Another patch fixing more bugs
- Fixed broken pale trapdoor models in certain orientations
- Fixed broken pale moss carpet model
- Fixed snow golem head using scary pumpkin face instead of regular, still not pixel consistent in 1.21.4, not sure what's causing it
- Fixed stone and polished blackstone buttons not using their items
- Fixed shield item model
- Removed duplicate pale button models
Colormap hotfix for 1.21.4:
- Fixed colormaps of most biomes using wrong colors
- Tweaked pale garden grass color to be less dark
Update is out at last!
So I said I'd cut back on the update size but this one ended up much larger than initially intended. I will be cutting back on the scale from here on though. It is a lot to manage these larger updates and I think that has been decreasing my motivation so I think cutting back the scope will be better. The only plans I have for the next update are updating dirt and adding chicken variants. So 2.13 has those features guaranteed and anything else is a bonus.
I also decided to start naming the updates so this can be referred to as either 2.12 or Lurking Vibrancy. After the bedrock version's release, I will be shifting focus to updating my tweak packs and uploading new packs for a while before starting the new smaller updates. 2 of the packs will be revivals of old ones now titled: Blazing Breeze and StormHUD. (I did tease a video for Blazing Breeze months ago but it got scrapped for being too long.)
I am also planning on cutting OptiFine support from the main pack in 2.13. Most people use fabric mods nowadays so I think I'll be moving OptiFine specific things into an addon pack. Making Fabric mods such as ETF and EMF the default removes some reliance on having respackopts but I still recommend you getting it so you can customize your experience. If you do use OptiFine and encounter issues in 1.20.2+ then please report the bug to my github repository or my discord server so I can be made aware of the issue.
TL;DR: Update sizes will be smaller in the future, updates are named now, working on some other packs and optifine will be cut from the main pack but may come as an addon
This update was made in collaboration with TEAM UNNAMED, they helped with a lot of stuff in this update.
Report any bugs if you encounter any! You can create an issue on github or make a post to #suggestions-bugs in my discord server.
Some features require Fabric mods, OptiFine can alternatively be used for some of the features. See description for full list of mods you should use.
- Added camouflage creepers. The texture a creeper has is dependant on where they spawn in or are upon world load or pack reload. This is usually based on biome but some are based on y-level
- Charged creepers have unique textures with lit up faces and a bluish tint
- Added all wood features to pale oak
- Gave biomes new colors: savannas are golden, frozen biomes are more gray, swamps, dark forests and badlands are lighter, nether uses new badlands colors, others slightly changed
- Added new diagonal lantern items
- Trident entities now look like their item counterpart (Original model by Stridey, updated and tweaked by Bruhnanza)
- Dark oak leaves and logs now match pale
- Made dark oak leaves darker
- Added rotation variants to pale moss
- Debug stick given custom wrench-like texture
- Creaking heart now has beating animation
- Added cobblestone variants
- Added brick variants
- Tweaked pale oak palette
- Tweaked azalea leaves palette
- Tweaked resin palette to make some colors more distinct
- Added new painting items, reduced file size of prior additions
- Added resin wall texture and model for post
- Made rib trim slightly lighter
- Mace in inventory is now 2D, binoculars on the ground are now 3D
- Tweaked apple and golden apple, added a leaf
- Changed position of head when held in first person so you can see the face
- Tweaked ink sac colors
- Made path blocks less yellow
- Improved holding position in third person for: leads, carrots, name tags
- Changed dust particles on: floating sand and gravel, redstone
- Made brown bundle use the actual dye color
- Tweaked string color on dyed bundles
- Added emf/etf settings button to GUI
- Tweaked chicken palette, body now slants forward slightly
- Updated pig texture with one from snapshot, palettte tweaked
- Tweaked shading and palette of creeper texture. has new model giving slight shading differences between front and back legs
