You're in Grave Danger 2.0.0
- Death Scroll item click functionality can now be overwritten with NBT
- Graves without any data is no longer stored
- Graves will detect when they are being moved, and notify the owner (for example if someone moves them with Carry On)
- Doors will no longer be halved if dying inside of them
config now works as intended- Dying above world height will now place a grave
- Fixed graves seemingly not generating when revive timer went to 0 (from the mod revive)
- Having onBreak claim config active won't allow players to destroy other's graves no more
- Stabilized compatibility when mods compatible with (but not dependent on) trinkets have their trinket integration active
You're in Grave Danger 2.0.0-beta.12
- Improved compatibility with Beans Backpacks, by dropping the backpack instead of the items inside it when it's supposed to be dropped
- Added compatibility with "Respawn Obelisks" mod
- When using drop percent for XP, XP returned is no longer rounded down to nearest level
- Game no longer crash if there's a grave in a dimension that is reset
- Random-spawn UUID is no longer treated as a string, but a UUID nbt object, meaning skulls should now render properly
- Graves can no longer generate where block entities are placed
- Dropped items will now remain in GUI
You're in Grave Danger 2.0.0-beta.11
- Fixed mod clearing player inventory when trying to claim a grave that had generated before removing a compatible inventory mod
- Fixed crash with Beans Backpacks
- No longer sending error message to player when claiming the grave by breaking it
- Default trinket drop rule will now actually be default
- Fixed adaptive grave renderer, so it renders the grave properly
- Fixed issues where grave robbing didn't work outside very specific conditions
- Numismatic overhaul coins should no longer be duplicated when dying
- Added config to consume death scroll on use
- Removed conditional registration of items, causing servers to be in control of weather the items are enabled or not, without having to change client configs
You're in Grave Danger 2.0.0-beta.9
- Added
/yigd whitelist list
command to list all whitelisted/blacklisted players - Improved precision of player position when dropping items that couldn't fit in player inventory after merge of grave and player inventory, when using commands
- Now adds items in inventory after inventory merge, if they can fit, instead of dropping them from the grave
- If a grave would happen to be destroyed due to a bug, the game will let that player know, and give directions to how to restore it (can be disabled through config)
- Added a new config option to drop all contents of a grave when it's destroyed (false by default, as this includes breaking graves in creative mode)
- Added translation for "the bumblezone" dimension in grave GUI
- Added compatibility with orpheus' "orpheus lyre"
- Columns of items added by mod inventories that are shown in the grave overview GUI, will now be rendered on the same row as the other columns
- Fixed curse of binding now being stuck when claiming a grave, (unless the cursed item is in the grave)
- Curse of binding trinkets will now be removed from its slot in a grave when dying, as well as stay in the player inventory when claiming a grave
- Curse of binding soulbounded will no longer be stuck in the same slot upon respawn
- Theoretically fixed duplication when standard drop rule was set to DROP (untested)
You're in Grave Danger 2.0.0-beta.8
- Added overlay messages when failing to claim/rob graves due to a few reasons
- Added new config options for XP drops. These are BEST_OF_BOTH and WORST_OF_BOTH, dropping the highest of VANILLA and PERCENTAGE, respectively the lowest of the two options.
- Modified layout in grave overview GUI, and added more buttons
- New GUI button (if grave keys are enabled, and button is allowed) to create a key to the grave
- New GUI button (if player has a recovery compass in inventory) to create a grave compass to the grave
- Grave compasses are now called "Grave Compass"
- Graves can now point to the closest grave, either owned by the player, or all graves. This is configurable in the config file
- Fixed compatibility issue with "utility belt". Items inside belt should no longer be deleted on death.
- Travelers backpack will no longer be deleted on death whenever trinket integration is enabled.
- Improved backup system. Now all items are backed up, no matter drop rules. Through the backup in game GUI you can now also restore items with specific drop rules
- Updated enchantment configs so that you can configure how the enchantments are accessed. Note that if you had soulbound disabled you'll need to disable it again in the config
- Added grave compass. Configurable in the config file
- Game will no longer crash when dying if Travelers backpack is installed
- Keep inventory will no longer duplicate items
You're in Grave Danger 2.0.0-beta.6
- Added back soulbound blacklist tag. Items in this tag can't be enchanted with soulbound
- Players can't retrieve their graves while dead anymore
- Restore command should now delete the grave appropriately
- Restore/rob command should no longer crash the game if being called twice
You're in Grave Danger 2.0.0-beta.3
- Added config to drop contents of deleted graves, when deleted due to the max grave count reached.
- Config now uses GSON instead of jankson (config file is now yigd.json instead of yigd.json5)
- Graves will no longer unlock when closing and reopening the game
- Added translation keys for enchantments
- Fixed error where game could not read config file, so you could not change the configs
You're in Grave Danger 2.0.0-beta.1
NOTE: This version is a rewrite of previous versions of the mod for minecraft 1.20 and above. It will not be backwards compatible with previous versions of the mod.
Also note this is a beta release, and may contain bugs. If you encounter such things, please report them on the mod's github.
Every feature has been reimplemented from scratch. If there's something from previous versions that didn't make the update, also let me know over on github. I (the mod dev) have tried to remember everything, but might've still missed some stuff
Notable features
- Changed the config file. Both in structure, but also format. Should hopefully be easier to traverse
- Although it's been in the mod previously, graves are optional. However, in this version, the mod has been developed with this more in mind than previously. This means that it is easier to use YiGD as a death handler mod, without graves, than it has previously been.
- Added new respawn configurations. You can now respawn with custom potion effects, you can configure respawn health, hunger, and more.
- Compatibility is now more configurable, where you can configure drop rules from different mod inventories, and also toggle the compatibility implementations from loading.
- Inventory NBT is no longer stored in the block entity itself. If you have previously had trouble with this overloading chunks with NBT data, it should now be fixed. All data is now stored in the backup file, which means if it's lost, the grave contents will be too.
- Added numismatic overhaul compat
- Destroyed unclaimed graves will now drop all its contents, or the grave containing the items, on the ground (or nothing, configurable)
- Re-added the graveyard compat
- Will no longer crash with uwrad when restoring a "travelers backpack" backpack
- Fixed item loss behaving incorrectly
- Fixed issue with moderate command
- Added numismatic overhaul compat
- Destroyed unclaimed graves will now drop all its contents on the ground
- Re-added the graveyard compat
- Will no longer crash with uwrad when restoring a "travelers backpack" backpack
- Fixed item loss behaving incorrectly
- Fixed issue with moderate command
- Destroyed unclaimed graves will now drop all its contents, or the grave containing the items, on the ground (or nothing, configurable)
- Added numismatic overhaul compat
- Will no longer crash with uwrad when restoring a "travelers backpack" backpack
- Fixed item loss behaving incorrectly
- Fixed issue with moderate command
- Destroyed unclaimed graves will now drop all its contents, or the grave containing the items, on the ground (or nothing, configurable)
- Added numismatic overhaul compat
- Will no longer crash with uwrad when restoring a "travelers backpack" backpack
- Fixed item loss behaving incorrectly
- Fixed issue with moderate command