- Improved compatibility with Item Borders
- Item highlighting now scrolls with the item in Creative Inventory and the cursor position is also adjusted so it highlights the items which are drawn under the cursor
- Improved code
- fixed a minor chat masking issue when defocusing chat and messages still being displayed
- updated to 1.21
- fixed compatibility with chat heads in chat suggestion windows
- instead of hacking around immediately fast, the code now uses its API to disable it for all draw calls when masking is enabled - this should improve the overall mod compatibility and it also allows for the recent hotbar smooth scrolling improvement to be allowed with it installed
- Hotbar is now perfectly scrolling (only if you don't have immediately fast installed)
- Creative screen is now perfectly scrolling
- Chat mask now no longer masks underlines and other similar stuff when possible
- Suggestion window now uses unmodified fill and text, so immediately fast doesn't break the masking
- Mask debug fills now also use the unmodified fill
- chat height is now interpolated... this means that chat now has an opening/closing animation and bedrockify looks even better now with this mod (this can be turned off by turning off chat smooth scrolling)
- i also replaced the message fading animation with the same animation as that of closing chat (this can be turned off by turning off chat smooth scrolling)
- improved framerate independency on every screen
- refactored the code
- worked around the immediately fast masking issue (thanks wclient/Unknown from discord!)
- ported the latest version of the mod to 1.20.1
- changed the default scrolling speed of entry lists to 0.5
- dropped support for <=1.20.2 (i may make a port to version 1.20.1 in the future)
- chat now accounts for matrix transform and tries to play along and also interpolates it so that things look good when chat position is being moved while in-game
- fixed crash with bedrockify and made its support better using the point above
- added a setting for mask debugging (fills the screen with a tranclucent rectangle right before disabling my scissors)
- changed the default speed of creative screen smooth scrolling from 0.334 to 0.5 (slightly slower)
- Partially dropped support for versions older than 1.20.4. This means that some features may not work with these versions such as entry list smooth scrolling and such.
- Entry list can now detect if smooth scrolling wouldn't work and will disable it in that case to prevent the disability to scroll with the scroll wheel
- Fixed modmenu compatibility
- Fixed chat heads compatibility by not mixing into it anymore as it isn't needed
- Fixed command suggestions crashing when scrolling too fast and in a particular way