- Retextured ghast, mainly on the front, sides and tentacles
- Updated designs of bat and enderman spawn eggs to reflect their current designs
- Tweaked spawn eggs for: cod, salmon, cat, ocelot, mule, donkey, hoglin, zoglin, llama, bee, creeper, allay, vex, turtle, tropical fish, phantom, horse, any clothed eggs without hoods, shulker, stray, silverfish, endermite, strider, panda
- Remade lightning rod item
- Some block models now have emissives without requiring mods. this only applies to non-full blocks due to the way it works in vanilla
- Tweaked beacon to be more blue
- Changed heads in inventory back to 3D
- Added more contrast to dark hud
- Tweaked dragon egg model to be slightly smaller towards the top
- Updated acacia sapling
- Tweaked palette of spawners, trial spawners and vaults
- Tweaked enchanted golden apple particles to be more purple
- Tweaked phantom palette
- Tweaked chestnut and creamy horse palette
- Tweaked boat items
- Tweaked crafting table textures
- Tweaked netherbricks
- Tweaked ancient debris top
- Tweaked clock's day sky for better visibility
- Tweaked zombie and husk
- Tweaked crimson roots
- Tweaked potted torchflower
- Made lit redstone ore slightly brighter
- Tweaked kelp
- Tweaked brown wool
- Tweaked redstone dust color
- Tweaked effect icons: glowing, instant health, instant damage
- Tweaked waxed icon on copper doors and trapdoors
- Removed creeper, guardian beam and riptide emissive textures (redundant and caused issue with charged creepers)
- Removed brain coral block textures
- Removed chiseled sandstone textures
- Updated colors and fixed shading inconsistencies of pack icon
- Removed unnecessary gui files
- Removed recipe book mark in inventory textures
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed broken entities in 1.21.2 - 1.21.4: rabbits, arrows, beds, magma cubes, player heads
- Fixed item models not working in 1.21.4
- Fixed z-fighting of bottom of player head when wearing skulls
- Fixed z-fighting of back of skulls placed on walls
- Fixed slot icons not appearing in guis
- Fixed striped wolves noses being off center
- Fixed z-fighting on mace stick when enchanted
- Fixed shadows under player and horse in inventories not aligning properly in dark mode
- Fixed spruce chest boat item and spruce boat item using different palettes
- Fixed copper door sides being mismatched
- Fixed tall brick walls not connecting fully
- Fixed nether and red nether brick wall posts not using textures like brick walls
- Fixed painting items not working
- Fixed short grass not using it's texture
- Fixed polytone resource load fail issues
- Fixed crafter palette being outdated, tweaked shading
- Fixed suspicious gravel not matching stormilla gravel tweak
- Fixed an old bundle texture being used and added new assets
- Fixed 2D mace respackopts option not working
- Fixed a 3D activator rail not changing with respackopts
- Fixed left hand items not mirroring right hand
- Fixed bogged mushrooms not matching mushrooms on ground
- Fixed shading not being turned off on torches of 4 tick repeater off model
- Fixed miscolored pixels on lantern block
- Fixed diamond texture on realms/mods button being outdated
- Fixed language icon on button on main menu not having a dropshadow
- Fixed some toast textures
Another quick fix:
- Fixed missing texture on side of 1 of the jungle door models
- Fixed bad omen effect using raid omen icon
Finally updated to 1.21!
I'm gonna cut the update size down so it should result in more frequent updates. Next update is going to include: biome colors and creeper, cobblestone and brick variants. There will be some more additions but those are the big things planned.
From here on I will only be supporting 1.20.2+. Support for older versions may come in the future when I feel the pack is more complete.
For respackopts options, sometimes it is not reliable at turning all the features on or off and you may need to press F3 + T to get it to work, there are some addons if that fails and I can help tell you what files to remove if you want to remove anything not covered by addons, just hop into my discord server and go to #help.
Report any bugs if you encounter any! You can create an issue on github or make a post to #suggestions-bugs in my discord server.
Some features require Fabric/Quilt mods, OptiFine can alternatively be used for some of the features. See description for full list of mods you should use.
