kick bug fix where Annihilation remove the forceload 0 0 if it was already loaded before, got reverted
changelog (beta 1.8)
- gave the new sun a new look
- structure will only generate if the gamerule
is set to true - heavily nerfed the loot
- all Annihilation melee attack has a 75% chance to be played (that mean some other attack can has a small chance to be played even if you hare in the melee range of Annihilation)
- re-textured a bit Annihilation (still not as good as the original one but it's a bit better)
- Annihilation summoned at the portal will have resistance 3 for 5 sec
- optimized resource pack file (2 texture where duplicated)
new sun instakill
is now off by default- increase
blossoming chaos
ability cooldown blossoming chaos
spawn magma_hulk ; bighorn_devil ; mayhem_imp where the infernal subjugate spawn- magma_hulk ; bighorn_devil ; mayhem_imp has been nerfed a bit
- increase infernal_subjugate Health
- increase
long damage cleasing_inferno
projectiles hare less spread outstoke_the_blaze
will clear target fire resistance- increase
new sun
ability cooldown cauterize_them_all
can be play even if the boss Health is inferior than 60% (previously 40%)blossoming chaos
chance to be play if the boss health is less than 30% has been decreassed
bug fix
- fix infernal_subjugate not having the correct health
- fix
not propely playing if the target was close
- gave the new sun a new look
- structure will only generate if the gamerule
is set to true - heavily nerfed the loot
- all Annihilation melee attack has a 75% chance to be played (that mean some other attack can has a small chance to be played even if you hare in the melee range of Annihilation)
- re-textured a bit Annihilation (still not as good as the original one but it's a bit better)
- Annihilation summoned at the portal will have resistance 3 for 5 sec
- optimized resource pack file (2 texture where duplicated)
new sun instakill
is now off by default- increase
blossoming chaos
ability cooldown blossoming chaos
spawn magma_hulk ; bighorn_devil ; mayhem_imp where the infernal subjugate spawn- magma_hulk ; bighorn_devil ; mayhem_imp has been nerfed a bit
- increase infernal_subjugate Health
- increase
long damage cleasing_inferno
projectiles hare less spread outstoke_the_blaze
will clear target fire resistance- increase
new sun
ability cooldown cauterize_them_all
can be play even if the boss Health is inferior than 60% (previously 40%)blossoming chaos
chance to be play if the boss health is less than 30% has been decreassed
bug fix
- fix infernal_subjugate not having the correct health
- fix
not propely playing if the target was close
- give the tag
to every entity summoned by Annihilation (NOTE: a lot of bug might appear) - reposition cauterize them all meteor
- blossoming chaos has an higer chance to be play if the boss health is less than 30%
- cauterize mess can be played even if the target is close to Annihilation
bug fixes
- major bug fix: fix bug Annihilation ticking mutiple time if there mutiple player (might cost some performance)
- fix Annihilation health not scaling with difficulty
- fix new sun hitbox not being compatible with other mod/datapack
- fix Annihilation chest loot not being affected to the gamerule
- Added compatibility with
- Added compatibility with
- Added compatibility with
- Arrow on the ground shot by mobs will be /kill to prevent lag
- Added new config
only trophy
, toggleling this off make Annihilation only drop the trophy (if the gamerulemobLoot
is set to true) - Added new damage types + cutom death message that are base from the wiki
- cleasing inferno arrows have a shorter lifespan
- cauterize mess has 5% less chance to be chosen when Annihilation attack
- exhort ability can be played even if the ability cooldown is less than 1s
- apocalpytic sigil now glow
- Annihilation break block before being summoned
- change config design (again)
- removed the .ajmeta files
bug fixes
- major bug fix: Annihilation no longer remove the forceload 0 0 if it was already loaded before, making the datapack more compatible with other datapacks
- fix bug new sun damaging twice the target if
new sun grief
was on - fix bug
new sun grief
not scaling with difficulty - fix bug new sun trying to damage player in creative/Spectator if
new sun instakill
was off
scoreboard version is set from 2
to 3
(your config will be reset)
- Added
set new sun grief
to the config - new sun will damage every mob if
set new sun grief
is set to on in the config - Added Annihilation health to the boss bar (it's more accurate to the actual one on the Wynncraft server)
- added compabilty with
mob captain
, Annihilation can no longer be a captain
- summoned Annihilation from
function annihilation:admin/_/summon
no longer play the music - removed
set infernal subjugate grief
from the config - infernal subjugate grief is now linked to the gamerule
- Annihilation anti-suffocation spawn is linked to the gamerule
- change how the hitbox renderer is executed
