🛠️ Bugfixes 🛠️
- Fixed Beacon Wealth aura granting too many resources
- Fixed pillagers sometimes not loading their crossbows correctly
- Neutral units are no longer killed when using /rts-reset
- Fixed Beacons being capturable by neutral units
⚙️ Quality of Life ⚙️
- Library auto-enchant speed increased
- Added an exit-sandbox button at the top right
- It does the same thing as /rts-reset
💠 Beacon 💠
The beacon is inspired by the Age of Empires II Wonder, a building that, when fully upgraded, will tick a countdown to victory.
It provides friendly units and players a selection of auras which can be activated after upgrading it:
- 💵 Level 1: Wealth: Grants a trickle of free resources
- ⛏ Level 2: Haste: Workers in range build faster
- ❤ Level 3: Regeneration: Units heal over time
- 🛡️ Level 4: Resistance: Units take less damage
- ⚔ Level 5: Strength: Units deal more damage
Only one aura can be active at a time.
When built in Wave Survival or Classic mode, it starts as a Stone Beacon and must be upgraded to add auras and achieve victory.
When placed in Sandbox, the beacon is fully upgraded, invulnerable and can be captured by any player with the largest nearby army. - Beacons can't change ownership if the original owner still has any units within a 20-block range
🏗️ Sandbox Mode 🏗️
Sandbox mode is a gamemode where mapmakers can:
- Place capturable neutral buildings
- Place any building without workers
- Spawn any units from any faction
- Set allegiance of whatever you're placing (owned, neutral, enemy)
- Toggle cheats with buttons instead of typing
Tips for using sandbox mode:
- Using /rts-reset won't destroy any neutral buildings placed in sandbox mode, use /rts-hard-reset to do this
- You can control and delete neutral and enemy units
- If you're in multiplayer, choosing to start sandbox mode will lock everyone else into sandbox as well
🛠️ Bugfixes 🛠️
- Fixed a bug where allying players caused alliances to rapidly switch
- Fixed camera centering inaccuracies when sensitivity is changed
⚙️ Quality of Life ⚙️
Added a GUI to easily modify gamerules before a game starts
- You can still use /gamerule commands if you prefer that
- All players can see the menu, but only server ops can make changes
- Any changes made will be reflected on all clients
Added /gamerule allowBeacons to let workers build beacons
Right-clicking a mountable unit now mounts a ranged unit onto it
Right-clicking a garrison will garrison ranged units into it
Fire and lava blocks in Flame Sanctuaries no longer damage friendly piglin units
Moved F6 option (hiding leaf blocks) to bottom right map menu
All players are now notified when an alliance is created or disbanded
In wave survival, all players are allied by default
- You can still use /disband to remove an alliance
🛠️ Bugfixes 🛠️
- Fixed crash on launching a dedicated server
- Fixed spell cast cycling for witches
- Fixed portals building at the same speed on all terrain (it now builds 20% faster on nether terrain and 60% slower on overworld terrain compared to previous patches)
- Fixed frame drop when right-clicking a building with a worker, including using Call to Arms
⚙️ Quality of Life ⚙️
- Added cheatcode 'slipslopslap', which gives monsters sunlight immunity The library now shows the range of enchanting when selected
⚖️ Balance ⚖️
- Enchant Quick Shot buffed to Quick Shot II (now 0.5s faster firing)
- Cost raised by 10 wood, 5 ore
- Portals and Sculk Catalysts now have 50% resistance against sonic booms
New Gamemode: Wave Survival
- See #Wave Survival Full Release for details
- Play it by using the new gamemode selector at the top right next to the faction buttons
- Thanks to all @Wave Survival Early Access testers for your support and feedback!
Add a new main menu theme, thanks to @Amphithere564!