- New blaze design, inspired by the breeze (tweaks to face by TEAM UNNAMED)
- Retextured breeze rod to look like blaze rod
- Made the mace 3D
- Added breeze and bogged spawn eggs
- Lava and powder snow cauldron now have a color tint like the bucket items do
- Reshaded copper door, trapdoor, chiseled copper
- Retextured copper bulbs
- Added stormilla copper palette to new variant blocks
- Added better tuff brick wall textures
- Added better polished tuff wall, stairs and slabs textures
- Changed majority of blocks that use generic stone, wood or grass sounds to use different sounds. Notable additions: mushrooms make fungus sounds instead of wood sounds, all bricks make brick sounds, foliage uses much nicer plant sounds (Polytone exclusive feature)
- Brick, nether brick and red nether brick wall posts given unique textures, top of walls improved
- Changed redstone lamp off texture
- Map colors of grass and foliage changed to be more like the block colors
- Map colors changed to a different map color: tuff is gray instead of near black, deepslate is dark gray instead of really light, dripstone is dirt colored instead of near black (Polytone exclusive feature)
- Added crafter GUI
- Added fabric gui arrows (added by Bruhnanza)
- Chest minecarts are now disabled when turning EMF Fixes on in respackopts options
- Added Continuity Fixes to respackopts options
- Added Emissives to respackopts options
- Added Resource Pack Compatibility to respackopts options, this is for turning off features that may conflict with other packs. This mainly affects the pack's custom item sprites
- Added respackopts option for dragon egg with shaders
- Blaze powder retextured
- Added flames onto torches and soul torches (added by MR_CHOO)
- Updated blaze rod and spawn egg
- Backported redstone torch from 1.21.2+, bracket removed (torch model backported by MR_CHOO)
- Backported new banner pattern items with uniquely colored symbols
- Tweaked copper block
- Retextured lime, purple, magenta, pink and gray dyes
- Added waxed icons to new copper variant items
- Updated pale wolf legs to match other new wolves
- Recolored portions of discs
- Changed brewing gui, empty outlines moved to outside of slots instead of inside them, this is because the outline was visible with splash or lingering potions in the slots
- Edited paintings: cotan, baroque and fern to match Stormilla assets
- Changed borders of all the new paintings to use spruce colors
- Simplified anvil's base and changed some UVs
- Tweaked bottom of hanging propagule
- Readded custom yellow sheep color
- Removed optifine custom dimension loading screens
- Comparator models optimized
- Changed chicken tail implementation
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed z-fighting and culling issues of inside of vaults, trial spawners and spawners when next to other blocks
- Fixed minecart chest's latch (again)
- Fixed large brick walls having side portion of model appear under post
- Fixed froglight items not being emissive
- Fixed bottom of age 1 hanging propagule
- Fixed spruce trapdoor disabling a model when it shouldn't when 3D doors are off in respackopts
- Fixed water cauldron having too many particles
- Fixed shield being slightly higher in right hand
- Fixed stained glass pane tops using 1.12's texture shading
- Fixed miscolored pixel on glass pane
tiny fixes
- fixed cem default wolves missing an ear
- fixed gamemode switcher not using dark textures when respackopts dark is on
- changed respackopts dark mode implementation (makes file size slightly smaller)
Some small fixes
- fixed hud not using stormilla textures when using dark mode via respackopts
- fixed gamemode switcher not using dark textures when respackopts dark is on
- fixed fishing hook not being updated with other iron stuff
- fixed 2D corner rail using old iron palette
- fixed miscolored pixels on double chest texture
- ghast shooting face tweaked to look angrier
- changed respackopts dark mode implementation (makes file size slightly smaller)
Small release to fix some issues
- fixed wolves not working properly in 1.20.5+
- fixed fishing hook not being updated with other iron stuff
- fixed 2D corner rail using old iron palette
- fixed miscolored pixels on double chest texture
- ghast shooting face tweaked to look angrier
Been a while! As stated in the previous major update log, I have no set schedule for releases anymore and am taking the time I want and need. I have been doing some other things which may be apparent with the new update image, looks very nice now because I just decided to start trying blender recently.
The pack is also coming with some extra features, first off there are less files this time because I finally looked at how overlays work. Now 1 version can be more compatible with other versions of minecraft. 1.20.1 still has it's own download because overlays were introduced in 1.20.2 and this will probably be the last major update that supports 1.20.1 since 1.21 is coming soon. 1.20.2 and onward should continue to be supported.
The pack also now uses the respackopts mod to add some options to it! There will be more options added later but for now there are some mod compatability fixes (notably 1 for EMF that disables conflicting models) and other options like toggling 3D features and turning on dark mode. Yes, if you're using this mod, you no longer need to download the separate dark mode pack.
Some features require OptiFine or Fabric/Quilt equivalent mods.
