- tweaked charcoal
- reworked cocoa beans into an unroasted cacao pod
- tweaked oak logs
- reworked carrots and golden carrots
- tweaked leather studs
- tweaked lead
- Finally moved the leather models to look like regular leather armor
- Tweaked Witch
- Added the non tropical fish model textures
- tweaked melon and beetroot seeds
- Tweaked tripwire model and texture
- Fishes (except tropical)
- Frogs
- Rest of the Music Discs
- Softened Glints
- Reworked Bundle
- Colored Bundles
- Two new banner patterns
- cleaned up spruce trapdoors
- tweaked purpur blocks/pillars
- tweaked chorus fruit and popped chorus fruit
- tweaked chorus plants
- tweaked endstone bricks
- straightened out the netherbricks
- saturated birch wood a little
- tweaked HUD selector
- reworked terracotta
- Goats
- Horses
- Fixed the weird emissive overlay shader workaround thing for spider eyes
- New Pigs
- Lightened stripped spruce logs
- Updated Lodestone to reflect new recipe, sorry creepy eye fans
- Pale Oak textures and models
- Leaf Litter
- Wildflowers
- Desaturated and added a belt to plains villager robes
- & Various other little tweaks that i forgot to write down
- Lowered Bricks saturation
- Darkened Inventory Slots and Lightly Colored Hotbar Numerals
- Tweaked Chest and Legging Armor Trim Overlay
- Shortened the Chest eye marking of Eye Trim
- Edited armor icons in alignment of trim textures (and in general)
- Drafted Item Trim Overlays
- Edited some armor model textures and reworked otherside
- Added x-ray prevention to top of jukebox model
- Darkened and desaturated the ominous potion
- Fixed hoglins missing a tusk
- Reworked Nether Portal Draft
- Tweaked Saplings
- Updated armor model filepaths but also added duplicates in the old spots to support backwards compatibility
- Fixed the enderman / enderdragon white body glitches
Many many tweaks and additions that I didn't keep track of, sorry. Includes a lot of the new tricky trials stuff but also many tweaks to pre-existing attempts and attempts at old stuff that I just hadn't done yet. Hope you enjoy!
- Still tweaking netherite tools
- Tweaked string
- Tweaked Bow and Crossbow string color
- Reworked Lead
- Tweaked Stone Tool palette
- Tweaked slimeball
- Tweaked String
- Tweaked Iron Ores Again
- Tweaked Scaffolding
- Fixed backwards ear on observer
- removed bush box from pickable berries model
- Tweaked Wandering Trader
- Spawner
- Trial Spawner
- Cleaned up Elytra model colors
- Cleaned up Blaze colors
- Cleaned up some animation.mcmeta errors - This isn't visible unless you're looking at the error console
- Changed Torchflower model
- Copper Bulbs
- Copper Doors
- Copper Trapdoors
- Chiseled Copper
- Copper Grates
- Polished Tuff
- Tuff Bricks
- Chiseled Tuff Bricks
- Tweaked Warped Roots
- Tweaked Nether Sprouts
- Tweaked Crimson Root
- Retinted Sand and Variants
- Retinted Sandstone family
- Tweaked GUI Bars
- Tweaked the Skull that wears the mob effects in the corner of the screen
- Tweaked Torch item and block textures
- Tweaked Various GUI elements
- Retinted Red Sandstone family
- Tweaked Iron Pick so it doesn't curve too much
- Nudged Iron Shovel into place
- Retinted Grindstone GUI colors
- Tweaked Grindstone Block
- tweaked Gravel
- Reworked Ingots
- Tweaked Iron Items
- Updated Tadpole and Snow buckets
- Tweaked White Dye
- Tweaked Gold Item Palette and Gold Block
- Added shoes to the iron boots
- Tweaked sticks of items w/sticks
- Tweaked Bows and Crossbows
- Added Parathetical clarifications for all renamed items
- tweaked diamond boots
- tweaked netherite tools and armor
- Updated flint and steel
- Tweaked Health, Freezing, Withering, Absorption Health, Hunger and Armor Icons
- Redesigned Experience Bar
- Turned the Ping animation and Ping Status icons into little chains
- Reworked Spyglass item
- Reworked Fishing Rod and Fishing Rod based items
- Tweaked String
- Tweaked Copper and Cut Copper Blocks
- Reworked Trident
- Tweaked Stone Tools
- Tinted Grass Block palette
- Updated Iron Door, Trap Door, Block and Bars
- Tinted Deepslate and Cobbled Deepslate palette
- Tinted Netherrack palette
- Tinted Deepslate and referenced blocks
- Fixed Deepslate Emerald Ore still being red