- Ravagers no longer ignore movement commands when attacking enemy buildings
- Fixed a bug causing villagers to become hunters too quickly
- Fixed issues with the F6 option "Hiding Leaves around Units and Cursors"
- Fixed issue of not being able to target a resource if a building border overlapped it
- Fixed Warden sonic booms being invisible
- Ravagers now spawn outside of castles to avoid them sometimes being stuck inside
- /gamerule neutralAggro now works when directly right-clicking to attack
- Panning the camera by holding alt and dragging the mouse is now scaled by the sensitivity setting
Quality of Life
All units can now queue actions by holding shift
- This applies to all types of actions and all units
- The next queued action is started whenever the unit becomes idle
- Issuing a stop command or any command without holding shift will wipe the queue
When a player is defeated or surrenders, all of their units and buildings are issued a stop command
Moved the night circles option to the bottom right map menu
- New capitols no longer spawn animals around them upon completion
- They still spawn animals over time, but do not raise the limit of nearby animals
- Villagers now require 50% more logs chopped to become regular and veteran lumberjacks
- Ghasts can now use transport portals
- Magma Cubes now break any leaves they touch
- Mausoleum night radius reduced by 10
- Slimes are now slowed in sunlight just like other monster units
- Slime Pit: -25 wood, -75 ore
- Slimes now break any leaves they touch
🛠️ Bugfixes 🛠️
- Fixed slimes/cubes taking damage when consuming other slimes/cubes
- Autocasting consume no longer looks for tiny slimes (because they won't increase size, only heal slightly)
- Fixed the bloodlust tooltip incorrectly stating a 50% movement speed increase (it's actually 20%)
- Fixed /gamerule improvedPathfinding not working for some new units
⚙️ Quality of Life ⚙️
- Recoloured tridents to fit the piglin colour scheme
- Changed /gamerule groundYLevel to be the minimum camera height instead of the locked height, and default is now 0
- Added /gamerule flyingMaxYLevel (default 320) to limit the height of flying units like ghasts
🎉 Features 🎉
- Produced from the Slime Pit
- Costs 40 of each resource, 2 population and 25s build time
- Shrinks as it takes damage, and creates tiny slimes as it does
- Starts off at size 2, but can be raised to size 6 by eating other cubes
- Larger size == higher damage, HP and population usage
- Upgrade to convert killed enemies into slimes (larger enemies produce larger slimes)
Magma cubes
- Produced from Military Portals after building a Basalt Springs
- Same stats and costs and mechanics as slimes, but sets attackers on fire instead of creating tiny slimes
- Upgrade to create temporary magma blocks around it constantly
Villager Professions
- All villagers now level up into professions when they perform specific activities enough times
- Each profession has a standard level and a veteran level (veterans use diamond tools)
- Takes roughly 2-3mins to gain a profession, and another 2-3mins to become a veteran
- Professions cannot be changed once gained
- Farmer: plants crops worth +1/+2 food (carrots and potatoes)
- Lumberjack: chops logs +25%/+50% faster
- Miner: mines ores +25%/+50% faster
- Mason: counts as +1/+2 workers when building or repairing
- Hunter: deals +1/+2 damage to animals
Ghast Upgrade: Soul Fireballs
- Ghasts create temporary soulsand and soulfires which pierce fire resistance
- Researched at the Fortress (350 wood, 350 ore, 150s)
🛠️ Bugfixes 🛠️
- Fixed production queue desyncing with a laggy server (again)
- This also hopefully fixes the appearance of being over population cap
- Fixed ability cooldown desyncing with a laggy server
- Misc. pathfinding improvements and optimisations
- Fixed militia not showing their headgear
- Vexes no longer attack allied players
⚙️ Quality of Life ⚙️
- Added map and camera options buttons to bottom right (shown when you enlarge the map)
- Camera panning sensitivity
- Map centre lock (prevents map recentering)
- Melee units stop moving once in range of their target so they don't constantly push large mobs
- Changed fire resistance research icon
- Survival/adventure mode players now show on the minimap (larger than regular units)
- Spiders now move towards their target before webbing
- and fixed issues with switching to off-cooldown spiders
- Added /gamerule survivalGriefing (default true)
- Allows survival players to break blocks that aren't for resources or part of a building
- Added /gamerule improvedPathfinding (default true)
- Turns off the pathfinding improvements to reduce server CPU usage
- Added /gamerule groundYLevel (default -9999)
- Set to any positive value to lock the camera height to above this level