- Buckets reshaded, no longer has outline color for the rim part, lava buckets have a redish tone and powdered snow buckets have a blueish tone
- Bowls retextured, no longer has outline color for the rim part
- Endermen now have a completely new texture with more shape to their body and a purple hue
- Rabbits made pixel consistent and given slight redesign with longer head, lots of their palettes have changed, splotched and toast rabbit have slight pattern changes, Toast to be more accurate to the real rabbit
- Cave spider has been made pixel consistent, body slightly raised and more 3D fangs
- Arrows now look like their items
- Changed end portal frame to be made of obsidian and have a new top texture. sides light up when an eye is inserted
- Melons given completely new textures with variations in colors and textures
- Conduit made pixel consistent, eye textures retextured
- Horse armor items given borders, shape changed, more tweaks
- Moss carpet item now looks like the wool carpet items
- Armadillo spawn egg given unique texture like all the other eggs
- Wolf armor item given border and tweaked in shape and shading
- String item given border and tweaked slightly
- Backported new vanilla wolf collars to 1.20-1.20.4, replacing Stormilla's collars
- Cat collars now match wolf collars
- Added shield model that removes the black void on shield handle
- Elytra and bells are now held from the top part in third person
- Anvil breaking sound tweaked to be just the smashing sound instead of having the 2 hammer slams before it (because the anvil disappears before the sound even starts playing so the 2 hammer slams don't make much sense)
- Nether portal is now brighter
- Slightly tinted grass blocks and other foliage to have yellower light colors and bluer dark colors
- Minecarts are a bit quieter
- Pack now has options when using the respackopts mod, currently you can turn off all 3D features, turn on dark mode, turn off the redstone block emissive, turn off the pumpkin overlay and turn on a couple mod compatibility fixes, notably 1 for EMF
- Pack now utilizes overlays, making accomodations for whatever version you're playing starting in 1.20.2
- Sun and moon are now square again, palettes tweaked on glows and moon, moon reshaded, fixed moon being slightly larger than sun
- Pale wolves in 1.20.5+ have been reverted to their vanilla texture, variants with optifine are still present and are now variants of the new vanilla variants
- Bed items now look more like the block itself
- Lever base given new texture
- Spider now has it's body raised up slightly and more 3D fangs
- Options background on versions prior to 1.20.5 is now deepslate (mainly for easier compat with darkmode using respackopts, it's being removed after 1.20.5 anyway)
- Barrier and structure void made rounder, palettes and shading tweaked
- Made potted propagule taller to match plant on the ground
- Tweaked flower pot item
- Iron palette is now slightly bluer
- Tweaked potted dead bush
- Remade icon for dark cracked brick block items
- Tweaked palettes of beds
- Changed ominous horn subtitle from purple to dark red
- Reverted enchanting and lectern books to models and textures from v2.8
- Fixed sheep wool color not matching (OptiFine)
- Minecart and iron golem now have better matching palettes to the rest of iron stuff
- Potted torchflower now actually uses it's potted texture
- Fixed z-fighting issues with armor models (EMF exclusive)
- Fixed frog and parrot feet z-fighting (from a distance while using shader mods)
- Fixed a bunch of inconsistencies and issues with command block textures
- Colormap removed for bedrock as it's not working correctly
Made an error while fixing pumpkin items last week, breaking pumpkins in the process. Whoops
- Fixed original carved pumpkin and jack o lantern faces having no texture
- Fixed carved pumpkin and jack o lantern particles missing textures
Just some fixes with 1 addition
- Backported spawner having inner faces
- Fixed wolf texture being broken with optifine
- Fixed bookshelf item not using new top texture
- Fixed pumpkin and jack o lantern items not using bottom texture
- Improved z-fighting fix for rails and item frames
- Fixed misplaced pixel on chainmail leggings
- Fixed a few errors in contributions list
This update took a while to come out, I simply just didn't work on pack making as much over the last few months. Used to have a set schedule of new updates every 3 months max but I'm forgoing that now. Updates will now just come out if I have one ready.
Some features require OptiFine or Fabric/Quilt equivalent mods.
- Sheep remodeled with snout and ears, pixel consistent wool, fully retextured with a tail, sheared sheep still have thin coat instead of being patchy
- 60+ pumpkin face variants, lots of different moods and references
- All seeds given new bordered textures
- Added better items for double tall plants
- Added new items for carpets
- Vine model extends slightly out of block so it doesn't have a hard cut at block edge
- Chain model extends slightly out of block so it won't cut off at parts of the chain
- Entity fire now gets circular at the bottom of texture to look better, block fire remains the same
- Tripwire hook's wood bits given unique texture
- Added double (red) sandstone slab block
- Made swords, pickaxes and shovel's shading make sense when held in 3rd person
- Shears are now held better in third person
- Vines are held from the top in third person (and have a custom item)
- Banner item is now centered in item frames