- Tweaked Dead Corals
- Tweaked Diamond Boots armor
- Tweaked dirt and all that references it
- Reworked Rooted Dirt
- Dragon Egg Model
- Increased contrast on vines
- Tweaked Azure Bluet
- All Command Blocks
- Crimson Fungus Model
- Crimson Fungus Item
- Stained Glass Pane Items
- Glass Pane Item
- Tweaked Glow Lichen
- Tweaked Pink, Yellow and Lime Beds
- Rest of Trim Palletes
- Tweaked Redstone and Quartz Trim Palletes
- Tweaked Non-Trim Netherite Pallete
- Sea Grass Icon
- Tweaked Sea Pickle Item
- Tweaked Base Wool Texture
- Reworked Dirt Path
- Reworked Stone Palette (and everything that references it)
- Removed the Iron Golem's Heart
- Reworked Minecart Items
- Reworked Minecart
- Tweaked Bone
- Tweaked Bone Meal
- Turned Rubies back into emeralds
- Tweaked Cobblestone pallete (and everything that references it)
- Tweaked Sugar Cane
- Kelp (Tip)
- Kelp Plant (Main Body)
- Sea Grass
- Tall Sea Grass
- Tripwire
- Tweaked Glass
- Brain Coral Block
- Bubble Coral Block
- Fire Coral Block
- Horn Coral Block
- Tube Coral Block
- Tweaked Resource Pack Selection GUI Elements
- Tweaked Server Selection GUI Elements
- Brain Coral
- Brain Coral Fan
- Bubble Coral
- Bubble Coral Fan
- Fire Coral
- Fire Coral Fan
- Horn Coral
- Horn Coral Fan
- Tube Coral
- Tube Coral Fan
- Updated Tripwire Hook
- Updated Lever
- Tweaked Wither Rose
- Tweaked Dark Oak Sapling
- Reworked Oak Saplings
- All Dead Coral Blocks, Corals and Fans
- Reworked Birch Sapling
- Colored Cement Powders
- Colored Cement
- Dried Kelp Block
- Stained Glass
- Stained Glass Panes
- Turtle Egg
- Scaffolding
- Sponge
- Wet Sponge
- Chorus Plant
- Chorus Plant Dead
- Chorus Flower
- Fixed potted Torchflower model
- Tweaked Brewing Stand GUI
- Tweaked All Torch Shafts
- Added caps to the Sugar Cane models
- Cleaned up Rail Models
- Purpur block
- Purple Pillar
- Tweaked Chorus Fruit
- Tweaked Popped Chorus Fruit
- Tweaked Potato
- Tweaked Baked Potato
- Tweaked End Portal Side
- Tweaked Shulker
- Tweaked Some Shulker Colors
- Reworked Deepslate Coal Ore
- Sea Pickle Block
- Sea Pickle Item
- Tweaked Farmer's Hat
- Pink Petals Item
- Disk Fragment
- Reworked Dark Oak Sapling
- Spawn Egg Base
- Reworked Tuff
- Fixed fence gate models flipping on the z axis when you open them
- Reworked Rooted Dirt
- Sugar Cane Model
- Sniffer Egg
- Cherry Petals
- Reworked Base Wool Texture
- Gave smoker unique progress idicators (WIP)
- Fixed smoker model and tweaked top texture
- Changed item frame wood to the worked worked palette
- Added sand variants
- Dirt variants, too
- Tweaked beetroot seeds
- Changed pack name and icon
- Some UV/Culling Fixes - if you find more please let me know!
- Prototyping extra fence models with Mangrove to fix UV issues
- Custom textures for Stone Brick Walls and Slabs
- Tweaked Glowstone
- Tweaked Chiseled Stone Bricks, Red Sand Stone, Sandstone,
- Polished Blackstone and Nether Bricks
- ^ Preserved the wayuu kanaa inspired designs as alts, planning on restoring them elsewhere
- Softened Stone Bricks family
- Updated Brewing Stand GUI
- Lilacs
- Peonies
- Twisting Vines
- Potted Azaleas
- Mangrove propagule block
- Pitcher Plant
- Tweaked Moss
- Tweaked Coal Ores
- Reworked Gold Ores
- Reworked Copper Ores
- Reworked Lapis Ores
- Reworked Iron Ores
- Reworked Diamond Ores
- Reworked Emerald(Ruby) Ores
- Reworked Daylight Sensor
- Tweaked Dead Bush
- Reworked Brown Mushroom item
- New base Planks texture, nether woods keep the old one
- New base Boat texture
- Boats with Chests
- Dried Kelp
- Tweaked oaked door
- Attempted a saturation gradient with Soul Sand variants and Soul - Soil
- Softened Cobblestone and Mossy Cobblestone
- Aligned some powders up/down
- First Draft of Beds
- Mooshrooms
- Knot
- Added a butcher knife to the butcher and made their headband bolder
- Prototyping Textures for wooden Slabs and Stairs
- Tweaked Cactus
- Tweaked Acacia Fence
- Cacao Growth Models
- Tweaked Leather Armor (Added rings, centered the studs)
- Dark Prismarine
- Tweaked Red Nether Bricks
- Cracked Nether Bricks
- All three Raw Minerals
- Tweaked Andesite
- Tweaked Beds
- Tweaked Diorite
- Reworked Polished Diorite
- Tweaked Granite
- Reworked Polished Granite