⚖️ Balancing ⚖️
- All new capitols may now build workers
- Reworked ore blocks to increase low tier block values, but increased all gather times by 50%
- Piglin ores still give +20% value when converted
- Ore: 40 -> 50 (this means workers drop off after 1 block mined)
- Iron/copper: 60 -> 65
- Gold/emerald: 80 -> 80 (unchanged)
- Diamond: 120 -> 100
- Militia range increased to 60 blocks
- Militia: +3 move speed (same speed as most melee units)
- Creeper: -3 move speed (same speed as most ranged units)
- Dungeons and spider lairs now only require a graveyard instead of a laboratory
- But Strongholds now require a laboratory
- Drowned now affect convertible enemies with a potion effect and any units that die under this effect will be converted
- This same effect is used for slime conversions too
- Fire resistance no longer protects against soulfire
- Blazes: -1 dmg, -1.0as
- Blaze fireballs no longer create fire blocks
📜 Languages 📜
- Added French translations (Thanks to @Ender-Breaker)
🛠️ Bugfixes 🛠️
- Fixed an issue where population was going over maximum on clientside
- If a worker is stuck trying to reach a block out of reach it will find a new target after 5s
- Animals can no longer spawn on barrier blocks
⚙️ Quality of Life ⚙️
- If the server host changed any resource cost configs, this is now shown next to the start buttons
- These are relative to your own configs
- For example, if Zombies officially cost 75 food, you personally changed this to 65, and your server host changed it to 85, the tooltip will show a +20 increase
- Headhunters' tridents appear enchanted if you have the Heavy Tridents upgrade
🎉 Features 🎉
Improved pathfinding accuracy for all units
- Units much more accurately use bridges, avoid falls and climb hills
- Workers auto-search for resources faster and more accurately
- This also increases server CPU usage, so optimisations have also been added (remember to use F7 to track server TPS)
Configurable Unit Costs (Thanks to @d00dlenoodles)
- Includes all costs, population values and build times
- Modify the config at .minecraft/config/reignofnether-common-1.0.11.toml to adjust them
- Server values overwrite client values on login
🛠️ Bugfixes 🛠️
- Bridges are no longer free
- Fixed units sometimes showing other players' movement indicators
- Fixed groups of buildings not evenly splitting production items
- Light and structure void blocks no longer impede unit spawns
- Spectators can no longer cancel units from RTS players' building queues
- Fixed some units randomly spawning as neutral
- Can no longer enter enemy garrisons (can still enter allies')
- Tall grass and other plants with no collision are now ignored by the cursor
- Fixed weird pathing over magma
- To fix this, there is now a new identical block called "Walkable Magma"
- Mapmakers should replace any magma blocks with this to improve pathfinding
⚙️ Quality of Life ⚙️
- Melee units now always attack the nearest target when idle or attack-moving instead of always chasing the first target they saw
- Add /gamerule doUnitGriefing to allow explosive units to break blocks (false by default)
- Range indicators for Town Centres and Laboratories are shown when selected
- Units now attack survival players automatically when idle or attack-moving (unless allied)
- You can now tab and shift-tab to cycle sub-groups of buildings just like units
- Reduced volume of the Call To Arms bell when used by villagers
- Cancelling an unfinished building now shows a resource popup for the refund
- You can now right-click the build/repair button to have workers auto-repair nearby buildings
- Made camera panning sensitivity more consistent across all zoom levels (default zoom sensitivity is unchanged)
- Moving the camera to a unit or building is now more accurately centered
⚖️ **Balancing ** ⚖️
- Farm growth is no longer random and is independent of /gamerule randomTickSpeed
- Capitols after the first take twice as long to build
- All Capitols: +50 wood, +100 ore (starting resources adjusted accordingly)
- Evoker Fangs: -1s channel time
- Maiming Enchant: +2s slow duration
- Wardens: +25 food, +10s, +1 pop
- Spiders & Poison Spiders: +1 dmg
- Pumpkins now take +1s to gather, and give -1 food
- Mausoleums now only have a night radius after being fully built
- Berry bushes now convert into Red mushrooms (worth +10% food)
- Piglin Brutes now use gold swords (no stat changes)
📜 Languages 📜
- Added Vietnamese translations (thanks to @hungtq1016)
Includes all 1.0.11-alpha changes
- Fixed enemies sometimes spawning in the ground
- Enemy units no longer try to attack bridges or pile up near them
- Ranged units no longer pile up inside buildings
Quality of Life
- Deleting a completed building gives a 50% refund (scaled to how damaged it is)
