ride other entities, like boats
Some bosses have their cooldowns reduced based on the number of attackers within a 10 block radius (Listed below for whom).
All bosses now have a proper Entity Group (meaning Smite and other damage enchants work properly)
Returning Knight:
Entity group is still default
Cooldowns will be reduced based on number of attacking entities around, with double the reduction compared to Decaying King, meaning the cooldown is reduced by 10 ticks for every player and 4 for other entities
If 3 or more players attack it while Unbreakable is active, it will gain Resistance 4 instead of 3
Dark Sorcerers summoned by Returning Knight will heal 0.5 more health for each attacking player
New attack, Mace of Spades. The Returning Knight swiftly knocks away all targets hit in a wide area, followed up by a faster and therefore a bit weaker Obliterate attack.
Added texture to cape
Cannot bleed (naturally)
Decaying King:
Entity group is undead
Can now be re-summoned by using the Withered Demon Heart on a Blackstone Pedestal
Now heals after a successful attack based on number of targets hit and attackers around it
Cooldowns will be reduced based on number of attacking entities around, 5 ticks reduced for players and 2 for other mobs.
New attack, Wither Barrage. Same animation as Fire Barrage, but instead of fireballs, it shoots out Shadow Orbs, projectiles that apply both Wither and Decay status effect, while also dealing a bit of damage. Will have no effect on wielders of the Chaos armor set, such as Cape of Chaos or the Crown of Chaos.
New attack, Magma Burst. The Decaying King slams his arm into the ground, summoning a circle of lava that spreads outwards, then disappears after 3 seconds.
Old Champion's Remains:
Entity group is undead
Can now be re-summoned by using the Draugr sword on the Moonstone Altar, this does NOT consume the item
Frenzied Shade:
- Entity group is still default
Monarch of Chaos
Entity group is undead
Can now summon a horde of Moderately Sized Chungusus
Will heal more when affected by Decay status effect based on number of attacking players
Now also Withers flowers and grass, and when teleporting away, those spots will turn normal after some time
Lightning attack is now circular (Lightning will still hit even if the sky is not clear, in contrast to Mjolnir ability)
Changes to additions from Beta:
Fixed a bug where other players could pick up Mjolnir
Sword of Freyr changed. It scales off of other damage enchantments, such as Smite, and will apply Fire Aspect. When used, the item is removed from inventory. By pressing different keybinds, the summoned sword will react, keybinds can be changed in controls in options. By pressing R (as default) or right clicking the sword(only as the owner or if the sword does not have a bounded owner) the item will drop and the sword will despawn. Pressing Z will set the stationary position for the sword. You can press this back and forth to set the position or return the sword back to you. If you quit the game, the connection between the owner and the sword is severed, therefore, it will stand on the quit spot until someone comes and right clicks it to pick it up. The summoned sword will not take any damage from the owner, and when it dies, it drops the sword stack, so remember to pick it up and deploy it as fast as possible in a boss fight!
Fixed a bug where Sword of Freyr would enter boats
Made the Sword of Freyr entity smaller to match the players size
Fixed an issue where Darkin Blade and Comet Spear would constantly refresh the stack when falling, despite not using any abilities
Changes from Alpha and Beta:
- Reworked the effect of Withered Blocks, it no longer activates by sneaking with Cape of Chaos. Withered Dirt will now also give the Decay status effect and both Withered Grass and Withered Dirt will fade back to it's non-corrupted counterpart after a few seconds, for example Withered Dirt will fade back to normal Dirt after a few seconds. This does not happen to the blocks created by the Monarch of Chaos though! They can be refreshed by walking over them with the Cape of Chaos and then start to turn back to dirt and grass. Flowers will turn into Wither Roses, and grass will turn withered, gaining a dark color, but give it some time and that will fade back too.
- Fixed a bug where the Darkin Blade would remove all enchantments when used
- Draugr code improved
- Added Enchantment Descriptions compatability
- Heap of Raw Iron now only needs to be right clicked instead of charged
- Reintroduced the Pure Moonlight Greatsword
- Custom enchantments can now be disabled in the config
- Added the Skofnung sword, a legendary blade said to have supernatural sharpness, although... it seems a bit rusty...
- Added the status effect Cursed Wounds, preventing anything to heal while the effect is active. Can only be applied by Skofnung post hit
- Added the Skofnung Stone, an ancient relic said to be able to heal all harmful effects, even the cursed wounds the Skofnung sword applies, and can easily sharpen the rusty blade.
- Added the Bleed status effect, only applied by the sharpened Skofnung.
- Thanks to thepoweroflittlh for updating the lang file for chinese.
- Reworked the reflection of certian projectiles off of Returning Knight, it will only reflect "persistent projectiles", such as arrows or the moonlight beams, but will not have an effect on explosive projectiles such as fireballs or wither skulls.
- Dragonslayer Swordspear now has Infinity instead of Returning, making it work more like the Comet Spear. Additionally, it becomes empowered when it rains, halving all cooldowns
- Nightfall, Darkin Blade and Comet Spear ability now has a custom death message if you obliterate a mobs, same with the Returning Knight's Obliterate attack.
- Added Mjolnir, inherit the power of the God of Thunder!
- Withered Wabbajack tooltip title is now unreadable :)
- Added the Sword of Freyr. It is said in legend that the blade can fight on it's own.
- After launching with The Darkin Blade, a new effect is granted; Calculated Fall. It negates any fall damage, then removes itself. Additionally, the farther you fall, the bigger radius and damage Sword Decimation will do.
- Comet Spear's Off-hand flight ability has been changed to "Grand Skyfall", after Riptiding, slow fall is no longer granted. Instead, the new Calculated Fall status effect is granted, and when hitting the ground, it erupts, damaging all nearby entities with both damage and radius based on falling distance, just like the new addition on Darkin Blade.
- Added an advancement named "Dream On", granted if the player falls at least 50 blocks and survives thanks to the Calculated Fall status effect.
- All enchants can individually be disabled in the config if you wish to disable certain ones and keep others.
- Fast Hands and Posture Breaker now has effects for Bows as well. Fast Hands reduces pull time slightly (model pull speed does not change, except for Galeforce), while Posture Breaker has half the chance to apply Posture (25% at Enchantment level 3).
- Edited the texture of Dragonslayer Swordspear
- Added Oleander and Hydrangea, small and large poisonous flowers that effects anything with Decay if touched. The Cape of Chaos will turn normal flowers into these two variants, and after a short while, they will turn back into a random flower based on if the turned flower was large or not. They will not turn into a normal flower if they were manually placed.