- change Annihilation boss bar color
- optimized boss summoner
- decreased apocalpytic sigil damage area (-0.5 block radius)
- nerfed buring irsie Health
- nerfed cleasing inferno Arrow damage
- redo cleasing inferno short;bridge;long range
- decreased eye of war ability chances
- slightly decresse caustic phlegm armor and damage
- decreased caustic phlegm ability chances
- slightly decresse meteor damage
- fix tiny delay when the music start playing when summoning Annihilation
- fix bug where Annihilation would steal the head of another Annihilation dying
- fix bug where the boss bar would be removed if 1 Annihilation is killed even if there other one
- fix bug where every new sun and apocalpytic sigil would be killed if 1 Annihilation is killed
- fix bug where the target would be reset if 1 Annihilation is killed even if there other one
- fix cleasing inferno arrow having innacurate damage
- fix Annihilation despawning not stopping sound
scoreboard version is set from 1
to 2
(your config will be reset)
- removed unused animations
- buff apocalpytic sigil damage
- redo the boss summoner interaction hitbox
- change config buttons layout
- exhort hunger effect will last longer
- Added a particle to the target when exhort is activated
- reloading/joining the world now re-play the music
- [ressource pack] set "stream" to true in sound.json
bug fixes
- fix rare bug where apocalpytic sigil would get stuck into a broken state
- fix illegal teleportation (THIS IS NOT AN 100% FIX, YOU CAN TP Annihilation BUT THIS MAY CAUSE UNWANTED RESULT)
- fix summoning Annihilation with function
not killing the boss summoner - fix failing Annihilation not reseting the music loop and stopping the music
- fix bug where players get advancement for killing Annihilation if the killing blow was caused by a mob
- fix exhort radius
- Added auto update (update the datapack scoreboards (this will reset the config) and structure if needed, when you update the datapack)
- you can now fail Annihilation (if there no player left at the arena (105 blocks radius) annihilation will despawn)
- gamerule
affect annihilation loot
- summoning the boss now require 2
- change color of the
corrupted trophy
- remove barrier block from the structure
- changed the welcome message
- when annihilation has been defeated every player from a 64 blocks radius will get the advancement
- increase new sun damage radius (90 -> 150)
- new sun health now scale with difficulty
- boss loot chest now break block before being place
- slightly changed the number of items in vanilla loot
- annihilation will randomly rotate his body toward target when spawn outside of his structure
- music will now be played as
Jukebox/Note Blocks
instead ofBlocks
- apocalipytic sigil now play a sound when changing phases (follow to attack)
- reduce player counting radius from 80 blocks to 64 blocks
bug fixes
- fix reseting structure not reseting annihilation summoning items progression
- fix annihilation not changing non-player target
- fixed new_sun damaging player that are too far away from the boss
- added advancement after killing annihilation, (advancement name:
loot changes
remove nether bridge chest from the boss loot
changed the amount of chest that you get from the loot (you should get less chest with a lower difficulty and better chest should appear more often)
Added gold block to the vanilla loot chest
annihilation changes
nerfed annihilation on higher difficulties modded health : 8000 -> 2500 heavy_modded health : 250000 -> 8000 some damage got nerfed aswell
slightly change annihilation mele attacks area
nerfed infernal subjugate heal on higher difficulties
reduced magma Hulk attack knockback
changed some parameters on annihilation_team
changed how annihilation summons are assigned to the team (annhilation no loger make every entity that is immune to him assigned to the team)
new sun ability
new_sun hitbox now have a name, so that mod that show entity now show "new sun" instead of "magame cube"
new sun now take 15s to reach it's full size
bug fixes
fixed annihilation sigil buff indication still showing during some animation
changed mod icon again (it got reverted to the old one)
fixed new sun not damaging player(s)/target that are far away (the explosion can damage player(s)/target in a 90 blocks radius)
infernal subjugate no longer teleport
removed no_knockback damage type from the datapack since it was added in 1.20.2
added new gamerule: new sun instakill toggling this off, will make new sun deal 80 damage (in vanilla difficulty as explosion) to the target and any player
music will now loop if there are any annihilation left
fixed annihilation not targeting properly
fixed Apocalpytic Sigil not following player
changed the welcome message (the one that show up when first loading the datapack)
changed pack.png in the datapack
remove tellraw that said that the datapack as been re-loaded
remove the background gui in the texturepack