- Wave difficulty is advanced on each night regardless of if you cleared the previous wave or not
- Waves no longer repeat the same faction two nights in a row
- The spawn warning is now only shown if less than the expected number of units spawned
- If you see one of these warnings, please show me a screenshot of your world
- Added another debug option:
- /debug-next-night - advances to the next night and wave
Piglin wave changes
- Reduced portal count from 1/2 to 1/3 of wave number but with the same total population each wave
- Portals can no longer spawn over water (but they can still spawn on land across water)
- Portals can no longer spawn too close to another portal
- Portals no longer spawn units periodically if there's already too many enemies (2x current wave population)
- Enemy ghasts no longer friendly fire their own portals
Includes all 1.0.11-alpha changes
- Fixed enemies sometimes spawning in the ground
- Enemy units no longer try to attack bridges or pile up near them
- Ranged units no longer pile up inside buildings
Quality of Life
- Deleting a completed building gives a 50% refund (scaled to how damaged it is)
- Wave difficulty is advanced on each night regardless of if you cleared the previous wave or not
- Waves no longer repeat the same faction two nights in a row
- The spawn warning is now only shown if less than the expected number of units spawned
- If you see one of these warnings, please show me a screenshot of your world
- Added another debug option:
- /debug-next-night - advances to the next night and wave
Piglin wave changes
- Reduced portal count from 1/2 to 1/3 of wave number but with the same total population each wave
- Portals can no longer spawn over water (but they can still spawn on land across water)
- Portals can no longer spawn too close to another portal
- Portals no longer spawn units periodically if there's already too many enemies (2x current wave population)
- Enemy ghasts no longer friendly fire their own portals
🎉 Features 🎉
Villager Militia
- Town Centres and villagers now have a 'Call to Arms' button
- When used, they run to the nearest Town Centre to be turned into a Militia unit
- Militia have 35 HP and 3 damage but cannot build or gather, and only do 1 damage to animals
- Militia can transform back into villagers and automatically return to work at any time with a button on them or the Town Centre
- Militia revert back into villagers if they are 50 blocks away from the nearest Town Centre
- Added a bell to the Town Centre structure
🛠️ Bugfixes 🛠️
- Portals can no longer stack the same upgrade if they're upgraded with multiple selected
- Vindicators no longer spawn with random enchantments on their equipment
- Ranged units now stagger their attack speeds by a few ticks randomly
- This is to work around Minecraft's built-in 1-tick invincibility frames
- Animals cannot spawn on Y levels too different to your capitol
- Queued units no longer progress if you're at the population cap instead of being stuck at 99%
- This is to fix an issue of being able to go over the max cap when the server is lagging
- Creepers no longer explode when using /rts-reset
- This was to fix a bug where the reset failed if a creeper exploded from it
- Fixed not being able to upgrade two labs at the same time
- Fixed crash related to transport portals
- Fixed sonic booms cancelling the first warden's charge up instead of cycling to the next one
⚙️ Quality of Life ⚙️
- /gamerule doMobSpawning is now disabled by default
- The warpten cheatcode now also makes buildings build themselves without workers
- All buildings can now be built directly adjacent to each other
- This means you can use houses as walls (but you won't be able to shoot past them)
- Spectators can see what's being produced on anyone's buildings
⚖️ Balancing ⚖️
- All factions may build additional capitols, but only one can produce workers at any given time
- you can now cancel and delete capitols if you have another completed building
- you can no longer delete your last building, whether it is a capitol or not
- Evokers: -1s fang cd, +5% cd reduction from vigor enchantment
Ghasts: +10s build time, +1 pop
Reworked Wither Skeletons:
- Wither Skeleton: -4 dmg, -0.1as
- Wither on hit is now stackable up to 5 times
- At maximum stacks: 1 dmg every 0.2s (5 dmg per second)
- Wither duration reduced from 7 to 6 seconds
- All stacks disappear if the duration expires
- Wither cloud duration increased to 15 seconds
- Removed withering melee enemies that attack a wither skeleton
- Removed passive bonus damage to damaged targets
- Creeper friendly fire is halved and friendly fire to other creepers is quartered
- Reduced charged creeper explosion power to 5