- Reworked Gold Ores
- Attempted to palettize my very inefficient prismarine texture
- Reworked Glowstone
- Carrot growth models
- Tweaked Dirt, Coarse Dirt
- Tweaked Acacia logs
- Tweaked Spruce logs
- Tweaked Bread/Arepa colors
- Tweaked Carrot
- Fixed Grass sides being stretched
- Palleteized Color maps
- Tweaked Grass colors
- Reworked Grass block tops
- Tweaked all Grass sides
- Particles: Critical Hit, Nautilus, Damage
- Tweaked Basalt
- Polished Basalt
- Reworked Birch wood (Whole family)
- Rearranged frames of lava animation
- Tweaked Rotten Flesh
- Tweaked Tulips
- Tweaked Aliums
- Tweaked last potato stage colors
- Tweaked Melons
- Tweaked torch flower seeds
- Tweaked heart particle
- Updated/Tweaked pistons
- Tweaked Furnaces, Smokers, Blast Furnaces, Observers
- Updated Minecart with Chest item
- Fixed Azalea using vanilla textures
- Tweaked Azalea colors
- Finished first draft villager profession outfits
- Tweaked Shepherd, Nitwit, Armorer, Weaponsmith, Fletcher
- Nudged job level bracelet position
- Enchanted Hit particle
- Updated Advancements GUI
- Fixed Chain ends being transparent
- Tweaked stat icons again
- Tweaked Iron Armor model
- Various small tweaks to Villagers
- Tweaked Mudbricks to be more cartoony
- Added custom textures for Mudbrick walls and Slabs
- Crimson Gate Texture
- Warped Gate Texture
- Weaponsmith
- Armorer
- Butcher
- Leather Worker
- FINALLY fixed cauldrons getting default chubby again after being filled with liquid even though that was very, very cute
- Fixed birch fence missing particles
- Tweaked Rose colors
- Tweaked Furnace, Smoker, Blast Furnace
- Tweaked Smoker
- Tweaked Torchflower colors
- Tweaked Dispenser/Dropper Menu
- Reworked Copper Family (WIP)
- Reworked Totem of Undying into Torch of the Undying
- Moved some menu names for visibility: Furnace, Smoker
- Fence gate models
- Torchflower Model and Item
- Fixed Fletching Table, Cartography Table and Loom not showing up isometric in menu
- Fixed z-fighting in leaves
- Fixed Bookcases having barrelm tops in menu
- Fixed Stripped Dark Oak having Spruce wood tone
- Updated Recipe Book GUI
- Updated Gamechanger GUI
- Updated Creative GUI
- Updated Stat Icons
- Updated Selection Arrows
- Updated Cartography Table
- Updated Main Menu GUI
- Tweaked Widgets GUI
- Tweaked Anvil GUI
- Fixed z-fighting on the inner part of some trapdoors
- Sunflower texture and model
- Sunflower item
- Reworked Dripstone block
- Tweaked Pointed Dripstone
- Tweaked spruce wood color (stripped, doors, boats, etc)
- Tweaked cherry wood color (stripped, doors, boats, etc)
- Tweaked mangrove fences
- Tweaked Jukebox
- Tweaked Noteblock
- Tweaked Cartography Table
- Tweaked ladders
- Tweaked Cartography table
- Tweaked Armor Stand
- Updated Handheld Inventory GUI in all menus
- Updated Inventory GUI
- Updated Crafting GUI
- Updated Container GUI
- Updated Loom GUI
- Updated Smithing GUI
- Tweaked spruce wood color (stripped, doors, boats, etc)
- Tweaked jungle wood color (stripped, doors, boats, etc)
- Tweaked cherry wood color (stripped, doors, boats, etc)
- Tweaked crimson hyphea color (stripped, doors, signs, etc) (unanimated the planks for now)
- Tweaked warped hyphea color (stripped, doors, signs, etc) (unanimated the planks for now)
- Cherry Boat
- Completed first draft of custom trap door models
- Trapdoor item icons for all types
- Added iron brace to spruce trapdoor
- Iron bar model
- Iron Door Model
- Tweaked/Updated all boat with chest items/Minecart with boat
- Tweaked Bookshelves
- Tweaked Chiseled Bookshelves
- Tweaked enchanting table
- Tweaked Barrel
- Tweaked Lectern
- Tweaked Endermen
- Custom models for all 9 wooden door types
- Custom Texture for all 9 wooden fences
- Tweaked torchflower seed
- Warped door item
- Porkchop! Cooked, too!
- Tweaked Torch item
- Tweaked smithing table
- Reworked Diamond Block
- Tweaked Stripped Acacia Log
- Tweaked Stripped Mangrove Log
- Made Composter Model
- Fixed torch bottoms being transparent
- Weeping Vines
- Experimented with custom fence textures: Mangrove, Acacia
- Experimented with door models: Acacia
- Changed Item frame wood to dark oak
- Reworked Spruce wood color (planks, door, trap door, etc)