- Added cracked icon for dark cracked blocks (netherbricks, polished blackstone bricks and deepslate tiles)
- Added cit elytra "Storm Wings" (will be adding a few more later)
- Custom color removed for yellow sheep due to lack of custom color mod in modern versions
- Bookshelf top and bottom now has unique texture
- Gave hopper bottom texture, side hopper texture now looks much better
- Cow heads made slightly wider, hind legs are shorter and fully under body now
- Made wolf snout slightly wider to remove half pixels to sides of snout
- End sky is now solid purple
- Changed shading of bamboo fences, fence gates, doors and trapdoors, sign post changed to green bamboo
- Edited top of crimson, warped and jungle door's front/back texture
- Warped trapdoor's model changed to match detail level of bamboo, cherry and jungle trapdoors
- Tweaked bedrock to fix very minor grid-like tiling issues
- Made composter side tile better vertically
- Added more hue shifting to yellow candles
- Tweaked most wool palettes
- Elder guardian pupil changed to blue to make easier to see
- Tweaked chainmail leggings shading
- Removed top bit on pant legs for all leggings to make more sense
- Changed block icon item models (waxed copper, infested stone) to cut down on textures used
- Centered beef and spider eyes
- Spider eye tweaked
- Removed bat due to new vanilla bat
- Fixed cow ears and horns being unaligned with each other
- Fixed villager hat brim being in wrong place
- Tweaked textures of enchanted and lectern books and fixed z-fighting issues with cem models
- Fixed end crystal bedrock base being outdated, top and bottom has bedrock in a ring around the central bedrock
- Fixed zombie nitwit sleeves being straight
- Fixed bottom of cat feet being miscolored
- Fixed bottom of beacon never rendering
- Fixed chest minecart being slightly too far forward showing extra latch on back
- Fixed bamboo raft z-fighting when pushed into a slab
- Fixed rails and item frames z-fighting when on same block
- Fixed tripwire hook rendering issue with continuity mod
- Fixed cow's legs not pivoting from the correct spot
- Light blue dye posterized
- Fixed stray pixel in effect icon background
This update took a while to come out, I simply just didn't work on pack making as much over the last few months. Used to have a set schedule of new updates every 3 months max but I'm forgoing that now. Updates will now just come out if I have one ready.
Some features require OptiFine or Fabric/Quilt equivalent mods.
- Sheep remodeled with snout and ears, pixel consistent wool, fully retextured with a tail, sheared sheep still have thin coat instead of being patchy
- 60+ pumpkin face variants, lots of different moods and references
- All seeds given new bordered textures
- Added better items for double tall plants
- Added new items for carpets
- Vine model extends slightly out of block so it doesn't have a hard cut at block edge
- Chain model extends slightly out of block so it won't cut off at parts of the chain
- Entity fire now gets circular at the bottom of texture to look better, block fire remains the same
- Tripwire hook's wood bits given unique texture
- Added double (red) sandstone slab block
- Made swords, pickaxes and shovel's shading make sense when held in 3rd person
- Shears are now held better in third person
- Vines are held from the top in third person (and have a custom item)
- Banner item is now centered in item frames
- Added cracked icon for dark cracked blocks (netherbricks, polished blackstone bricks and deepslate tiles)
- Added cit elytra "Storm Wings" (will be adding a few more later)
- Custom color removed for yellow sheep due to lack of custom color mod in modern versions
- Bookshelf top and bottom now has unique texture
- Gave hopper bottom texture, side hopper texture now looks much better
- Cow heads made slightly wider, hind legs are shorter and fully under body now
- Made wolf snout slightly wider to remove half pixels to sides of snout
- End sky is now solid purple
- Changed shading of bamboo fences, fence gates, doors and trapdoors, sign post changed to green bamboo
- Edited top of crimson, warped and jungle door's front/back texture
- Warped trapdoor's model changed to match detail level of bamboo, cherry and jungle trapdoors
- Tweaked bedrock to fix very minor grid-like tiling issues
- Made composter side tile better vertically
- Added more hue shifting to yellow candles
- Tweaked most wool palettes
- Elder guardian pupil changed to blue to make easier to see
- Tweaked chainmail leggings shading
- Removed top bit on pant legs for all leggings to make more sense
- Changed block icon item models (waxed copper, infested stone) to cut down on textures used
- Centered beef and spider eyes
- Spider eye tweaked
- Fixed cow ears and horns being unaligned with each other
- Fixed villager hat brim being in wrong place
- Tweaked textures of enchanted and lectern books and fixed z-fighting issues with cem models
- Fixed end crystal bedrock base being outdated, top and bottom has bedrock in a ring around the central bedrock
- Fixed zombie nitwit sleeves being straight
- Fixed bottom of cat feet being miscolored
- Fixed bottom of beacon never rendering
- Fixed chest minecart being slightly too far forward showing extra latch on back
- Fixed bamboo raft z-fighting when pushed into a slab
- Fixed rails and item frames z-fighting when on same block
- Fixed tripwire hook rendering issue with continuity mod
- Fixed cow's legs not pivoting from the correct spot
- Light blue dye posterized
- Fixed stray pixel in effect icon background