- For reference, standard creeper power is 3 and charged is 6
- This effectively reduces their range and damage to units by 1/6th
- Reduced charged creeper damage to buildings from 40 to 34
Bloodlust ability
- Unlockable active ability for Brutes and Headhunters
- Researched at the Fortress (250 all resources, 150s)
- When used, instantly trades 10hp for 10s of +50% attack speed and +20% movement speed
- Headhunters cannot bloodlust while mounted
- Fixed Illager Captain banners becoming invisible
- Fixed crash on exit when neutral units are placed
- Mangrove roots are now gatherable (same value as logs)
- Fixed being unable to exit an ally's garrison
- Hoglins can no longer spawn as neutral baby hoglins from spawn eggs
- Piglins can now build on all types of blackstone and nether brick
- Farmland and overworld crops convert into soulsand and nether wart respectively
- Excludes solid crop blocks like melons and pumpkins
- Plant blocks replaced by nether blocks no longer drop items
- Fixed crash related to attacking buildings (again)
- Shroomlight is now gatherable for 120 food
- Various language fixes and additions
Quality of Life
- Removing control groups now requires SHIFT + right-click
- RTS data now saves every 60 seconds to reduce chance of losing unit/building control on a server crash
- Added sounds when you make or disband an alliance
- Added name checks to network packets to prevent exploits
- If animals can't spawn at the required range around your capitol, spawning is reattempted at a closer range
- Portals being placed on overworld terrain show a yellow indicator
- Workers no longer collide with other units
- Spider Webs can now be autocast by right-clicking it
- When active, the first unit they attack will be webbed if off cooldown
- Witch potions can now be thrown by right-clicking a unit
- Right-clicking a friendly unit throws a regen potion
- Right-clicking an enemy unit throws a harming potion
- Only one potion is thrown at a time if multiple witches are selected
- This will NOT be automatically used off cooldown
- All bridges: +50 wood (ore for piglins)
- Random damage dealt to garrisoned units by explosions has been halved
- This affects creepers and ghasts
- Bastion: -20% build time
- Ghasts are now immune to knockback
- Brute Shields now make brutes immune to knockback when active
- Creepers now friendly fire
- Dark Watchtower: -25 ore
- Husks: -5hp
- Skeletons & Strays: -10 food, +10 wood
- Night now begins 10 mins after game start
- This reverses the change from 1.0.5 which was made before Sculk Catalysts
- Watchtower: -25 ore
- Vindicators: -5 food, +5hp, -3s
- Pillager: -5 wood, -3s
- Witch: -10 all resources
- Evoker: -30 ore
- Iron Golem: +50 ore, +5s (including when built by workers)
🎉 Features 🎉
Alliance System (Thanks to @Boobcat)
- /ally <player name> to send an alliance request to another player
- /allyconfirm <requester name> to accept an alliance request
- /disband <player name> to end an alliance (after a 30s delay)
- Allies are shown as blue in unit/building highlights and the minimap
- Allies win and lose together
- Allying a player will not automatically ally you with their allies
- Effects that don't friendly fire like creepers should also not affect allies
- You can still force attack allies using A + left-click
Translation Compatibility (Thanks to @PROMETHIA)
- Added language support for:
- Danish (da_dk)
- Polish (pl_pl)
- Russian (ru_ru)
- Ukrainian (uk_ua)
- Brazilian Portuguese (pt_br)
- Chinese (Simplified) (zh_cn)
- Chinese (Traditional) (zh_tw)
- Some languages may not yet have support for Alliances since it was just added
- If a string in your language is not available, it will default to English
- Due to a difficult-to-resolve bug, you must restart your client when switching languages for it to take effect
- If you would like to contribute translations, please see the localisation channel and the pinned posts
🛠️ Bugfixes 🛠️
- Fixed workers not actually working if they were too far out of view
- Fixed crash related to Hiding Leaves
- Fixed crash related to Ranged units attacking buildings
- Fixed crash related to pressing Tab on neutral units
- Fixed enchantment icons
- The clock button no longer shows up in unexpected places like the title screen
- Fixed issue of being kicked from a server when switching instances (eg. between a game and lobby)
- Spider webs no longer stay forever if the spider dies before they decay
- Leaving F12 will now more reliably set you to spectator mode if you were in spectator previously
⚙️ Quality of Life Features ⚙️
- The world gen datapack is now hardcoded into the mod by default. As a reminder, this means:
- Ores are generated on the surface
- Flattened biome heights
- 4x normal randomTickSpeed
- No caves, mountains, jungles or other difficult biomes
- No insomnia
- No weather
- Improved performance for all units and buildings
- The thereisnospoon cheatcode to modify max population is - now /gamerule maxPopulation <value>
- this also means it is saved to the game world
- Added saved UUID data for all units
- Added gamerules to /rts-help
⚖️ Balancing ⚖️
- All build times with 2+ workers are slower (you need +1 worker to achieve previous speeds)
- Capitol build speeds have been sped up to compensate
- Wither Skeleton Death Cloud: Duration +2s, Cooldown +5s
- Is now a one-click-one-use ability
- Melee units attacking a Wither Skeleton now get withered for 2 seconds (4 damage total)
- Golem Smithing Upgrade: +50 ore, +30s
- Vindicators and Pillagers: -5 food
- Blacksmith: -150 wood, +150 ore
- Libraries now only require a Barracks to be built instead of an Arcane Tower
- Library: -50 wood, +10% build time
- Grand Library Upgrade: +100 wood, -250 ore, +20s
- Swapped Maiming and Sharpness Enchantment costs and requirements (Sharpness is now level II)
- Enchant Maiming: -5 wood, -15 ore
- Enchant Multishot: -10 wood, -5 ore
🎉 Features 🎉
Vindicator and Pillager upgrades are now enchantments paid for per-unit from the library
- Diamond axes and Multishot blacksmith upgrades have been removed
- Libraries can now be upgraded to Grand Libraries (150 wood, 350 ore, 120s) for more enchantment options
- Basic libraries have:
- (25 wood, 40 ore) Sharpness for Vindicators (+1 dmg)
- (30 wood, 15 ore) Quick Charge for Pillagers (-0.25s chargeup time)
- Grand libraries have:
- (40 wood, 60 ore) Maiming for Vindicators (slow applied on hit)
- (80 wood, 40 ore) Multishot for Pillagers
- (60 wood, 60 ore) Vigor for Evokers (-25% cooldown times)
- You can have only one enchantment at a time, and can be overridden, but no refunds are given
- Enchantments can be right-clicked to auto cast (be careful, it'll spend all your resources!)
Spiders now have an upgrade to unlock a Web Spin ability which creates temporary cobwebs on the field
- Researched at the Lab (300 wood, 300 ore, 140s)
- Cooldown: 30s, Range: 8, Duration: 5s
- Cannot be used while mounted or recently dismounted
🛠️ Bugfixes 🛠️
- Improved pathfinding for melee units chasing enemies
- Ravager Artilleries no longer shoot themselves when targeting a building
- If you somehow got into F12 in survival or adventure mode, you are automatically taken out of it
- Fences, stairs, walls and other similar blocks won't cause buildings to be unbuildable if placed against other blocks
⚙️ Quality of Life Features ⚙️
- Mounted units now have special names and are grouped separately from non-mounted units when selected
- Improved performance for all monster units
- Can no longer use F12 cam in adventure mode
- Most units now use abilities one by one and will cycle through available casters of the same type when used
- when selecting groups of units, focus will be prioritised on the unit with abilities off cooldown
- Sculk Catalyst Sacrifice can no longer be used if the unit is standing on top of the catalyst or its stairs
- You can now move the camera by holding middle mouse click and its sensitivity has been raised
- Added more title screen splash lines
⚖️ Balancing ⚖️
- Worker Carry Bags now makes workers return resources when holding above 100 total
- Default max population is now 150
- Zombie Villagers are now slowed under sunlight like creepers and spiders
- Drowned turn illagers into drowned instead of regular zombies
- Zombie Piglins +5 hp and Zoglins +15hp
- Creepers are no longer automatically set off by explosions, including from other creepers
- Vindicator +1dmg, +30 food, +5s, +1 pop
- Pillager +5hp, +25 food, +5 wood, +5s, +1 pop
- Witch Lingering Potions upgrade -50 all resources, -10s
- Castle Officer's Quarters +150 wood, +50 ore, +30s
- Villagers can no longer build Golems if your blacksmith is destroyed
- Brute -5 food
- Brute Shields protect against ranged by 75% up from 67%
- Headhunter -10 wood
- Headhunter Heavy Tridents upgrade -20s
- Hoglin -0.05as
- Blaze +1dmg, +0.1as
- Blaze Firewall upgrade +100 ore, -5 range, +5s cd
- Wither Skeletons +15hp, +1dmg, +50 ore, +5s, +1pop
- Wither death clouds reworked to instead give an active ability that generates wither clouds around them
- Piglins are immune to magma by default, fire resistance upgrade now gives total fire block and fire tick immunity
Hotfix changes
- Laboratories can now be built correctly
- Fixed a crash related to piglins building on overworld terrain
- Fixed a crash related to sculk spreading
- Added a Sacrifice ability to catalysts to allow spread without using the delete button
- Fixed a crash related to chopping mushroom blocks
- Buildings made of logs no longer break if an adjacent log was broken near them
- Falling logs are now convertible to nether blocks
- Further improved camera vertical smoothing
🎉 Features 🎉 New Monster Building: Sculk Catalyst
- Costs 125 wood
- Like in vanilla, nearby units which die spread sculk blocks
- Warps day to night in a 25- block radius, which can be extended up to 50 blocks with more sculk
- When attacked, destroys nearby sculk blocks before taking damage (effectively giving it +1 hp per sculk)
- Can be upgraded at a Lab (with a Stronghold) to allow wardens to split sonic booms into 3 random nearby enemies within a range of 20
🛠️ Bugfixes 🛠️
- Fixed a crash when using the idle workers button
- Fixed survival players not being able to deposit into stockpiles on non- English languages
- Iron golem spawn egg texture is fixed
- Survival players can no longer use F12 cam
- The hotkey for bridges has been changed to C to avoid an overlap with Build/Repair
- Fixed a crash when you build over a ledge with no floor
- Podzol, mud, moss and mycelium now convert to nether terrain (as nylium)
- Added a hard stop on opening the creative menu while in F12 cam
- Disabled "being revealed" messages when your capitol is destroyed if fog of war is disabled
- Farm water now turns magma below it into cobblestone and soulsand into soulsoil to prevent becoming a bubble column
- Workers no longer take damage from berry bushes and cacti
- Building blocks no longer drop items for survival players when mined
- Can no longer delete Creepers as this allowed circumventing their fuse timer
- Fixed undead burning too early or too late
- Defeated players now lose all of their research upgrades
- Adjusted camera so it doesn't start underground on most maps
⚙️ Quality of Life Features ⚙️
- Tree logs now become affected by gravity whenever any log is broken
- This applies to all log blocks, wood blocks and nether stems
- this is enabled by default but can be toggled using /gamerule doLogFalling
- /rts- fog now works from command blocks (no warnings are given)
- Sources of night warping now have a range indicator, toggleable by clicking the clock, and the exact range for sculk catalysts is written next to the building name
- Night warping areas are now cylinders instead of a sphere (this means it has unlimited vertical range)
⚖️ Balancing ⚖️
- Capitols now spawn animals closer and immediately spawn some nearby upon being built (within a 40 block radius)
- Piglins may now build basic portals on overworld terrain, but doing so takes twice as long
- The Advanced Portals upgrade removes this penalty
- Default max population has been raised from 100 to 120
- Bridges now take 1/2 damage from explosions
- Witches now throw regeneration potions instead of healing
- Natural monster unit regen is doubled to 1hp per 6s if you are near a night warp source AND it is true night
- Warden Health has been increased from 120 to 150
- Iron golem ore cost ↓ 50, wood cost ↑ 50
- Ravager food cost ↑ 50, build time ↑ 10s
- Hoglin health ↑ 5, attack speed ↑ 0.1, ore cost ↑ 25, build time ↑ 5s, population ↑ 1
- Ghast ore cost ↓ 50, damage to buildings ↑ 2
🛠️ Bugfixes 🛠️
- Fixed crash related to placing buildings
- Fixed crash on the title screen for some languages
- Fixed ticking entity crash related to Pillagers
- Fixed a crash related to building ticking
- Fixed Zombies spawning as neutral baby zombies
- Fixed some building block bugs in Barracks and Town Centres
- Two or more Sculk Catalysts that are too close to each are no longer indestructible
- Sculk Catalysts show how much extra HP they have on their health number
- Sculk is removed more consistently upon deleting a catalyst
- Sculk can now spread on dirt paths and tall grass
- Sculk spread is capped at 200 total blocks (2x what is needed for max night range)
- Can no longer build Portals on leaves
- Falling logs now break if they fall into buildings
⚙️ Quality of Life Features ⚙️
- Night circle borders that are overlapping can now be hidden by clicking the clock
- Night circle borders are now highlighted in green when their source building is selected
- Visible borders have been shrunk so the line itself is (usually) safe to walk on
- New /gamerule neutralAggro used to allow treating of all neutral mobs as enemies
- Allows attacking neutral mobs using attack move or when a military unit is idle
- Unfortunately due to an annoying bug this currently does not work with right click
- This includes all modded and vanilla mobs and defeated players' units
- Excludes vexes and huntable animals
- Random animal spawns around your capitol are now much more consistent
📜 Miscellaneous 📜
- Added Discord invite, Lilypad.gg link and RoN version to the main menu
- Laboratories now require a Graveyard to be built
- Chickens are now worth 75 food